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Posts posted by pastitche

  1. Of all the years I have heard these cases of "Forced Slavery" yes their passports are taken off them when they arrive into Australia but they go to Australia being promised big bucks for sex working and hopes that a farang will pay off their debts and live the rest of their life in bliss in the Land of Oz.

    I'm sorry they knew what was possibly going to happen.

    Lots of Australian girls go to Japan and get the same problems. Lets just hope the Thai, Cambodian, Laos girls get home safely and don't get into another cycle.

    Just put it into the too hard basket.

    So you have evidence that these young women knew that they were bound for a life of prostitution? Interesting that you presumably have sources to give you these facts

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  2. I retired over 21 years ago so I don't even want to think about economics or how to run a business. My tee shirts from all that were worn out many years ago. However if a rise in the minimum wage is brought about how will the extra bahts in the pocket be spent? A new motor bike rather than keeping the existing one in good nick? Pappa will spend more time in the bar and come home even more out of his mind or spend it on a younger mai noi? What is the prospect of the extra being deposited in the bank so that capital is built up and purchases made without resorting to hire purchase or the crooked money lenders?

    Please God that it isn't spent on pizzas - the Italian equivalent of toasted bread and cheese. There are more than enough 'fatties' around already.

    I assume that you retired well before the accepted age, so congratulations (it's an excellent idea that I followed myself). Keeping wages low has never been the way to a prosperous economy although it has been adopted by many international companies who mistakenly believe that moving production to a country with low labour costs will improve their profits, Japan, Taiwan and Korea were the original countries who saw the flaw in that reasoning and instead of being the source of cheap labour are now rich economies. In my opinion, the real answer is to increase productivity and quality; that is the way that western economies have survived the downturns/crises that they have faced over the past century. Since the cataclysmic effects of both World Wars, coupled with the horrendous costs of re-unification, Germany has a successful manufacturing industry still while the UK no longer has. How many BMWs or Mercs do you see in Thailand? In spite of the fact that they have to be modified to drive on the "wrong side of the road" for the producer?

    I believe that Thailand should strive to have a high productivity, industrial economy and thereafter the question of subsistence wages would not be a problem; but as long as the belief continues that growing the world's best rice is the major part of the economy, then we will always see these crazy suggestions that 300Baht is too big an increase to be sustainable.

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  3. Working at a Thai primary school for a while made me understand how stupid the idea is, but wasn't it a promise of Yingluck's red shirt policy?

    Prathom one kids are usually six years old, their command in Thai's pretty bad. Their English even worse. Our Thai teachers aren't very familiar with technology anyways. But which programs should the kids use to learn effective? Did they think about charging empty batteries?

    Even with an experienced teacher who'd know how to work with such a wonderful tablet PC, made in India or China, it would never work out with 40 + kids in a class to use the same program.

    You don't need to have a degree in Astra Physics to understand the problematic and stupidity.............jap.gif

    You are rite You don't need to have a degree in Astra Physics to understand the problematic.

    But a degree in stupidity is a big asset in laying out this idiotic program.

    What exactly is Astra Physics? What rite does it involve, deflowering virgins, sacrificing the first-born? Finding a virgin could be a "problematic" or even just a problem in some of the popular areas of Thailand. Maybe astrophysics has the answer for those without your big asset - a degree in stupidity

  4. One doesn't help the poor by creating dependency, but by providing the means such as education and opportunities through which the poor can help themselves. Some may call that old fashioned, but it works. The road to prosperity starts with removing the barriers of discrimination and by attacking corruption.

    I find it insulting that there is mention of the Abhisit health care program for the poor. It did not deliver on promised benefits nor assistance, but did deliver on allowing cronies and friends to stuff their pockets. In case anyone has forgotten, the Banlu inquiry arose when health officials responsible for the programs for the poor raised the alarm and provided evidence of rampant corruption. How about the bribery, price fixing and kickbacks on the supply of medicines and medical equipment (e.g. the ambulances),the inflated construction costs etc.. Public Health Minister and Democrat MP Vittaya Kaewparadai was forced to resign. He was joinded by the mercenary BJP Manit Nopamornbodi his deputy minister. This corruption scandal was a result of Minister Korn's infamous stimulus program that increased spending, but offered no additional controls or oversight.

    The Democrats really helped feed the poor with their stinky fish debacle. Remember Social Development and Human Security Minister Vitoon Nambutr, the man that was responsible for the pruchase and distribution of rotten canned fish to the victims of the flooding? And who can forget the infamous approximate 7billion baht purchase of the fire trucks? The Democrat Governor of Bangkok Apirak was finally indicted by the NCCC in November 2008 despite all sorts of attempts to stop it. The Abhisit government could have helped the poor by taking a stand on corruption.

    My all time favourite is the Abhisit-Korn Sufficiency Economy initiative that saw the Democrats take the Thaksin leftover program and claim it for their own. When the corruption scandal ensued, they then tried to blame Thaksin, despite having been the government running the program.

    Oh yes, the Democrats really took care of the poor. That's why the Democrat MPs as a whole saw their net worth skyrocket during the limited time Abhisit was in office. In plain language, I believe that the Democrats punished the poor. Here, read this;


    4 นักการเมืองที่ทรัพย์สินเปลี่ยนแปลงเพิ่มขึ้นมากกว่า 100 ล้านบาท

    (Loosely translated, MPs with an increase in net worth of over 100 million baht) Surprise, surprise, all of them are Democrats.

    And before anyone goes off on a tangent about Thaksin and how corrupt he was, the OPhere is about Abhisit denying the claims he did little for the poor. What I list is factual and I defy anyone to deny it. If you want to refute it, bring out the facts, not silly allegations about Thaksin or the perceived inadequacies of the current government. Just another illustration as to why Abhisit et al were and are unelectable. Because of his failings and the Democrats refusal to stake out the higher ground and to commit to integrity, we are stuck with the Thaksin group.

    You can demand all you like g'kid that posters only comment within the boundaries that you dictate. Personally I will reply to you in any way that I choose.

    Thailand does have a constitution which supports freedom of speech.

    You also try to demand that people only quote facts, perhaps you could lead the way by always answering requests from posters to yourself to quote facts, support your points.

    I agree entirely with your insistence upon freedom to express opinions, but given this forum's tendency to wander or be led into tangential dead-ends, it might be more interesting to discuss the subject itself rather than other matters. I know that will not happen but it would be more informative if the subject were limited to the OP without involving the doomsday scenarios of the future under the present government.

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  5. Oh dear...

    Another these people and there illogical driving character thread.


    so you think endangering kids so they can get to their important meeting 10 minutes earlier than normal is to be commended ?

    In case you didn't know, there is a threat of terrorist attack in Thailand. VIPs might be a target. As such, it is to be expected that VIPs would travel in convoys and use evasive driving technique. The Thai officials were most likely taking the foreign embassy warnings seriously. You need not pay attention to those terrorism warnings since you are not a VIP and therefore not a target. Only really special Thais might be targets. One of the requirements is to have big poofy hair. Sheesh. You would understand this if you had a hi so part chinese wife with multiple university diplomas and if one of your relatives was a senior ranking military or police officer.

    Can you never get any thing rite. The target was not your idols it was tourist spots. And no I don't know which ones but I do know they are not VIPS.

    Even if it was VIPs how do you figure that gives them the right to endanger every one around them.

    Perhaps before rushing to post hostile responses to someone with whom you disagree, you might read more carefully and then possibly you will understand the concept of irony.

  6. I don't see anything objectionable with this underworld crime figure being on a blacklist. The E.U. bans similar shady individuals so the crybaby whiners and bandwagon USA haters can get off the pram at the next elementary school stop so the grown ups can talk. The fact of the matter is Thailand is full of underworld crime figures and mafia types who are involved in all sorts of shady schemes abroad. The country is a well known crossroads for this sort of activity.

    So what crimes has "this underworld committed" ? I am interested because I would like to be there when the grown ups talk

    Laundering money for a dictator through blood gems. Profiteering (albeit indirectly) off of genocide.

    I'm not sure that you can say she was laundering money since that implies an illegal activity; from what we have seen she facilitated a sale. That is not illegal although certainly distasteful, considering the seller. Are you really saying that she has committed a crime because she has transgressed some US prohibition?

  7. I don't see anything objectionable with this underworld crime figure being on a blacklist. The E.U. bans similar shady individuals so the crybaby whiners and bandwagon USA haters can get off the pram at the next elementary school stop so the grown ups can talk. The fact of the matter is Thailand is full of underworld crime figures and mafia types who are involved in all sorts of shady schemes abroad. The country is a well known crossroads for this sort of activity.

    So what crimes has "this underworld committed" ? I am interested because I would like to be there when the grown ups talk

  8. quote/ Forensic Science Institute. There has been some confusion as to whether the sharpshooter was positioned at the Dusit Thani Hotel or Chulalongkorn Hospital/ unquote

    Thailand has a Forensic Science Institute? But they can not determine from which building a bullet was fired? And they have been trying to figure that out for over one and a half year? Hmm, is the only requirement for working there that you wear a red shirt?

    Strange, to me, that this woman has the same christian name as her father.

    Why would a Buddhist have a "Christian name"?

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  9. /quote]

    New Labour was a creation of the Blair-Mandelson-Brown axis who realised that the party could not be elected without espousing the electorate that had been seduced by Thatcherism. They betrayed or ditched the principles that their party stood for. That can be regarded as pragmatism or as opportunism depending on where your sympathies lie.

    I do not believe that he ever was a socialist (did he or any of his associates ever use that word?) nor was he ever a "man of the people". He was a common product of our political system in the UK now, a charlatan with no convictions

  10. Its hard to know but now I am starting to think maybe the terrorist was too hot for them to hold. They obviously don't want to get involved taking clear sides now in a bigger global developing war and arresting him in Thailand would mean they would have to try him and jail him here and that would say something. Also potentially irritating their internal complications with Islamic southern separatists. What's in it for them? Simpler to deport.

    JT correct me if I am wrong but you seem to be suggesting that there is a prospect of a "bigger global developing war" . Do you seriously believe that is the case - that the Islamic Jihadists really consider that there is a possibility of taking over the world and establishing a global sultanate?

  11. Do you seriously believe that the US wants to be involved in another war in the Middle East, given its commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan?

    No of course not. As I have stated numerous times, the current US administration most definitely does not want another war in the middle east. I'm not sure about the opposition party, they are sounding more hawkish. Anyway, it is not a matter of wanting war or not. Rather whether these recent severe tensions develop into something full blown or not.

    With respect you are rather begging the question; whichever administration takes power in November there is the problem that the US military is overstretched and have few outside resources to call upon with Nato's somewhat reluctant involvement in Afghanistan. My opinion is that the Iranians are well aware of this and are confident that they will not have a serious challenge to their nuclear programme apart from an Israeli attack which they know will be condemned by countries not linked so closely to them as is the US

  12. Iran funds Hezbollah. Iran is in revenge mode. Get the picture? I think you do but for some reason won't acknowledge it.

    What exactly is "revenge mode?" How do sovereign nations switch from "normal mode" to this "revenge mode?" Do they use a switch or a button? Are there additional modes as well?

    "Revenge mode" sounds like empty rhetoric used by spin machines to stir people up, get them ready for war (aka "fightin' mode").

    It's a manner of speaking. I get the feeling from direct, clear statements coming out of Iran that they fully intend to take revenge. I call that revenge mode. You can call it potato salad for all I care. Same difference. It's just semantics games with you anyway. Look, it's OK to favor Iran over America and Israel. Plenty of people do. That's what makes ... wars. Yes there is still hope this won't escalate but I wouldn't bet too much on it.

    Do you seriously believe that the US wants to be involved in another war in the Middle East, given its commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan?

    The UK and the other members of NATO are not in a position to offer more assistance so that would leave only Israel to support them. Together they could bomb Iran back to the Stone Age but would that make the other nations in the region more accepting of Israel as a legitimate state?

    The Middle East needs a settlement that requires less hostility and more compromise than is evident from both sides

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  13. For those interested in T,Blair and co there is an illumunating report in the Telegraph today (www.telegraph.cp.uk) Last year Tony made 61 visits abroad to more than 23 countries, it is estimated that he spent less than 2 months in the UK which is interesting beacuse INSURANCE companies usually ask you if you have been resident in the UK for more than 3 months (prior to taking out insurance). How does her get his travel insurance? Obviously not the same way Joe Public does. It estimates his fortune to be between £30 and £40 million not bad for an ex quasi socialist PM and I prseume he has made of this since he gave up being PM which was what about 2008?

    What a splendid chap he is.

    Why would he need travel insurance when he is earning millions on his travels? As I should have said previously the man is not representative of any British political ideology, never mind socialism but a natural successor to the greed-fuelled Thatcher times. It is also completely ironic that a man who took his country into a war on fabricated evidence in the Middle East could be a peace envoy there.

    So as man of the people, a socialist how may do you give him out of 10? He is not technically a resident of the UK with only being there for 2 months of the year>

    Read what I said - he was never a socialist and would have fitted well into the conservative party as it evolved under the predecessor governments; he was nothing but another opportunist political animal who bet on the opposition eventually gaining power by making the party he espoused less vulnerable to right-wing media criticism by showing himself to be no different.

    As "a man of the people, a socialist " - are you joking?

  14. The article states that Australia has not changed statement of warning due to the US warning... Australia still only warns citizens about the insurgency in the south.

    They problem in the southern provences involves ethnic Malays, not Thais. The insurgents want indepence from Thailand.

    exactly, and apparently they are spreading from three provinces now to five provinces Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat, Songkhla and Satun provinces, which has been these groups modus operandi across the planet, will thailand allow itself to become another totalitarian theocracy?

    Given that the muslim population in Thailand is relatively small, concentrated in the south and they are not ethnic Thais it seems unlikely that their aim is to take over the country, rather a desire for autonomy in the areas where they have historical links.

  15. For those interested in T,Blair and co there is an illumunating report in the Telegraph today (www.telegraph.cp.uk) Last year Tony made 61 visits abroad to more than 23 countries, it is estimated that he spent less than 2 months in the UK which is interesting beacuse INSURANCE companies usually ask you if you have been resident in the UK for more than 3 months (prior to taking out insurance). How does her get his travel insurance? Obviously not the same way Joe Public does. It estimates his fortune to be between £30 and £40 million not bad for an ex quasi socialist PM and I prseume he has made of this since he gave up being PM which was what about 2008?

    What a splendid chap he is.

    Why would he need travel insurance when he is earning millions on his travels? As I should have said previously the man is not representative of any British political ideology, never mind socialism but a natural successor to the greed-fuelled Thatcher times. It is also completely ironic that a man who took his country into a war on fabricated evidence in the Middle East could be a peace envoy there.

  16. Am I the only one who thinks that what has happened in this thread is no better than a kindergarten playground spat? OK Thailand has a unique system to assist those who cannot raise their own bail, although similar if not identical provisions exist in other countriesfor a simple reason. Most democracies would not leave accused but unconvicted remand prisoners in jail for the length of time that these people have been there - otherwise it could only be regarded as detention without trial.

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  17. The age of consent in the UK is officially 16 years old. However, the Crown Proscecution Service guidelines for prosecutions says that they will not proceed if the 14th birthday has been passed. If the girl/boy is under 14 then it is classed as STATUTORY RAPE.

    Most people are completely unaffected by this technically as we do not have sex with children.

    If you are a 30 year old, why dont you find yourself a nice thai lady aged between in her 20s, 30s or 40s. Why are you picking up a 16/17 year old ?

    I'm sorry but I have little sympathy for the OP, he should have checked her age before doing anything.

    Personally I think he is winding us all up.

    Is it true that there is a crime called statutory rape in the UK; I have never heard that term except in a US context?

    Admittedly I lived most of my life under the Scottish legal system which is different from that of England and Wales (eg 16 year olds can marry without parental consent).

  18. Expect more of the same from David Cameron,after all he was a advisor to Margaret Thatcher.

    Good Oh, after all Maggie squared away the financial dung heap Labour left her, and quelle surprise, Cameron has now to do the same with the disaster that Bliar and his incontinent one eyed sidekick left him.

    Gordon Brown lost the sight in one eye playing rugby; that's a tough sport. Why do think it appropriate to mention it as an implied shortcoming, given that he has probably achieved a great deal more than you.

  19. Expect more of the same from David Cameron,after all he was a advisor to Margaret Thatcher.

    Good Oh, after all Maggie squared away the financial dung heap Labour left her, and quelle surprise, Cameron has now to do the same with the disaster that Bliar and his incontinent one eyed sidekick left him.

    Yes Maggie did lots of things - she destroyed all heavy industry, sold off state assets, created record mass unemployment all to serve her idea that the UK should become a "service economy". Oh Yes she did screw Arthur Scargill - the biggest idiot ever produced by the Trades Union movement.

    But where has her service economy taken the UK?

  20. I wouldn't mind weaker baht, but somehow I don't think there would be anything near 75baht for a £

    With the greater financial discipline within the UK, and the strong sense of urgency, as well as sound policies, for overcoming its current problems - far more than within the EU - there is no fundamental reason why we should not see the heady days of THB 75 to the GBP once again.

    - With the greater financial discipline within the UKcheesy.gif

    - and the strong sense of urgencycheesy.gif

    - as well as sound policies cheesy.gif

    -there is no fundamental reason why we should not see the heady days of THB 75 to the GBP once again cheesy.gif

    Your post displays an immense confidence in the UK government and Merv's policies and the complete opposite in Thailand's government to continue its successful administration of the country.

    Dream on. The West will be in a permi-recession for the foreseeable future. Just bumping along the bottom.

    Has nobody yet realised that the poster GeorgeO might be using that name because he truly believes that George Osborne, the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer,will succeed in guiding his country to recovery - or maybe he's taking the piss?

  21. How can she sit with a straight face and criticize others inaction's and incompetence all while she spreads false hopes to the people?dry.gif The confusion as to who does what in her administration has caused inconvenience to most but death to some. Shit or get of the pot! Get your brother here or move aside so the real work can be done FOR THE THAI PEOPLE! jap.gif

    The height of hypocrisy from the most inefficient Prime Minister ever cloned.


    It is my understanding that there has not as yet been a cloned human being or do you know better?

    I do understand that you are referring to her brother's statement but even so, no-one has ever claimed to have cloned a Prime Minister so she would be unique in being the first human and the first PM to be cloned; in that case she could equally well be described as the most efficient PM ever cloned.

    Humour is best left to those who have a talent for it.

    Yingluck's height of hypocrisy was just exceeded.

    Now, had you suggested that my response to your post was something other than hypocrisy I might have accepted that. Please tell me where I have shown hypocrisy

  22. Amazing world we live in...although it worked for me when I was young, I even listened sometimes after a good spank. Never bothered me though, I knew I deserved it ....till I was strong enough to spank back.

    Yeah, it certainly worked as a deterrent to me. I think the most I ever got in 1 session was 4 strokes. Didn't die from it, or need medical/psychiatric help... but those bruises on me arse were something to behold.

    If kids are out of line a caning works wonders. But in my school such canings had to be recorded: reason, number of lashes and so-on. I kinda like corporal punishment, kids are naughty sometimes and don't need some psycho analist to interview them... just a good caning and it's done with.

    I don't know what these boys did wrong, but I know when I got caned I was guilty every time!

    It is disturbing when a teacher appears to relish handing out the canings though, doesn't it.

    Not PC I know, but I don't really mind it all too much.

    I really hope you meant psychoanalyst......and not psycho analist

  23. How can she sit with a straight face and criticize others inaction's and incompetence all while she spreads false hopes to the people?dry.gif The confusion as to who does what in her administration has caused inconvenience to most but death to some. Shit or get of the pot! Get your brother here or move aside so the real work can be done FOR THE THAI PEOPLE! jap.gif

    The height of hypocrisy from the most inefficient Prime Minister ever cloned.


    It is my understanding that there has not as yet been a cloned human being or do you know better?

    I do understand that you are referring to her brother's statement but even so, no-one has ever claimed to have cloned a Prime Minister so she would be unique in being the first human and the first PM to be cloned; in that case she could equally well be described as the most efficient PM ever cloned.

    Humour is best left to those who have a talent for it.

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