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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. Breaking news

    Warrant issued for former Thai leader Thaksin Shinawatra

    * From correspondents in Bangkok

    * From: NewsCore

    * May 25, 2010 6:27PM

    A THAI court has approved an arrest warrant for fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra on terrorism charges in connection with recent deadly street protests, an official said.

    The government has accused Mr Thaksin of inciting unrest and bankrolling the mass protests in Bangkok by the anti-government "Red Shirt" movement.

    "A court found there was enough evidence so it issued an arrest warrant," Naras Savestanan, deputy chief of the Department of Special Investigation, told reporters after the closed-door hearing at the Criminal Court.

    "Now it's the attorney general's job to enforce the warrant," he said.


  2. does any one think there is any chance Thaksin could just be abducted by " unknown persons " and

    forcefully brought back ( the same way the Mossad did with Mordechai Vanunu who they picked up in Europe

    before taking him back to Israel.)?

    I don't think Thailand has this kind of expertise. It would also be very bad PR. Israel is beyond caring very much about international PR.

    There would be a lot going on in behind closed doors , he is most likely being tracked for the past couple of weeks , there is enough intelligence out there to keep tabs on him as he not a bin laden , IF the Thai govt did not have the right tracking tools I am sure the US would assist if they are not already.

  3. A lot of people on this thread are not taking these terrorism charges serious enough , wait a few days and this will spread world wide , governments will not stand back anywhere.

    He is charged with Terrorism , there is a lot of people dead the city has been burnt ,and bombings have occurred innocent people shot and it is alleged that he has funded it.

    I would expect him to be arrested within the next 14 days and he is most likely being followed now. :)

  4. And as if the international community will take notice of some kangaroo court from a 3rd world banana republic… just more hot air and BS as usual. :)

    How wrong you are , He is on terrorism charges I would say he will be arrested in days not months.

    I hope you are right but the arrest warant isn't issued by an international court is it?

    Don't you think the international community has to recognize the arrest warrant first?

    I really don't know how long that would take but now all countries will be aware of his charges and I would think none of them would want to have him on their soil now.

  5. PM Abhisit has handled this situation from the start of the protests in a way that only an honest and decent man would , he has put up with red thugs insulting him and threatening him and his family daily , the pressure he must have felt would finish many leaders,

    He has had to deal with problems of a divided government , army and police corruption and he has managed to get through this with dignity.

    This PM should be respected by all good thai people and International government and organisations.

    Let us hope he can now sort out all these law breakers and terrorists that have been on Thaksins pay roll and bring them all down , Including any that are currently serving in any government positions.

    Men like PM Abhisit don't come along every day and this country should be truly grateful for him.

    Well Done Mr Abhisit you would get my vote if you was my PM . :)

  6. He was well aware that Central was being targeted for arson attack and still participated in the protest even though he knew he was their illegally , he the admits to going and watching channel 3 be set alight which had people still inside , he did nothing except probably celebrate.

    The Thai authorities wont be easy on this guy and why should they . More will come out on his involvement with the reds for sure.

    Monkey house for you mate you deserve it.

    Before long pattaya will start to get a bad name with these pommy bald headed ,tattoed , steroid driven jerks :):D

  7. I think that some here are downplaying this hooligan's role. Whatever else he may have done - or not done - it is patently clear to everybody that he was inciting violence. Should he be strung up? No, of course not. Should he be kicked out of the country and have his passport confiscated in the UK ... yes! Like I said in an earlier post, one less mouthy football hoon isn't going to be missed in Thailand, anywhere! Who hasn't been unfortunate enough to encounter his type again and again here. Good riddance.

    He has admitted that the place was going to be burnt down and laughed about it and still decided to stay with the reds . Maybe he never expected the video to be all over the net or he is just to cocky. Pity his family if he has one here because he could go to prison .

  8. and you take this serious!

    nice comedy value, but if you going to take it serious we have to laugh that you believe a falang can steal this much stuff.

    news day slowing down is it? or Nation insist this be shown.

    careful though, as thai gov might decide get all falangs out of town, barflys and all.

    We live in a world of terrorism , and you think it is ok and a joke , try it a few times in western countries and see how far you get. :)

  9. Wow, what an idiot. He will probably get a permanent visa extension for Thailand. But that video strengthens my belief that most if not all of the rioting, burning and damages were done by "wanna-be-red-shirts" that attached themselves to the movement instead of the peaceful supporters that sat there for weeks and months listening to the speeches.

    He reminds me of a couple of people on this forum :)

  10. And sly threats about the PMs family what a red scumbag he is , the sooner the government, police , and army are all on the one side the better, but I can't see it happening.

    Abhisit does not need this crap he is decent man and I wish him well what ever he does , I doubt he will stay in thailand and they will lose a very good politician and leader.

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