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Posts posted by pastitche

  1. Her obsession on Thaksin is telling. A real leader would be talking (and working on) constantly about THAILAND's fate, not her big brother's fate.

    She's the sweetly smiling figurehead on the prow of a giant pirate warship.

    Sadly most people seem to only look at the pretty figurehead not the thousand tonnes of brutal banditry that its attached to.

    A fitting raven-haired maiden to match your excellent simile...


    Lovely Maiden Masthead by bkwdayton - on hiatus, on Flickr

    But of course not the figurehead on the thousand tonnes of brutal banditry alleged

  2. From the News Feed


    'Unfair' to blame Yingluck for error

    The Nation

    Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra should not be attacked for the royal blunder on her Facebook page because she was not to blame and did not try to play it down, the government spokeswoman said yesterday.

    "Critics have been unfair to Yingluck by distorting her remarks and actions to find fault with her," Thitima Chaisang said.

    Has anyone actually been blaming her for it? All I've seen are reports that she shouldn't be blamed. Certainly, the private PR company that she uses should be sacked for the stuff up.

    I'm actually surprised that she didn't blame a hacker. It's worked before.

    It seems that Zuckerberg is blaming her.

    It also seems to have raised quite a lot of negative chatter about her on the local Thai boards. Probably people wanting to hold her responsible for the actions of her team... not unlike PTP trying to take Abhisit to the ICC.

    It is, afterall, her account.



    Come on bucholz - "seems Zuckerberg.....", "seems to have raised.....", "probably people wanting......"

    Hardly your normal standard of analytical comment

  3. Let's see ... 1984 £1 = THB33, 2011 £1 = THB47. Then 300% Thai inflation over 27 years ... means Brits need a rate of £1 = THB99 just to stay afloat.

    The question is: are Brits earning 99/47 times (2.1X) more? Quite possibly, so Thailand is still the relative bargain it always has been, at least for food and accommodation. However 'entertainment services' have risen at least 4X.

    1984 schoolteacher wage 6,000UKP a year.

    2011 schoolteacher wage 24,000UKP a year.

    UK Wage inflation 400%, so a British schoolteacher would need a rate of 1UKP =THB25 just to stay even, at THB49 that's a bargain!

    An interesting comparison but was a teacher's salary really that low in 1984? I wasn't a teacher but I thought that the first Thatcher govt increased public service salaries by a significant percentage.

  4. In response to post #56

    Bucholz you are of course correct that I quoted the wrong Section but that does not invalidate the point that the Constitution debarred Jutaporn from voting but did not debar him from being a candidate.

    What has screwed him is in fact the Organic Act on Political Parties which removes his membership of a political party when he is in pre-trial custody and therefore unable to vote, a piece of legislation that I find rather strange but it is of course the law.

    If it had been another more palatable politician arrested and detained for a different type of offence (drunk driving for instance), the same law would have applied and that makes me wonder why it was enacted in the first place

  5. Buchholoz, snorkelador:

    Thanks for the replies.

    The case has been clarified as reported in the other paper. The EC asked the House Speaker to seek ruling from the Constitution Court if he was disqualified as a party member under Section 106(4) of the constitution. Apparently, under the Political Party Act, a party member loses his/her membership when he/she is ordered detained in jail by the authority.

    Much appreciated the information, but it sends one or a rather circular, but followable trail...

    Section 106(4) of the Constitution simply states:

    Membership of the House of Representatives terminates upon being disqualified under Section 101 of the Constitution

    Section 101 of the Constitution lists various qualifications to be an MP. The applicable paragraph is Section 101(3) which requires an MP be a member of a political Party.

    We then go to the Organic Act on Political Parties of 1998.

    Section 22 of the Organic Act lists conditions in which membership in a political Party terminates. The applicable paragraph is Section 22(3) which lists anyone being disqualified by Section 21.

    Section 21 of the Organic Act states:

    A person who will be a member must be of Thai nationality by birth, not less than eighteen years of age and not under any of the prohibitions to disfranchisement under the Constitution.

    Which leads back to the Constitution.

    Section 100 of the Constitution lists prohibitions to disfranchisement (meaning someone who is not allowed to vote).

    The applicable paragraph is Section 100(3) states that anyone under detention by court order. This is the situation that Jatuporn was in.

    He was jailed in pre-trial confinement after his bail was revoked for violating the bail conditions.


    All that effort and I believe that you may still have got it wrong; Section 100(3) refers to prohibition from voting so that applies.

    Section 101 lists prohibitions from candidature - the appropriate sub-sections 101(3) and 101(4) say:-

    101 (3) "being disfranchised under section 100(1), (2) or (4) Section 100(3) is not included

    101(4) "having been sentenced by a judgement to imprisonment and being detained by a warrant of the Court"

    So that appears to say that he had no right to vote but was entitled to be a candidate and therefore can retain his status as MP.

    The appropriate Sub-sections in Section 106 refer to disqualification or prohibition under Section 101 so appear irrelevant also.

  6. Assuming guilt of a falang when there is the death of a Thai is second nature in LOS, We are all classified as inferior in the country , remember Thais are even taught that they are a superior nationality at some schools. This is not baiting it's a fact I am an ajarn

    By Ajarn you mean 'English Teacher' right? No shame in that, but I guess I have to ask- are you saying that the syllabus you teach is geared toward telling Thais they are superior? I mean, I always feel like they think their culture is superior to others, but I have no proof as such.

    I thought it was something they learned at home, and now I hear that they are taught this at school??mad.gif

    And if they were would that make them different from children in the USA, The UK, France or so many other western countries?

  7. Forgive me for being so fickle, but as soon as I see the word "moreover" I instantly think that I'm now reading the words of an intellectual wannabe.

    Sure, it's a word, but it's used by people who want to appear smart, not be people that actually are...

    So another propaganda piece shot in the foot by "Thailectaul English" :D

    Let the flames begin! ;)

    Actually it's a translation of a Thai language Op/Ed that appeared in a Thai publication.

    Sure, it's the semi-educated Thai's translation of "แล้วก็" or "ยิ่งกว่านั้น" - the keyword being "semi" ;)

    And that's my point - it's a very clear indicator of a Thai that's only pretending to be proficient at English - but it would appear you agree with me :D

    Looks to me like a transliteration of the usual anti-Thaksin rhetoric usually found on TV

  8. From the UK Border Agency:-

    British nationality is defined in law. Whether a person has a claim to British nationality can be determined by applying the definitions and requirements of the British Nationality Act 1981 and related legislation to the facts of their date and place of birth and descent.

    The most acceptable evidence of British citizenship is a British passport.

    Yes but to obtain a British passport in the first place, a person has to prove that he can satisfy one of "the definitions and requirements of British Nationality..................."

    Bit of a circular argument

  9. Mosquitoes don't discriminate about who they feed from; if you have warm blood they will feed from you. First stage when they dip their tube into you is they spit into you. This spit is a mild anaesthetic which works on most mammals meaning their bite is not felt. The people who do feel it basically have an allergic reaction to this ranging from mild to severe.

    Not sure about this, but I think that continued exposure to the biting spit means you get a tolerance to it over time so Thai's, who get bitten continually all their life by their type of mossie don't get irritated. Reason I say this is when I first moved to Hong Kong, I have legs like a polkadot table cloth for the first year but after that, nothing. Moving here, for the first 6 months or so, also the same but now, nothing.

    I think that you may have a point there but I had a different experience in a way. No matter where I went I was never bitten by a mosquito and believed I was unpalatable to them until the first time I visited Western Australia....different kind of mossie, I thought, new Stealth model, probably genetically manipulated by the CIA. Crossed over the continent to the east coast with a few stops and stayed that side for a while - not a nibble.

    Next year I went on a 4-wheel drive trip from Darwin to Broome and didn't have a problem till I got to the NT/WA border...as soon as I crossed, the little shits were on me like a mongol horde and kept it up till I went to the east coast again.

    Not being a very wise old man I went to WA the following year to see a friend working in Coral Bay; drove up from Perth in a campervan and was beset every night by the tiny vampires.

    From then on, no matter where I went - Europe, Africa, South America, Pacific Islands, Asia - if mossies were there they bit me.

    Now my immunity has disappeared and wherever I go I get bitten but at least here in Thailand the itch only lasts for an hour or so and there is no problem in the morning so maybe I have built up the tolerance you were talking about

  10. Judging by the OPs previous threads, the relationship with his Thai wife seems to have been up and down like a yoyo. This week it`s Ok, but tomorrow maybe a different story.

    There are always going to be exceptions to the rule, but I would never marry an ex prostitute, Thai or otherwise.

    I have known of several English and American guys that have met prostitutes in Thailand, fallen in love and taken them back to their own countries. All ended up as a disaster.

    The problem is that many of these girls suffer from mental issues and can be highly strung. Just not worth taking the risk.

    I would definitely advise against becoming involved or marrying a bargirl.

    Take a look at the chart below:

    Your thumbnail was just magazine type crap but you are right about scorpio's previous threads; maybe he needs a less memorable avatar if he wants to post conflicting stories

  11. Sadly, the moderators won't allow any discussion about what a "bar girl" actually is. Even the use of the word shows that guys are in denial about what they are actually marrying. Why not call a spade a spade. "Bar girl" sounds like "bar maid" but we all know that's not what you actually married. You married a prostitute. Why not just admit it instead of all the euphemisms?

    with the above in mind then the consumer should be known as john-trick-pervert-sex fiend... please feel free to add yours :lol:

    I'm more interested in what is Tubs in Edward and Tubs

  12. add to my last post.

    At my restaurrant we hired a poor 17 year old girl who's sister is a bargirl and her husband bought her a bar and they made the 17year old quit to 'take care baby' but in fact it was a ruse to get her to work fulltime as a prostitute for a good salary.

    Well guess what, the little girl is back working 14hours a day (very hard) for 200baht a day or less im not sure. She shares a small room with an other person on the second floor of the restaurant. While her boyfriend took a similar shitjob instead of selling drugs like his friends.

    There's always a way not to spread your legs

    She is working at your restaurant for 200baht a day or less.....

  13. The entire family is wealthy and like most Thai families are close to one another and pool resources.


    Oh I see, Thai families are special and have a magical cohesiveness. Thatks for the generalization. I must have some friends that are atypical; One family is marked by two uncles that are bitter foes, another one of my friends can't stand his cousins and won't attend family functions if they are present. You know what? Thais are alot like western westerners now when it comes to family units. just Many family members don't get along with other family members. Don't make assumptions when you do not have personal knowledge of the family. You are are aware that divorce rates are quite high in your magical land of the cohesive family unit right? And you are aware that in the past two decades, there is a growing problem of elderly parents not being taken care of by their children which has given rise to social activists asking for a better old age pension system. However, don't let me get in the way of your 1950's era of Thai family relationships. If you have any Thai friends ask them whetehr everyone is so loving and willing to cough up 15million baht for a sister in law. I would be surprised if som relatives are probably very happy the family will lose the bail pledge. And yes. that's another attribute of Thais, just like westerners:.

    As I said, "most" Thai families are close.

    There are certainly exceptions, such as the two families you cite (unless those are the only two Thai families you are familiar with).

    This family is close and are always appearing in public together at local events I've attended. If that's a facade, then it's been a very convincing decade plus long facade that I've been witnessing.

    The Thai friends and families that I'm familiar with have no qualms about pooling their resources. They wouldn't blink to support each other to the equal proportional amounts mentioned.

    I'm sorry that you seem to have more exposure than I to the dysfunctional families of which you speak, but they do not account for "most" Thai families.


    If you want to know about wealthy dysfunctional families you need to look no further than the House of Windsor

  14. PM Cancels Evening Appointments over Illness

    The prime minister experienced a headache and nausea after visiting flooded Nonthaburi Province this morning so she has canceled all afternoon appointments and gone home to rest.

    Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra inspected the flood situation in Nonthaburi Province for over two hours this morning after presiding over an activity to celebrate His Majesty the King's birthday at the Royal Plaza at 9 A.M.

    After the flood inspection in Nonthaburi Province, the PM and her entourage stopped for lunch at a resturant in Pathum Thani Province.

    The PM excused herself out after spending only a few moments at the restaurant.

    The PM's close aide revealed that she was suffering from a headache and nausea as well as dizziness.

    She has canceled all her afternoon appointments and gone home to rest.

    The symptoms are believed to be related to food poisoning which caused her to be admitted to Praram 9 Hospital on Tuesday night.


    -- Tan Network 2011-12-01


    Trying to sum up the suffering the P.M. is going through,

    A........We have to believe all the symptoms are true, and wish her a quick full recovery. OR

    B.......We believe the suffering is not as bad as it is suggested, and not OTT. OR

    C......Because of untruths and pledges during the said 3 months, opting out of certain situations and meetings, Gives posters a feeling of Element of Doubt.

    My sister years ago had symptoms similar many times, through wanting attention of the right kind, wanting people to love her, she had some sort of guilt complex. just adding that as it sprung to mind.B)

    So your sister (a sample of one) behaved in a similar fashion, therefore this is a psychological disorder. Quite the Freudian, aren't you?

  15. The qualification required to be the prime minister in a parliamentary democracy, is to be the leader of the party which commands a majority in parliament. Yingluk Shinawatra emerged from the election as just that. Therefore she is qualified. That is why The king asked her to form a government. Now you may hate her, you may think that she is incompetent, you may even (as I have seen on this forum) think she is better suited as a bar girl asking for funds for her buffalo, but she is the leader of the party which won the election, therefore she is qualified.

    So what you're saying is that if Thaksin had put his daughter in Yingluck's position, and she had been elected, that she would be qualified to be PM? What about a 5 year old?

    Just because someone is put (elected, appointed, whatever) in a position does not make them qualified for it.

    Obviously a 5 year old would be disqualified on age grounds. On what grounds do you consider that the PM is unqualified within the parliamentary rules? Your opinion of her performance and experience are irrelevant within those constraints

  16. The Civil Service is far from being immune to fiefdoms, political ties that bind, and political machinations to create sympathetic players in certain positions. We are witnessing this politically manipulated change of CS player at present.

    What civil service? Unless you are speaking of the US, where such appointments are political, you are making a statement that would offend many people outside of that country. What evidence do you have to support your apparent contention that this is a common practice, or that it is happening in this case?

    We've been talking about Thailand.

    Spend more time in Thailand,

    eventually you may understand how THEY play the game here.

    As for UK just watch 'Yes Minister'.

    In an satire there must be a grain of truth or the dark humor wouldn't exist

    If you meant that this is a problem only in Thailand you should have made that clear; I would still be interested in knowing what you know to substantiate your belief.

    It's more than a little amusing that you, an American and Rubl, a Dutchman both bring up the "Yes Minister" series. I was in the UK at that time and watched this satire, presumably before you did and enjoyed its humour greatly. But I know that behind the satire and the stilted language, UK senior civil servants were at that time completely apolitical. The Crossman Diaries from which the TV series drew its inspiration, make it clear that the policies of the incoming Labour government had been studied by their civil servants and the implications were spelled out to cabinet ministers. That is the job of career bureaucrats.

    I met with Crossman early in his cabinet career and we exchanged ideas in the limited time that we had. Afterwards his Civil Service PPS sought me out for further clarification on those ideas.

    Since I spend 100% of my time in Thailand, it would be difficult to spend more time here to understand how THEY play the game here.

  17. Tony Blair of course.

    In a jocular thread such as this swearing is acceptable, but using those two words is disgraceful


    Getting back to speech patterns, I noticed in a different thread you said you are Scottish, can I just ask, is your user name how Sean Connery says 'pastie' ?

    I thought it was because he's pastiche prime .


    In the beggining was the sound "

    It's not pastiche but pastitche - that should make it easier for you

  18. Some guid news SC...having arranged a wee session with ma cousin back in Auld Reekie for late March. I'll need tae buy a camera so all suggestions welcome on that front.

    Obviously in the spirit ay the thread any ridiculous suggestions will be treated in the appropriate manner. Kenwhitahmeanthaddyyabam?

    I'm lookin' forward tae it bein' honest...its bin a while.


    We've still not confirmed Diggers is still there, since Patsycat never turned up last Christmas, I think.

    I doubt I'll have the money for the planned Chinese New Year trip, so March is a possibility, but I've bought my ticket to HK for the sevens at the end of March already (though not the rugby ticket...)

    I doubt it'll be practical to get a ticket for the Six Nations games; Calcutta Cup is up first in February and Scotland are away in March, first in Dublin, then to Paris. SO actually, that would be better, since I could show my support for the Regions.

    It might be five years since I was in a pub in Edinburgh.

    Anyway, in the spirit of the thread...



    Well it's still there as far as I know. My last visit was before a friendly against Australia wher we got well beaten as usual; my mate and I wore kilts and Aussie cricket shirts because they were gubbing the Poms in the Ashes


    Well to be honest I can't decide whether this is Stanley Baxter or Irvine Welsh. We linguistic purists tend to avoid, if possible, becoming involved in such controversial areas lest we have an influence on the stasis of endangered tongues and the idiosyncratic syntax that might pertain thereto.

    I am of course from what might be described as the Eden of Scotland, where refinement of language and manners has survived the rude assaults of the barbaric hordes who surround us on all sides.

    So fare ye well my benighted brethren and may enlightenment come upon you on your path through this turbulent ocean of life - awfuc_khowcanyegetapaththroughanoceanyafuc_kinnumptie?

    My son, always a property magnate, bought a flat on the outskirts of Craigmillar, close to the University Arms, and his best mate from school was his lodger. The mate worked beside Welshie in the Scottish Office and like Welshie looked for another career. He's Head of the English Dept in a well-known school now so guess who makes the most money?

  19. Thaksin has big money business dealings with the Hun Sen and these activities would not move forward under the previous watch. Him and T were in cahoots! Did not matter that Thai lives would be lost, Only that Abithist be removed at any cost. The oil deals alone would make both Thaksin and Hun Sen rich yet again! So the argument that the previous administration was the cause for Hun Sen actions are horse hockey, imho.

    Many Thais have business dealings with Hun Sen, including those higher up the tree than Thaksin.

    The ultra-nationalist faction in the Democrat government which were part of the PAD are wholly responsible for the Preah Vihear debacle. There's no need for conspiracy theories when the truth is irrefutable.

    Actually, the irrefutable truth is that countless international and local media articles have written precisely what FOODLOVER spoke of, that the border dispute involved Hun Sen's own reasons for escalating the situation as much as the Thailand side did.

    To assign "wholly responsible" to one side, let alone one faction of one side, is to turn a blind eye to the reality that FOODLOVER accurately describes.

    btw, businessmen higher up than Trillionaire Thaksin?


    According to Forbes Richest list Thaksin is worth $600 million ( August 2011). Do you have better information to justify "Trillionaire"? He doesn't appear in the Thai Richest, obviously because he doesn't live here but would be relatively poor if he did

  20. The Civil Service is far from being immune to fiefdoms, political ties that bind, and political machinations to create sympathetic players in certain positions. We are witnessing this politically manipulated change of CS player at present.

    What civil service? Unless you are speaking of the US, where such appointments are political, you are making a statement that would offend many people outside of that country. What evidence do you have to support your apparent contention that this is a common practice, or that it is happening in this case?

  21. I am delighted that we have such fine upstanding politician as Khun Chalerm who is determined to wipe out corruption. In the short time he has been in post he has closed down all the gambling dens and now is targeting those public officials who are abusing their positions. I hope next it will be all those disgraceful sex establishments and perhaps while he is in full flow he could do something about those dreadful people who arrive at the airport in flip flops and vests, it really is quite appalling.

    What drivel!!!

    He hasn't closed down the gambling dens as they will simply magically reform somewhere else at a different location!!! The Thai's are absoutely ADDICTED to gambling and cannot survive without frittering their money away. They have gambling dens at funerals which are always packed out - this has always seemed rather disrespectful to me, but maybe I'm old fashioned or simply not Thai!!

    The only reason he is doing what he is, is to save face for Yingluck's government - do you seriously think he woud have vounteered the information about the crooked poiticians if he hadn't been caught!!!!

    Close down the "sex establishments" and bang goes your "testosterone charged" tourist industry. Likewise ban fip flops and vests and bang goes your "testosterone charged" tourist industry!!! On this last point, I didn't reaise that this was a heinous crime - is "fashion crime" on a par with murder?????:blink:.

    It's interesting that you focus on the gambling dens, the sex industry and the fashion crimes but ignore "targetting those public officials who are abusing their positions". Why is that?

    Because my retort refers to the subject matter of the poster's comments.

    What would be the point in targeting the public official abusers anyway as I cannot change anything!!! I think THE WHOLE Thai political system STINKS by the way - especially that element that includes those "red shirt" shysters anf Khun T sympathisers!!!!:whistling:.

    I don't know why you think I'm dodging the subject as I am one of the most "forthcoming" people on TV when it comes to giving my views on just this problem!!!:jap:.

    You can't change the others that you did mention either; since alleged bureaucratic corruption is the subject, I found it odd that you omitted it. I agree that you are "forthcoming" a great deal of the time although that would perhaps not be my preferred adjective.

    I am neither a "redshirt shyster" nor a Khun T sympatheriser, why did you bring that into your response?

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