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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. At several points around the pool there are water pumps which make the water circulate, these are fed through heavy looking metal grilles in the floor of the pool.(around a meter square} Water is sucked in through these grills by pumps on the side of the pool and is expelled again at force through angled pipes in the wall of the pool providing the circulating effect. I wonder if one of the grills in the floor of the pool has been removed for maintenance or some such thing and not properly replaced. With no grill it would be easy for someone to be sucked in to the duct there and it would be almost impossible to get out.

    I agree with you my thoughts also , I was there a couple of years ago and I remember those big floor grates and the suction was very strong.

  2. I hate critiquing anothers photo because it implies I know more than you. this is not the case at all.

    The best I can do is is show changes that make it more pleasing to my eyes. Here is my submission to cut back on the washed out whites -- there is some detail to be found there.


    Its a shame there are not more people in the foreground, pictures with people seem to improve with age. In forty years these pictures will some day bring bring lots os joy anf fun to family and friends.

    Thanks for posting

    Thanks for your advice what programme did you use I am using picasa 3

  3. how often do they check? i am just moving here but i do not know the standard of thai gov to prevent the hiv+ disease. they check the girl how often?

    thank you. i am love the Thai people very much.

    Why don't YOU TROLL somewhere each or ask direct questions your posts are very suspicious.


  4. It's a little annoying when you are trying to skim through the best of TV to be directed to a thread that has a couple of postings and then a moderator's posting closing the thread (as being against TV rules).

    Maybe it's because the closure of the thread happens after the collation of 'Todays best Thaivisa topics'? In which case I guess I understand, but the collator clearly doesn't have the same understanding about likely censorship as the moderators.

    The example I refer to today is the thread about some American professor in Chang Mia university being arrested

    Why was he arrested ?

  5. I have lived in both places Chiang Mai for about 12 months Bangkok much longer , I found Chiang Mai too quiet after a while , much happier to be in Bangkok much more to do , easier to get around.

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