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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. (YAWN) .... Well, if the army does take action, I hope they have taken advantage of all these days doing nothing and have created a well thought out plan that won't fall apart or become too violent. Tear Gas does wonders.

    Not if you haven't checked the direction of the breeze or if it is thrown back at you... :)

    This goes for the reds also , they carry bags of chilli powder to throw at the police and army , it is quite possible that was what happened before and it blew back on them .

  2. The reds will make their usual stupid move tonight like a sniper attack on a senior personnel or they will start throwing their petrol bombs and then we will see a huge inferno from the barriers loaded with gas cannnisters.

    It wont be pretty I just hope that Cres , ARMY AND POLICE have all bases covered for all situations with these reds because they are a crazy bunch of thugs ,unfortunately lives will lost.

    They had there chance to leave over and over again. I feel sorry for any women and children and innocent people still there getting paid a few hundred baht to be a human shield for these gutless bastards.

    But they are being controlled by Thaksin and his black shirt mafia thugs who want nothing else than to overthrow the government and Thaksin to get his money back which he earnt through corruption.

  3. Abhisit has legal tools in his hands. but he does not posses the absolute authority to dictate the reds. It will become more of an argument when four of the five offers are flawed. Would he use force against people when his porposeal fails? Block supplies and cut utilities is human rights abuse, using force and shoot them down is brutal, and there will be a civil war. In long term the reds will be eternal enemy to the Dem. Let the reds have their few days till May 15, and save lives is a better choice. Negotiate more.... Consult the ten Raja-Dharma, or face the consequence creating Kaliyuga!

    Cutting supplies is not human rights abuse '

  4. i'm just kinda wondering....

    they're cutting off the water and electric, planning on a mob dispersal operation.

    resistance is expected, with grenades and petrol bombs to be used.

    and the barricades are built of fuel-soaked tires.

    what happens when the fire starts?

    then goes out of control?

    how will the emergency services save all the poor red shirts from being bbq'd?


    ah, i understand.

    Not to forget the gas bottles hidden in the fuel stoked barricades.

  5. The government is getting outplayed by the Red shirt leaders nice and slowly...

    F%$*k Road map,... Did Abhisit and co. really think that the Red shirts would agree to something like a road map??? The government fell for it. All the red shirt leader's agreement was a lie from the start to toy with Abhisit and co, and lure them into a a game of Demonstrator's corruption.

    The government was corrupt in past years, and now they are being taken out in their own game.

    If I was a red shirt leader, I would say to myself, it was a smart move that I made, making all these empty promises, about an apparent agreement such as a road map, and catch the nifty government officials off guard and cause more trouble to the despair of innocent people.

    The red shirt leaders want power as well, and I mean the leaders only. Their followers are too stupid to resist against their policies... and the rest of the Thai population can only watch and hope in vain...

    I must say "smart move", red shirt leaders... "You are really the men!!!!!",... I mean, I'm just pointing out that, although their intentions are really against my beliefs,... one must admit that they have done a tremendous job in slowly taking control of the situation and dictating the political tempo.

    Again, I'm not saying, that I agree with what the Red shirt leaders and their followers are doing in the name of the majority of Thailand,... all I'm saying is, that they really managed to trick and lure Abhisit and co. by using his Road map proposal to THEIR advantage and expose the government's real weakness when they are NOT THE ONES who are in control with THEIR corruption themes...

    The Men are using women and children as human shields ' Does that make them Men ?

  6. why do people automatically assume this is the reds, lets not forget the yellows don't want to go down abhisits 'road' so it is possible they are trying to destabilise the situation, as abhisit said the roadmap will only continue is there is no violence etc leaving the door open for people (including people in his own party) to try and derail it.

    why do people automatically assume this is the reds

    Because they are an extremist group hel_l bent on violence...

    Enough Said time for action ! Red thug terrorists have to be stopped !

  7. The Hard reds want nothing less than a shoot out and no one knows how much artillery they have stacked in their camp and around them , it is highly possible that they have been working on this for the last 12 or so months including building up their army and the exact location for the final showdown.

    We don't know how well armed they are but I am sure it will be in the hundreds or thousands of armed thugs holding military equipment including back up troops lurking behind.

    Also the possibility of booby traps set up in and around the area if the army and police break through.

    They cannot be taken lightly and I am sure the government are aware of this and that is why they are holding back to save the lives of the human shields being used.

    If this battle breaks out fighting could continue for days or more and many loss of lives inevitable.

  8. Myanmar offers Visa-on-Arrival


    Travellers to Myanmar no longer need to endure long administrative process in applying for their entrance visa. Tourists can now obtain a 28-day tourist Visa-on-Arrival (VOA) at Yangon International Airport. The cost is US$30, and tourists need to bring two passport photos. A 71-days business VOA is available for US$40, with extensions available.


  9. This sounds very nice and finally unlock the situation. Also it makes really govt look like the good guys willing to compromise while the other side... Reds would be crazy to refuse after the bad days they had. However, with terrorists charges threatening and no mention of amnesty in his 5 points program, they might ask to have amnesty added as a number 6 prior to give in.

    Where's the compromise?

    This sounds just government BS "we're here to help you"

    Abhisit is going to have to get real and act like a real leader!

    What do you mean, 'where is the compromise'? Abhisit has already compromised.

    Cynics like you fuel the fire of social unrest and common disorder. Nothing is ever good enough.

    What do you mean by 'Abhisit is going to have to get real and act like a leader'?

    It seems to me - and to most people posting on here - that Abhisit is doing exactly that - getting real.

    I don't know how much experience you have of this wonderful country, but Abhisit is arguably one of the most intelligent, respected, polite, gracious and thoughtful prime ministers the country has ever seen. Educated in the UK, he is forward-thinking, caring, open and honest. He does not want to see anymore bloodshed for his people. He does not want to see any more damage done to his country's image. And, he does not want any more damage done to Thailand's already long suffering tourism industry.

    Abhisit has offered a realistic package - let's hope that the money-driven joke of an anarchic mob - aka - the Red Shirts - take it and start to act their age - instead of their shoe size. The Red Shirts are simply hel_l bent on their own devisive political agenda. They will do all they can to get it and do not care one iota about Thailand's image and the pain and suffering caused to their fellow Thai citizens.

    Finally, let's hope individuals like you keep quiet unless you have something critically constructive to say on this sad situation.

    Excactly Abhisit has more international political respect than any other leaders have every had .

    For people to show disrespect to him have no integrity , he is the best hope to move Thailand forward and all these red followers should sit back and listen to him instead of being bribed with a few hundred baht to be human shields to a bunch of terrorist , mafia , uneducated thugs .

    Listen to your PM people and give him respect you don't realise how lucky you are to have this great PM.

  10. a little more than 3 months, as proposed by the protesters

    Or a little closer to 9 months as proposed by Abhisit earlier. Looks like a 1/2 way point.


    Actually, he hasn't given them anything that he wasn't prepared to give in the past, but this allows the Reds leaders to save face. The issue has always been after the military reshuffle in October (the prevailing government submits the names). After that, the date doesn't matter.

    BTW, I highly doubt the November 14th date will be adhered to. It takes months to prepare for an election and that is in a normal time. I can't see the elections happening until January earliest.

    No amnesty will be attached to this offer. It has never been on the table. It wasn't for the PAD either.

    My view is that the Reds leaders won't accept this proposal, simply because I don't think this was ever about the poor upcountry.

    I Agree with you

  11. Can't see the red leaders getting Amnesty the PM has been firm on this he wants people charged and investigations to continue.

    I think Abhisit is the one that will be looking for amnesty. Remember the Democrats face dissolution and by the time the next election comes in November, Abhisit will likely be banned from politics for 5 years for election fraud.

    Back in your kennel Snoopy

  12. What is the story with DAVID PURCELL, this Aussie ex-military man who is making speeches about how the government sucks and supporting the reds shirts? This, my friends, gives Australians a very very bad name!!!

    So much for Americans being disgraceful.... this Aussie makes Americans look like God's gift to mankind! Man some Aussies are weird.

    Surely you have met his ilk in bars in Thailand

    He calls himself an Irish Aussie if you are reading this please call yourself Irish only ,because the way you are acting is not the Aussie way.

  13. PM Abhisit has handled this in a way that he gains more and more respect from the Thai people and international community everyday and they should be very grateful , he would make an excellent ambasadore for Thailand in any country , and these non violent reds that are being used as pawns and human shields should wake up and go back home to their villages and support him.

    The hard core reds will get what is coming to them and it won't pretty.

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