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    Nakhon Sawan

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    Manchester UK

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  1. I'm just getting over type A Flu. At first, I thought I had a chest infection because the Covid and Flu tests were negative but antibiotics did not make me better. A second Covid and flu test was also negative but while I was having a nebulizer treatment the doctor told me I had flu and pointed to a very faint line next to type A. Antibiotics were binned in favour of Tamiflu and cough suppressants and I was feeling better within 24 hours.
  2. This is not correct. You can book an accompanied flight for elderly or disabled people. Airline staff will look after him from check-in to arrival. They look after everything but he will need a fit-to-fly certificate
  3. 1) Correct 2) Correct 3) Contact address for the first 24 hours because after this time there will be a TM30
  4. A complete novice. A fool and his money are soon parted. Insist the girl showers and while she is in there put all your valuables in the room safe and then join her in the shower
  5. It's a typical drunken brawl. Most punches don't land and more injuries occur from falling over
  6. A Thai woman taking advantage of a vulnerable farang! How very dare they! Never heard of such an accusation before 🤣 400k? he didn't own any property in Surrey then
  7. I found out the other day that the BTS station is aligned with where the new terminal is going to be built
  8. It is 180 days in any tax year. They do not have to be consecutive.
  9. Yes, this is a 'Man Bites Dog' story
  10. The biggest problem with EVs is the depreciation. The batteries start degrading from day one and somewhere between 5 and 8 years the batteries will need replacing, which costs more than the car is worth.
  11. As Cheryl suggested I go to an independent lab and pay. It's not expensive unless you want the more unusual tests. The results are same-day. The result sheet also supplies the healthy range for each test.
  12. A British company did it last year but for only a few seconds so I doubt it will become secret technology https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-68233330
  13. I was told I was pre-type 2 diabetes so I bought a constant glucose monitor and wore it for 2 weeks. It tested my blood sugar every 3 minutes and sent the report to the app on my phone. I'm not pre-type 2 but it let me see which foods raise my blood sugar which I now avoid. I recommend you all get one. It was about 1500 baht
  14. Your 90-day reporting is cancelled when you leave and resets the day you re-enter with your permit. The re-entry permit is 1000 baht so it is not worth buying a multi-re-entry permit unless you are going to leave 4 times or more.
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