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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. The Government should move all Jounalist's and anyone else that will go out of the rally site now , They will be at risk of being used as human shields when the red leader try and escape no one will be safe as they know the end is coming.

    I don't think crackdown is coming anytime soon when you see the below statements from Amnesty, specially with so many International organisation keeping a close eye on the situation ;

    AFP: Amnesty International on Tuesday accused Thailand's army of "reckless use of lethal force"

    AFP: Thai troops violate law in Bangkok action according to Amnesty

    AFP: The London-based rights group said Thai troops were violating the law by firing live ammunition in several areas around Bangkok

    AFP: "Eyewitness accounts and video recordings show clearly that the military is firing live rounds..(1/2)

    AFP: ..at unarmed people who pose no threat to the soldiers or to others" said Amnesty's Thailand specialist Benjamin Zawacki (2/2)

    AFP: "This is a gross violation of a key human right -- the right to life," he said in a statement.

    Oh boy now we have a credible source. In the last nine months Amnesty international's credibility has assumed the same level as PETA and Greenpeace.

    A crackdown may be to late if they make the first move and try to escape , And take hostages :)

  2. The CRES called on members of the mass media and the people in general to send pictures and video clips of the violence to police, so that wrongdoers could be arrested.

    The centre stressed that police and soldiers would not use their weapons against unarmed civilians, but would use them to counter armed attacks by terrorists.

    The centre described United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship co-leader Natthawut Saikua as one of the major terrorist figures.

    Does anyone have contact details for cres to send images ?

  3. Um, that first video doesn't show the protester being shot at, even though he lobbed a pingpong bomb at them. If the sound of firing was the soldiers firing at him, he wouldn't have walked away so casually.

    To give amnesty to the leaders, is to create a future where these monsters are allowed to play in the government. That cannot be allowed.

    the maoist "monsters" of '76 and the sunni "monsters" of 2004-6 were given amnesty and conditions in both these very different countries improved stunningly. amnesty is the last, best hope.

    with respect to the video and your comment that the Red wasnt being shot at, unfortunately the video doesnt show a wall to my left and in front of the Red protecting him after he pulled back from lobbing the grenade. that scene took place on rama 4 and anybody who exposed any part of their body to the soldiers was shot at.

    the pool of blood in the other video is from a resident who minutes earlier made that mistake.

    anmensty is not a matter of IF, only WHEN and HOW MANY MORE DEAD?

    Earthpig what is wrong you , by granting amnesty is giving the green light for it to happen again ." NO AMNESTY EARTHPIG " back in your sty.

  4. Does anyone else get the feeling that the (relative) lull yesterday and today is due to the reds nursing their hangovers? There is only so long that you can live on lao-kao and yabba, but I'm sure that they'll nurse themselves for a little longer and then start up again soon. Instead of closing off access to food, the government should close off the access to alcohol. Maybe the reds would start drinking the gasoline instead of burning it then...

    May be its also something to do with the freezing of the accounts of local supporters with hundreds of Millions of Thaksins money in them - oh I forgot, the 500 and another 300 Million baht cash that were withdrawn and were mend for amulets and lottery tickets :)

    The drug dealers fear they may not get paid ? and the junkies are suffering withdraw symptoms ???


    Freezing this money should have happened last month , they have got a way with too much , 106 people and companies is a start but there will be lot more yet.

    Once the money trail is fully investigated it will be very interesting to see how many other Politicians , police and army personel are on the payroll.

  5. On the CNN site right now a Bkk resident is posting videos of armed reds, some of which he took himself, and he's being eaten alive by these Thaksin drones.

    Are you talking about this guy?

    Never mind being eaten alive metaphorically, let's hope the Thaksin-funded insurgents nor their idealistic comrade pawns don't find out who he is.

    By now surely you know that they are only following the Animatic Roadmap to Forum Domination. There's probably only 3 paid farangs disputing his stuff. :)

    well put together everyone should check this video out

    Peaceful Reds :D

  6. On the CNN site right now a Bkk resident is posting videos of armed reds, some of which he took himself, and he's being eaten alive by these Thaksin drones.

    Are you talking about this guy?

    Never mind being eaten alive metaphorically, let's hope the Thaksin-funded insurgents nor their idealistic comrade pawns don't find out who he is.

    By now surely you know that they are only following the Animatic Roadmap to Forum Domination. There's probably only 3 paid farangs disputing his stuff. :)

    well put together everyone should check this video out

  7. Reds Attempt to Blow up Gas Tanker

    Red-shirt protesters have driven and parked a gas tanker in front of the PTT petrol station in Ngarm Duplee.

    They've also fired several M79 into the petrol station in an attempt to start a wide-scale explosion.


    -- Tan Network 2010-05-17

    These are peaceful protestors wanting the UN to come in to negotiate a ceasefire. :D

    But their chief paymaster does says UN isn't his father AND now he is requesting the UN to intervene on this whole mesh he has creates.

    The PEACEFUL REDS are not trying to blow it up , they are just lighting a barbecue for dinner. :)

  8. Reds Attempt to Blow up Gas Tanker

    Red-shirt protesters have driven and parked a gas tanker in front of the PTT petrol station in Ngarm Duplee.

    They've also fired several M79 into the petrol station in an attempt to start a wide-scale explosion.


    -- Tan Network 2010-05-17

    These are peaceful protestors wanting the UN to come in to negotiate a ceasefire. :)

    I don't think the peaceful protesters did that. The mafia groups running around trying to create chaos, yes.

    Well you don't think that the reds have anything to do with ? Can you provide evidence of the mafia groups not associated to the reds that are doing this ? or are you just blowing hot air ?

  9. Anyone kows more about this?:

    Just posted on another TV thread....

    Red Shirt Leaders Willing to Negotiate Cease Fire

    Nuthawut Saikua has announced that the red shirt leaders are now willing to negotiate a ceasefire with the government without any further conditions.

    The DAAD has earlier demanded that an international organization mediate the peace talks, but after a strong refusal from the government, the red shirt leaders are now willing to talk under any and all circumstances.


    -- Tan Network 2010-05-17


    I think it would be more apt to say "Red Shirt Leaders Willing to Negotiate Surrender". They know what is coming.

    Nathawut, how can you look the families of those you sacrificed in the eyes and say this was worth dying for?


    To late to negotiate they had every chance ,It may have something to do with an imminent crackdown and also the piggy banks are becoming empty.

  10. What those red supporters here do not seem to realize, they are not posting to some Issan farmers or a bunch of crooks and their simple lies, false statements, at time delusional comments excusing the reds behavior shows very clearly where they are coming from. Add to this the extraordinary lies and calls to fight from their leaders, as well as the armed attacks at soldiers and infrastructure, looting etc.. and it becomes very clear that they are a very dangerous, terrorist mob which has to be dealt with quickly and with severity

    It also becomes clear that their top leader, Thaksin will pose a threat to the country as long as he is free or alive

    I bet a large majority of this forums reds supporters have been brain washed by their lovely thai wife or girlfriends and they are to scared to stand up to them. :D

    I can guess what the penalty is if they don't conform :) the rest are most likely Thai's who are paid for their efforts

    The penalty could be anything from missing out on something to getting a quick stab or being kicked out of their own house :D

  11. What those red supporters here do not seem to realize, they are not posting to some Issan farmers or a bunch of crooks and their simple lies, false statements, at time delusional comments excusing the reds behavior shows very clearly where they are coming from. Add to this the extraordinary lies and calls to fight from their leaders, as well as the armed attacks at soldiers and infrastructure, looting etc.. and it becomes very clear that they are a very dangerous, terrorist mob which has to be dealt with quickly and with severity

    It also becomes clear that their top leader, Thaksin will pose a threat to the country as long as he is free or alive

    I bet a large majority of this forums reds supporters have been brain washed by their lovely thai wife or girlfriends and they are to scared to stand up to them. :)

  12. Anyone like to take a look and listen (in English) to what this Thai lady has to say about Thaksin



    Well at least it is from the heart. No fence sitting there.

    She had better hope that the red's don't prevail and Thaksin is back though.

    Not always good thing to wear your heart on your sleeve like that.

    I hope to god it doesn't turn out to be the daughter of someone in the public eye coz if that goes up on stage at the red rally, it might just raise the tension a bit.

    A brave lass, I think that she is studying at the Australian School of Diplomacy, Canberra. :)

    Well done young lady ,

    can some one with put this in the thread so we can play it direct instead of clicking on the link.


  13. CRES financial blacklist include Thaksin, family members, relatives and some pro-Thaksin politicians as well as Seh Daeng. /via @tulsathit

    now know why they left yesterday, probably tipped off

    This should have been done months ago especially on Thaksin , now they should freeze all his and the familys overseas accounts and thet will slow him down , as for the leaders freeze all there assets have them put on terrorist watch lists in

    case they escape.

    See how far these reds go with out funding . :)

  14. The caption says that these soldiers were killed because they refused to participate in the April 28th clash at the Anusorn Sathorn in Pathum Thani. It claims they were killed and their bodies thrown into the sea from helicopters. So right off the bat we know that they were not killed 'about 2 hours ago.'

    Thanks boggle, my previous reading was incorrect.

    I'd add to boggles translation above that it also says they had only 2 days of concripted service left, and their families don't know what has happened because the government has covered it up.

    The only question now, of course, is whether it is genuine. One can only wonder at why such a staged photo (I mean they've obviously been arranged in such a way as to be photograhed was taken by the "killers", presumably before being taken to the helicopter.

    It could be a very old picture and just a set up to confuse people .

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