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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. To the Northeast, the spoils'

    Economic Review

    Thai manufacturers such as CP All Plc, Thai Beverage Plc and Siam Cement,plus foreign firms with Thai plants such as Panasonic Corp, Kraft Foods Group Inc and Fraser and Neave Ltd are gravitating towards the Northeast." If you look at all corporations- every single large-cap out there-they don't talk about Bangkok anymore. They talk about provincials," said Patrick Chang, head of Asean equity for BNP Paribas Investment Partners." The sexy stuff is the provincial urbanisation and the way it impacts consumption"

    Well from the above it indicates that the Bangkok Elite are scared really scared of losing their grip in Thailand.

    The floods have shown how vulnerable Bangkok is as a Capital City, talk was floated around forgive the pun of Korat or Khon Kaen being the next Capital.

    So the Reds have a point but for a different reason not just the stronghold connection

    Independence is a fairly difficult road to plan out but a civilised referendum is out of the box for the moment due to the moody guards.

    Tough times ahead with the really big question on every one's mind where is the true allegiance going to lie in the coming years

    Some very sound points there,Gerry, maybe if a few of the more idiotic and vile would-be-hi-so Bangkok posters were to open their eyes and look beyond the shallow tinsel of Bkk they would be less inclined to sneer at the citizens of the new North Thailand. I believe it would be hard to find a more corrupt civil administration of any city in Thailand than the BMA.

    Do look at that map of the 2011 election result. N.Thailand would encompass the entire North and East of Thailand, right down to the industrial seaboard. Nothing landlocked at all about that, quite the opposite in fact, Bangkok will be isolated in its little enclave of slowly subsiding squalor, and do you think you'll ever going to be able to get away with flooding N, Thailand for months just to save your shopping malls and the laughable CBD.

    No, the future would be pretty grim for the poor sods in S. Thailand. Ruled by the glorious amart, denied the basics of democracy by petty warlord famillies such as Sutheps clan, with an endless civil war rumbling away in the Deep South!

    Sadly, some day soon the inevitable will happen, and I believe it will dim the fervour with which the rest of the population now bow down to Bangkok. The elite know this too, and they know they have a very short time left to destroy PTP if they are to ever to regain their iron grip on this fair country.

    The elite the amarts pppfff, anyhow. Only cities that have a port nearby have the potential to be successful. Especially in export oriented Thailand.

    Producing goods in Chiangmai and send them by train/truck to the ports in either Sattahip, LCB or Bangkok. Yeaah that will work. Keep on dreaming. Fact is that most tax is paid by companies and people in Democrat strongholds.

    • Like 2
  2. Some red shirts are getting a bit emotional. I don't think they represent most red shirts nationwide.

    Some are getting a bit emotional?? Good one.

    Well, compared to Suthep's protesters over the last 3 months I think most red shirts have been positively stoic, wouldn't you agree?

    Just waiting for orders (and over due money for their rice) I guess. If the police would do it's job, maybe a certain protest leaders' dead would be linked with a few from Samut Prakarn.

  3. " The Post quoted Supon, a former policeman as saying "The majority of redshirts really like the idea of a separate state. If they stage a coup, we can live without Bangkok."

    Yeah right. Then you will end up like other land locked metropolis' such as Loas, Afghanistan, South Sudan etc etc wink.png

    Are you sure? According to the last election results, it seems to me that Bangkok would be the almost land locked metropolis in such a scenario. Even the entire North East of Bangkok is red:


    From your OWN image: Bangkok results: Democrats 23, Pheu Thai 10

  4. "They are calling for reforms to prevent cronyism and corruption, overhaul politics and governance, improve the police and justice system, prevent business monopolies, and strengthen civil society"

    No-one will argue with that...A little like "Motherhood and apple pie".

    So take it to Parliament

    " a large group of publicly respected figures..."

    As long as it is not a group of elites publically respected by the "Pad-Dem's"...They are not the "public", but just an electoral minority segment. It is a common trait of the PAD-Dem's to create all these seemingly independent groups they like to call 'networks', but which in essence are just "different groups, same PAD-Dem faces"

    So take it to Parliament This statement shows that you don't really want reform.

    The reason we are in this mes today is because the parliamentary system isn't really working. The house speaker only supports PT. The Dems have asked Yingluck 120 questions since she became PM but for some reason she could only answer 2. Maybe because she never shows up?

    Yeeah, let's take it to parliament because that was working very well the last 2.5 years.

    • Like 1
  5. Wait, wait, we're all reading this wrong:

    The Thai government is planning to auction off its mortgaged rice by late January and early February.

    Under the general auction programme, the Department of Foreign Trade (DFT) is reportedly expecting to release at least 500,000 - 1,000,000 tonnes of rice by the end of this year.

    So, what they're actually saying is January/February next year! cheesy.gif

    and by that time they will have around 15,000,000 tonnes is stock (somewhere...) Today they should have around 10,000,000 tonnes in stock. Selling 5-10% of that doesn't really help i guess.

    I am waiting for the day that they will announce that 80% of all rice in stock is rotten and will be written of when in fact half is rotten and the other 30% is sold (of books) by Thaksin's clan.

    • Like 2
  6. More protestors getting shot at by the barbaric Shinawatras.

    This time they caught the scum who did it. Let's see who he works for now. If he really is affiliated with the reds or the Shinawatras, I would really like to see how the pro Shinawatras are going to spin this.

    and spin they will.....coffee1.gif

    BlueSky TV also showed pictures of the alleged gunman's motorcycle, reporting it was registered under a policeman's name.

  7. Anyone who looks through the numbers revealed in this article sees a picture of utter chaos. Thaksin's cousin, Surapong doesn't. He sees a 90 % success ! But everyone else looking at these statistics sees something else. The parliament can only open if it is 95 % filled. If the advance polling were the election itself, it would be 78 % filled, and that is only under the presumption that the 22 constituencies with only one candidate would get at least 20 % of the vote and exceed the " no " votes cast, and under the assumption that there were no other proceedings and charges of electoral infractions. That's a pretty big " if " ! 78 % filled. That is the current reality, and that reality may very well be the rosiest result of the election. The bottom line is that eight provinces and 28 constituencies will be blank spaces. Parliament is only allowed 25. So the Yingluck administration's zeal on having the election seems bizarre at best, as it will permanently strip them of all power. No court in the land will grant a perpetual caretaker administration legislative power.

    Elections are pushed through by the Shin clan out of personal reason. They want to show the world that many people still support them regardless of the crimes they commit. A few billions of tax money (election budget) spend for person benefits. All in line with how the Shin clan runs this country.

  8. The government is absolutely right not to cancel the elections.

    You can't give in to bullies and thugs. Law and order will fall if you do.

    Meanwhile.....under Yingluck's leadership,

    -Thailand slipped 18 positions on the global corruption index from 84-102th position last year.

    -If people wouldn't have started their protest, thousands of corruption cases would have be canceled including amnesty for Thaksin

    -THB 780,000,000,000 is spend on buying rice and still no money for the farmers.

    I think it is clear that Yingluck had a completely different notion about law and order. And it's fairly clear who are the bullies and thugs jacky.

  9. This must be problematic legally because nothing ever happened to the financiers and suppliers of the red shirt rioters in 2010. There was a lot of noise made by Tarit and others at the time about a huge overseas remittance allegedly sent to Thaksin's wife and allegations that CPALL (7-11) was supplying water and unhealthy salty and sugary snacks but nothing ever came of any it. They didn't even need to be put on the Amnest Bill.


    Of course nothing happened when the Shin clan got back into power.

    • Like 1
  10. I'd like Tarit to publish them, and I'll make sure that I patronize those business in the future. smile.png

    The fact that he wants to keep it secret, is that he knows full well that he is treading into some very dodgy areas legally. The Fascist regime of The DL though will make sure all dissent it stopped, if it is to achieve it's dream of total control.

    The reason Tarit is keeping it secret is:

    1. They might one way or the other be linked to the Shin clan

    2. If they pay Tarit enough the investigation will stop

    This is what Tarit has been doing since he took office. Makes a big scene out of a potential case and then you hear nothing about it anymore.

    • Like 2
  11. I know the coup-mongers will be all up in the air about this and play the holier-than-thou card, plus who the perps were is anybody's guess....However, even in well policed societies it is generally known by the criminal element, that messing with the police personally, is risky......Not that this is anywhere close, but someone who kills or injures a policeman better make tracks, and fast. Revenge may be slow in coming, but come it will....The Police are a fraternity of brothers in the end. You mess with one, you mess with them all.

    That said, I wont stoop to the level of those who expressed a gleeful reaction to the shooting of UDD/RS leader Kwanchai, in the case of this tragedy.

    He MIGHT be the one that vandalized the police's name plate. Propaganda master boppe makes it: but someone who kills or injures a policeman better make tracks, and fast. Revenge may be slow in coming, but come it will....The Police are a fraternity of brothers in the end. You mess with one, you mess with them all.

    And boppe is the same guy that preaches respect for democracy and the rule of law all over this forum.... Amazing.

    • Like 1
  12. Your plan isn't working to good. The thugs are all over the city closing down government officers and CMPO isn't doing a dam_n thing about it. All talk no action. Worthless bunch of idiots.

    Closing down government officers? I know that you are challenged by your vocabulary skills but calling the protestors thugs goes beyond that.



    Thugs with ties..smile.png

  13. I don't agree with disrupting a praying session but:

    Islamic Officials Slam PCAD's Mosque Siege

    A bunch of guys disrupting a praying session by closing the gate and blowing whistles is not really a siege...

    A Siege, maybe not, but there's disruption by closing a gate and blowing whistles and then there's

    The protesters reportedly demanded that the Muslims must cease all activities inside mosque immediately, including the religious lectures in the mosque′s religious school.

    According Muslim Thai, although a Muslim cleric tried to explain that the religious activities at the mosque cannot be stopped, his explanation was ignored by the protesters, some of whom were allegedly intoxicated.

    When the cleric threatened call a local district chief to resolve the matter, a leader of the protesters replied that he is welcomed to do so, as the protesters will also call for reinforcements, according to the report.

    So what part of that "disruption" are you defending?

    If you can read you know that I don't defend any part. I am just questioning why the word SIEGE is used!


  14. He said the US State Department has strongly condemned the outlawed activity in Thailand and called on the Thai government to take legal action against offenders.

    Below is the actual U.S. State Dept statement a few days ago according to this news link.

    "The United States strongly condemns increasing violence in Bangkok that has resulted in deaths and injuries. We urge Thai authorities to investigate these attacks and bring those responsible to justice. We urge all sides to refrain from violence, exercise restraint, and respect the rule of law.

    "The United States supports democratic institutions and processes in Thailand, our long-time friend and ally. We encourage all involved to commit to sincere dialogue to resolve political differences peacefully and democratically."

    Me thinks the full U.S. State Dept statement presents a different connotation than Khun Surapong's version of the statement. Wonder why Khun Surapong didn't mention the last sentence from the U.S. State Dept statement.

    Because the Shin clan have been lying to the people for years. Since they have such a well oiled propaganda machine they get away with it.

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