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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Dear Military Leader,

    I am really sorry for my comments regarding your daughters on Facebook.

    We won't kidnap your daughters anymore. Therefor, could you please stage a coup so my master can blame the army for interfering with democracy. Since we have no other options left, this one might be the best for him.


    Red Shirt Leader (Small)

    • Like 1
  2. Suthep gets more and more disgusting.

    Death penalty is appropriate for someone who commits rebellion against a whole democratic system in such a dirty way.

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I am really interested to know what treatment you gonna reserve to Jatuporn, Nattawut, and all the red terrorists who were terrorising the whole city back in 2010.....

    Indeed. Death penalty for Suthep for highlighting corruption. Amnesty for all Red leaders, including master leader Takki, for telling their followers to burn down parts of the city and attack civil servants. smile.png

  3. From his looks and posture K. Surapong would perfectly blend in with the north korean leadership type of guys. Just give him a uniform and change the backdrop, there you have it. wai2.gif

    Wrong name, i assume you mean K.Suthep !

    Surapong has a very distinct look imo. Very difficult to mistake him for somebody else.

    • Like 1
  4. The channel also sells its own "premium" lightning-shaped whistles, costing up to 999 baht per piece.

    Good grief thats £20 im shocked ........cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    The best whistles on the market to name 1, Thunderer, it has many tones, you buy the one that fits (as in stadium/arena size etc.,)

    As a class 1 football referee, I bought a very shrill one for large enclosed football grounds, or a standard one for parks etc.,

    The point being the price for a whistle in UK the best is nowhere near the outrageous price of these "premium" S##T things. complete rip off at 999baht, and sorry to say DESERVE to be copied. If some goods are far way over the top in price you will get copiers of your goods.

    It would be a rip of if you have no or limited choice? Right? I think people are free to not buy one but the high price includes some kind of donation I guess.

  5. I hardly quote posters, only if I see statements that seem to be impossible. Like I said earlier, that is very common on forums.

    Sorry Nick, I don't date paid posters.

    First you say that all protestors from the south are thugs.

    8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

    And now you are trying to say that I am gay and paid to post.

    4) Not to flame fellow members.Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

    5) Not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

    Nick please I have a mate, stop following me around. facepalm.gif You could also block me, please.

    I am not following you at all. You started by making a nasty comment about people from the South and when I asked you why you do that you started making nasty comment about me.

    Please remember that when you make statements on forums people might challenge you to justify them. If that makes you angry or uncomfortable, maybe a forum is not the right place for you.

  6. Nick loves to quote everyone and always have a comment to make. I think he has the hots for me. He love to follow and quote me. wai.gif alt=wai.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3808308681 width=20 height=20>

    I hardly quote posters, only if I see statements that seem to be impossible. Like I said earlier, that is very common on forums.

    Sorry Nick, I don't date paid posters.

    First you say that all protestors from the south are thugs.

    8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

    And now you are trying to say that I am gay and paid to post.

    4) Not to flame fellow members.Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

    5) Not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

  7. "'I’m confused. If a member of the parliament cannot amend the law, why do we have an election?', asked Mr Udomdej."

    Yes, the legislative can amend existing laws, but when doing so it must adhere to commonly accepted standards of ethics and take heed that the amendment benefits the country, population and democracy as a whole and thus is not unlawful.

    To amend laws so they serve your party's agenda or you or your cronies is unethical.

    Just being voted in and serving as the government does NOT give you a free pass at amending laws as you see fit, dummy! Does that concept elude you, perhaps? If so, it'd tell volumes about your morality.

    I bet you that many PT MP's don't even know what you wrote.

    Well said. Key is indeed that it must benefit the population not only the PT party.

  8. Why do you call them thugs? A bit nasty no? Calling peaceful protestors thugs. You should be ashamed of yourself. Maybe it's still time to give yourself some well needed proper education.


    Once a thug always a thug. They are southern drug popping thugs. Case Closed. You don't like my post block me instead of making your stupid comments that I could care less about.

    Another intellectual debate from Nowhereman60. If you care less don't reply whistling.gif alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609>

    All people from the south that join the PDRC rally are thugs according to you. This kind of attitude is very sad.

    Like I said you don't like it block me and don't quote me. Are you smart enough to understand that? I doubt it. cheesy.gif

    It has nothing to do with what I don't like. I am commenting on a post of yours that I don't agree with. This is very common on forums. It seems that you don't like to be asked to clarify yourself after you make a statement. Which is a bit strange.

  9. I visited Suthep's walk yesterday. Maybe 1000-2000 supporters. This is his hardcore group. Quite ridiculous.

    In evenings and weekends they are more, but still a tiny minority. Most Bangkokians are annoyed by being denied to live their lifes, go to work or make a living.

    Taking hostage a whole city is not "peaceful", btw.


    yes, well..offering a link to a poll taken before the protest started is not all that helpful ( and even then most wanted the protesters to go home)

    Let's talk again Monday morning when the weekend numbers and images are in. I am fairly convinced that Fri-Sat-Sun Bangkok will be packed again with anti government protests.

  10. I no get why Suthep and poteter no want el®ection? Suthep eat popular now. You see on TV. Peepel cheer. Newsapaper like Suthep. Like Apisit. Demokat sure thing. Win El®ection, No parbum.

    Ip El®ection happen, Demokat win. Esy. No head eg to fite. No kill. No die. No dead peepel. Simperl.

    Sorry for the English above. I'm bored.

    So the reason your English is crap is because you are bored? To be fair, you should at least use spell check otherwise the English forum will become very messy. wai2.gif

    You are responding to a troll with the worst fake bad English I've ever seen.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    That's what I thought too but I have to assume that posters here on TV are decent people.

  11. The southern thugs are getting home sick the numbers are down. But they will have help on the weekend when the Bangkok weekend warroris come out.

    Why do you call them thugs? A bit nasty no? Calling peaceful protestors thugs. You should be ashamed of yourself. Maybe it's still time to give yourself some well needed proper education.


    Once a thug always a thug. They are southern drug popping thugs. Case Closed. You don't like my post block me instead of making your stupid comments that I could care less about.

    Another intellectual debate from Nowhereman60. If you care less don't reply whistling.gif

    All people from the south that join the PDRC rally are thugs according to you. This kind of attitude is very sad.

  12. I visited Suthep's walk yesterday. Maybe 1000-2000 supporters. This is his hardcore group. Quite ridiculous.

    In evenings and weekends they are more, but still a tiny minority. Most Bangkokians are annoyed by being denied to live their lifes, go to work or make a living.

    Taking hostage a whole city is not "peaceful", btw.


  13. I no get why Suthep and poteter no want el®ection? Suthep eat popular now. You see on TV. Peepel cheer. Newsapaper like Suthep. Like Apisit. Demokat sure thing. Win El®ection, No parbum.

    Ip El®ection happen, Demokat win. Esy. No head eg to fite. No kill. No die. No dead peepel. Simperl.

    Sorry for the English above. I'm bored.

    So the reason your English is crap is because you are bored? To be fair, you should at least use spell check otherwise the English forum will become very messy. wai2.gif

  14. The southern thugs are getting home sick the numbers are down. But they will have help on the weekend when the Bangkok weekend warroris come out.

    Why do you call them thugs? A bit nasty no? Calling peaceful protestors thugs. You should be ashamed of yourself. Maybe it's still time to give yourself some well needed proper education.


  15. All the people who have been hailing Suthep as Thailand's saviour (even though he has no identifyable future plans for the country) from corruption and enforcer of democracy (by trying to overthrow a democratically elected goverment and replacing it with a non-elected "people's council" of his choosing) how do you feel about this man now. Now he's telling his minions to capture and detain (hostage) the Prime Minister of the elected government. How do you feel now? Are you proud? Do you think the international community now sees Thailand as the cutting edge in democracy? Are you proud of the way this shaping up now? Just asking. (I think I know what the replies will be... her fault.. Thaksin's fault... etc but probably no direct answers to the questions)

    Meanwhile in the real world,corrupt politicians almost received amnesty and THB 800,000,000,000 is gone the rice industry is collapsing and the farmers have no money.

    You need more examples why the Shins have to go?

    • Like 1
  16. Let's be fair. Yingluck has been in the custody of her brother now for around two and a half years much the same as the Thai people have been too.whistling.gif

    In what civilized country would this threat not illegal and the perpetrator not immediately arrested?

    Suthep cries out corruption But wait a sec, Just what corrupt actions has Yingluk had charges filed for?

    Now how about Suthep? can you tell me what corrupt actions he has been caught doing? EZ take a look in Wikipedia,

    • Shady land deals
    • Election commission to request to Disqualify as MP for due constitutional violation
    • Many members of his own party have long complained of his corrupt and unethical behavior
    • 2013 protestor deaths
    • Threats to detain political rep's, the caretaker PM, and veiled threats to M's children and wives.
    • Demanding Yingluk to step down as caretaker PM, which is against the law and then she could be charged with abandoning her post,
    • and to leave Thailand, By what divine right dose he have to tell another Thai person to get out of the country???
    • Wow what a fantastic representation of Thai politics too the rest of the world.

    Remember that Suthep killed the amnesty bill. He didn't need amnesty i guess.. I heard that somebody in the Shin family really needed it. While you are at Wiki you could have a look at the master corrupter who almost had a beautiful Christmas if Suthep hadn't killed his Christmas present.

    By the way, that's a boring CV for a Thai politician. 2/3 of it is even added by you.

    I recall he had 2 cases + the trumped up charges from the DSI in the last 18 years.

  17. Khun Yingluck just don't want to be hold responsible for saying me, myself and I want the election to be carried out (because my brother told me so). Instead she is again and again hiding behind other people...Be it the parliament, the MP's, forums aso.

    When will she ever take responsibility...

    She is not hiding, she is doing everything by the book and correctly and she is making a mockery of the PDRC and the Democrat Party.

    By calling such meetings she is showing she is willing to listen and she is also showing the world and the Thai people that some people have a hidden agenda by not attending, what they say they want is not actually what they want and so they refuse to attend and discuss.

    Why do you think the protests are now getting smaller and smaller ?

    In my opinion more and more people (the pawns and gullible ones) are seeing through this reform guise and beginning to question whether this whole protest is do with reform, or a much darker agenda.

    In my opinion the suggestion that the polices hands are tied by Sutheps backers and that the Armies hands are tied by the backer of PTP/Thaksin is being brought more and more to the front. People are questioning why no coup and then when they actually look into it they can understand what the rush is to kick PTP out now, perhaps a very much darker agenda which has nothing to do with political reform.

    In my opinion a lot of Farangs do not understand the games in the background, what is driving events.

    In my opinion many people see Yingluck as a liar and therefor don't show up. She is very good at creating smokescreens. Same as with the reconciliation forum. A big hype and then suddenly at 3am we have a bill that whitewashes all criminal politicians including her brother. Yingluck smiles while Thaksin robs.

    And don't worry, the protests will intensify again when the weekend approaches. So far, during the last 7 weeks, Suthep has exposed to the world that Yingluck is a real Thaksin. rolleyes.gif

    We might soon see Yingluck shopping in Dubai.

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