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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. Not to step on anybody's feet, but I actually asked myself the same question. Does Central World not have a sprinkle system? If it does, and I think it must have one, why did it not work? Now I won't blame the government for it, but the question why the fire extinguishers in Central World didn't work sounds reasonable to me.

    Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about the firefighters, but they DO have sprinklers inside the building. There's one like every few feet. It might have been because the water was switched off. Great planning whoever did it.

    It could well have sprinklers but they can only do so much and wouldn't be much use at putting out a gasoline fire.

    If the sprinklers didn't work I would be accusing the reds first for turning the water off , because all these fires have probably been planned months ago , just look what they have targeted in a short time and it probably wont be the last of their terrorism acts.

    And also part of the plan has been to set snipers up to fire at firefighters if media reports are correct.

    What a lot of low life scum and they even stand and applaud when its burning.

  2. PS: See the "Not terrorists. Peaceful protesters" clapping and cheering as Central World burns down.

    I think we knew what kind of "people?" - and I use the term very loosely - these Red Shirts are. They feel great because to them they finally got back at the "elites" who they hate even though without the elites there would be no jobs, no civilisation for these scumbags to live in.

    And the chances of these arsonists being caught will be very slim , lets hope everyone with photo's can send them in to CRES.

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