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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. Men in Black firing an M79(?) in a video: http://bit.ly/agMA2t /via @sternos @tulsathit

    Peaceful reds :D but they only use their hands , how can this be can true must be photo shopped :)

    Good video . No soldier dead so far . I have seen few other video showing army shooting

    Now do you think killings by either side is going to put an end to divisions in Thailand ?

    check this http://www.thailandvoice.com/

    CNN reporting Thai soldier amongst latest fatalities

    no more details..

  2. Abhisit is an honest man who has bent over backwards to avoid conflict yet the psychopathic leaders that manipulate the rank and file Red Shirt Brigade were and still are bent on extreme violence e and hatred from the start as their rhetoric so clearly showed and indeed still shows..

    Twenty years here and Abhisit is the most progressive Prime minister to date willing to listen to all and his administration has implemented measures to assist the less well off in Thai society and indeed would have done more if it wasn't for the Red Shirt Brigaded actions to stall further measures as it was damaging thug Thaksin his family and their acolytes money stealing and law manipulation to yet further boost their fortunes at the expense of the majority.

    The guy is an incompetent, irresponsible leader that has just brought the country to the edge of civil war, due to his impatience, frustration and unwillingness to show flexibility in negotiations. How much blood needs to be spilled under this idiots leadership before you tell him to resign ?

    The blood lust on this forum is disgusting.

    Way off base here can you imagine any other leader being in charge now, say Thaksin? If this was reversed and Thaksin was in power I would put the number of casualties in the hundreds already. You are a fool to think that Abhisit hasn't bent over backwards to give these idiots every possible way out and each time they have spit in the face of him and the rest of Thailand.

    YOu are the one way off base.

    Thaksin is calling for returning to the negotiation table. I would much rather have Thaksin calling the shots than this braindead moron Abhisit.

    You would sooner have an Criminal as a leader ?

  3. Abhasit has from day one wanted to handle this peacefully and the red shirts with their black mafia thugs have wanted nothing else but violence , they are on Thaksin's payroll and their aim is to over throw the goverment and let criminal thaksin back in.

    Abhisit could have saved this country if they listened to him and accepted him as a decent leader but unfortunately there is one word CORRUPTION he wants to rule out it but its impossible when dealing with uneducated thugs unless the army and police will take orders , but there are so many problems in their ranks and again to much CORRUPTION.

  4. 16 dead.

    No soldiers.

    Who is using "live ammo" ?

    Certainly looks like its just the Government side, those who should be trying to stop violence and killing, but they are the ones doing the killing.

    I know I'm gonna regret asking you this, but how can you possibly take sides with common criminals? That's all they really are. They hide behind what they say is political reform, when in actuality all they want is their paymaster back in Thailand and pardoned for his numerous criminal convictions/charges. I mean what's your angle here? If you have a clear thinking mind, you can't support these thugs. Are you possibly being paid to post here? If you are, cheers!

    Also mr un levelhead the army are using live amo on these armed thugs who were warned before anyone armed and threatening will be shot.

    what do you want the army to do hide in tress and let them take over

    I really don't know why people respond to you .

  5. I'm a bit concerned about the foreign reporter being shot by the army after he clearly called for help and they knew he was a foreign reporter...

    From how it looks to me, he was wearing a BLACK shirt and NO green armband to signify he was with the media, and he was moving around amongst other protesters.

    The conscripts are in the midst an urban battle - there's a lot of confusion and chaos as it without innocent people getting mixed in. I think he should have known better when deciding what to wear. The conscripts are not particularly well trained and under enormous pressure being in this situation with similarly dressed people firing off different types of weaponry at them.

    I didn't see anything to suggest the army KNEW he was a foreign reporter. Definitely not at that distance either.

    I am not making an excuse for the army... it was unacceptable. But haven't seen anything to suggest he was targeted because he was a journalist. More like they failed in properly identifying a threat and having effective fire control.

    He should have freaken known to wear something different.

    But soldiers are only firing into the air or in self defense right ?? :)

    So exactly what mortal threat did this unarmed man present while rolling around on the floor begging for help ??

    Not only self defense i think they have the authority to shoot any person who is illegally armed.

  6. Video footage here of Nelson Rand being shot, make of it what you will but for me this is the most damming video to come out in the last two months.


    Why is the idiot dressed in black wearing sunglasses with no visable signs of him being a reporter.Has he got shit for brains or did he think he was immune to bullets.

    There was a warning put out yesterday i think it was from FCC advising all media to wear bright colours and green arm bands , he is a sitting duck dressed in black especially if he is holding something that may look like a hand gun.

  7. Shame on the red supporters for even beginning to believe that the government wishes to kill innocent people, even more shameful is that the propaganda photos featuring little tykes and the elderly are being used to show that these are the terrorists.

    The real terrorists and the ones that have created the bloodshed are these red shirted terrorists. You know the ones without weapons and striving for peace.



    Yes, these reds are a very peaceful and loving lot.

    Now YOU know that the reds are so innocent , your pictures must be of FAKE REDS :)

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