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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. Because of the thousands of men that have parted with their cash and purchased house's cars etc in Thailand to a Thai Lady and many times within months of meeting them It has really stuffed it up for any chance of a honest loving relationship with 90 percent of the Thai women .

    People are in la la land if they think anything different , and yes I am speaking from experience

    They mix together compare stories and assets and they will move on if you won't live up to their demands.

    It is simply the Power Of The Pussy v The Power Of The Mans Brain.

    And I the think we all know which one has the lower odds at the bookies. :)

  2. I would like to be a mod and every time a redshirt supporter like some people on here that are not very Level Headed I could ban them for life , I guess we could lose a couple of hundred.

  3. This PM has to be respected he would have more respect internationally than any other Thai politician , He has handled a difficult situation thoughtfully and tactfully.

    I hope he gets through and is given the respect he deserves. Dealing with mafia , thugs and terrorists and inside spies he is calm and looks at the situation for the benefit of the majority of thai people.

    90 percent of the red army are only there because they are getting paid . IF Thailand loses him over this it will put them back another 10 years.

    Anyway well done PM keep the good work up .

    It is not true that 90% are paid . Those from the country side are yes , otherwise they are so poor that they would not be abble to travel . But the majority of red protesters are by now from Bangkok and surrounding .

    I am not sure where you source information , but what percentage would you say was from bangkok and surrounding ?

  4. This PM has to be respected he would have more respect internationally than any other Thai politician , He has handled a difficult situation thoughtfully and tactfully.

    I hope he gets through and is given the respect he deserves. Dealing with mafia , thugs and terrorists and inside spies he is calm and looks at the situation for the benefit of the majority of thai people.

    90 percent of the red army are only there because they are getting paid . IF Thailand loses him over this it will put them back another 10 years.

    Anyway well done PM keep the good work up .

  5. I just peeked in at the Red rally from the North side. Despite the primary attention now on the situation at Silom, the Red crowd at Ratchasaprong is as HUGE as its EVER BEEN. Solid sea of red stretching from Ratchaprasong all the way northward over the canal to Pratunam. No sign of troops, police or conflicts of any kind on the north side.

    Is there a thread free from the political debates where we can just share field reports?

    Thats a good idea a field report thread it is very confusing with some many threads

  6. Actually with all the rumors, hidden agendas, whispering and false starts, this whole thing is getting boring... everytime you hear the army is going to attack and they don't it's like Chicken Little crying "the sky is falling." Or else, Nattawut says he is going to take the red shirts picnicking at Silom and then he doesn't... ZZzzzzzzzzz

    However, having said that... here are today's rumors/facts:

    1. Rajaprasong employees told to go home early

    2. Major hotels CLOSED today

    3. Chidlom Road closed for a while

    4. Tons of messages from Facebook saying Judgement Day is 9:00pm tonight

    5. Scattered skirmishes between multi-colored protesters and red shirts

    Which all could add up to a big....................NOTHING! :D:D:)

    PAD/Yellow/Multicolor are said to be going to attack tonight or in the next couple of days with guns and weapons and the intent to incite death and kill some of their own people, then demand the army take action against the reds.

    Remember, the PAD are going to start the fight.

    Not the reds, not the army..... those PAD/Yellow (now hiding in multicolor).

    The violent parliament shutting, airport shutting, killing people at Don Muang airport bunch, all return again.

    Just remember this, for after it all happens those to blame with premeditated intent are the PAD.

    you are already making excuses for the reds , what a lot of BS the only people to blame are thaksin and his thugs.

  7. Sorry I think it's hilarious - only in Thailand would the military be hijacked. I think this is another case of we are staying out of this. :)

    Well when you get a group of red thugs who use women and young children and as human shields because they have been bribed with money ,what do you expect , the army don't want kill them.

    How can anyone support these reds.

  8. I'm not sure how the army can even go about forcibly evicting the Red Shirts. Every time it's mentioned it seems two gathered forces are imagined opposing each other at the Ratchaprasong intersection itself, when the reality is the Reds have a manned encampment that stretches along one axis for a mile from the Chitlom intersection to MBK and along another axis for a mile and a half from Petchaburi to Silom. Trying to agressively push a combined army/police force through all that can only result in mass casualties and deaths on both sides.

    There will be casualties but they will specific targets and shot from a long distance.

  9. These reds just won't give up , trying to take over the military is a definite no no and they will get every thing they deserve , to many warnings now if action is not taken these crazy reds will kill a lot of people.

    There is only one way to stop them and that is with the full force of the armed services.

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