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Posts posted by pastitche

  1. Its absurd to use the words 'honesty' and 'Yingluck' in the same sentence. Erase the lead story and start again please.

    Do you have any evidence or even any reports of her dishonesty ???

    Any example of any kind of proven or even alleged dishonesty ???

    Any ??

    Yes. She has an outstanding perjury case against her when she lied about ownership of some shares.

    Next question.

    If it is an outstanding case how are you able to say that she lied? Surely outstanding means that there has been no trial and therefore no finding of guilt.

  2. Don't quite understand it.

    If the DSI says there is sufficient evidence to issue a warrant for a arrest why does it have to go to the prosecutors for approval.The DSI people are not stupid they know if they have enough to prosecute or not.

    Thai way, pass to another entity, thus the first is not responsible, thus blame can be sidestepped. They have this down to an art-form.

    The UK is the same - police investigate and then pass to a seperate government department, Crown Prosecution Service, to take to court.

    Yes, that's pretty standard. It's called crime and punishment. The police are busy catching criminals. The courts are busy convicting them.

    Please don't upset the conspiracy theorists with rational explanations like these

  3. I think that a lot of the worries around the red shirted leadershio are jusrtified, but are the worries around a revolution justified?. Having read the thread one of the comments that stick, is the one about the bar girls wanting 200 bht!! here lies the real problem for Thailand, the disparity between the classes, the leadership that manages to recognize and address this, as thaksin sort of did did, will 4 ever be held in high esteem by the majority of the thai public, rightly or wrongly as thaksin is,. So a M/c? I cant see the military being that stupid, were talking about them going against a democratically elected government that HAS the FULL support of the majority of thai voters and has NO CORRUPTION currently proven against them..What will take place? the political process will undergo a generational evolution via educational incentives and social integration, Although telling, the bar girls attitude is not representative, aka the red shirt protest . the thai people have realized their ability 2 become politically active , this from what i've seen of the thai nature this will rapidly progress and be developed hopefully for the better, but time will tell.

    A thoughtful post with which I agree. It must be left to the Thai people.

    Suggest you check some facts, the above post is full of serious untruths.

    OK. What are the serious untruths? Do you believe that a revolution is imminent? That there is not a divide in Thai society? That Thaksin is not popular? That a military coup is possible in the present political climate?

  4. Can someone tell me what definition of 'most' is being used here?????

    I read it a few times to see if I could find something in there that could be interpreted as "most" ... :blink:

    "31.09 percent of the impeachment supporters believe that Justice Minister Pracha Promnok should be removed"

    Read: "More people think that the Justice Minister should be removed than any other minister"

    That's the closest thing that gets close to "most". :huh:

    I agree - a most misleading headline but it will still get the saliva glands on here going; wait for the barking to start

  5. really fun thread you guys have going here ;)

    But seriously, in October, Thaksin had a passport, traveled internationally, and could not return to Thailand without going to jail. Now it is December, Thaksin has a passport, travels internationally, and cannot return to Thailand without going to jail.

    Sooooooooooo, .... ?

    I think the outrage is that having a government that so blatantly operate towards only one individual, that is convicted for crimes and facing more crimes against the nation, and that they cannot ever bring themselves to be truthful.

    It is if every part of their being is to always lie. Truth comes as an after-thought, if ever. There is a physiological term for these kind of individuals.

    You have succeeded in awakening my interest in this truly boring thread; what is that "physiological term"?

  6. Does the current government have anything on the agenda apart from Mr T? Like running the country for the benefit of all citizens of Thailand or is that in the next parliamnet?

    Based on the now clear facts that they chose to arrange a new passport for Thaksin during the same period that they could have been doing something other than strutting around in Burberry boots and taking photos of flooding while they completely mismanaged a crisis, you would have to say no, they don't really have any sort of an idea on anything other than

    1. giveaways so people will keep liking them and not protest

    2. sweeping all political stuff under the rug so that Thaksin can come back*

    3. * well except the stuff that the people did against the red shirts...for some reason that's valid and worth persuing...for reconciliation. But the stuff the red shirts did, THaksin's rampant theft, etc etc - that is the bit that needs to be forgotten. For 'reconciliation'

    They are as useless as TRT 2 and PPP. Mind you, was anyone expecting anything different?

    What stuff did the people do against the redshirts? Didn't they shoot themselves and in any case aren't they all buffaloes in the pay of Thaksin, as the Salims on their social media pages remind us so often (forgetting that most of their quite recent ancestors were sweating it out in Klong Toey or some benighted Swatow rice paddy).

    Do I detect a note of frustration (the childish Burberry gag, and they were Chinese knock offs anyway unlike Korn's wife's real Chanel boots) that things aren't quite playing out in the "right' way, and there's some frustration this government is doing rather well, certainly well enough to improve on the last election? Yingluck in particular - hated though she is by many in the Sino Thai middle class - is doing particularly well.I bet the old elite is somewhat pissed off and is thinking hard about timing of a suitable judicial intervention.A coup looks too problematic even for the chimps who organised the last fiasco.

    Of course they could cock it up on the Thaksin return issue.Lying by Surapong doesn't help and the amart enemy is still rabid (e.g Prayuth/LM).

    By the way Steve what happened to the intelligence and wit? Your last post could have been from one of thev knuckle dragging usual suspects?

    Ah "Jayboy", still pumping up the peons...you read a lot like "Lord Ha ha", one can just catch a glimpse of your oft worn sneer! Keep up the good work, when they succeed in pardoning your beloved hero your name will be up there in lights, and wont you feel so proud that an "anti sino" has put one over the polygot elite?

    Humbug! :bah:

    At least Animatic realised that you meant Lord Haw Haw - executed I believe after the end of WW2 for treason; I am at a loss however to understand why you think he is a suitable reference in your disagreement with Jayboy.

    Am I completely wrong or was this subject raised by a Democrat MP without any statement from the government and has had no confirmation from the government? Whilst I agree that would not be without precedent for Pheu Thai, a little more than the suspicions of an opposition MP would be welcomed before the mutual condemnation and vilification being voiced here yet again

  7. I never use hotel room safes. There is a scam used world-wide that lets hotel workers open your safe if it has numbered buttons.

    They first clean all the buttons, touch their finger to the side of their nose and then rub all the buttons with this light "grease".

    When the safe is used, they can see which four numbers have been used. With only four numbers, it doesn't take long for them to find the combination using trial and error.

    You are incorrect... there are 10,000 possible combinations when using a 4 digit code !!!!!!! :lol:

    No - there are four known numbers involved; how many permutations are there of eg 1234?

  8. Thailand is becoming more and more like China... Oh wait... who's in charge of the current government again? Oh that's right. THE CHINESE.

    I agree with you, but China, that you mentioned, don't pretend to be a democratic Country at all ! They are red flagged (communists:somehow) and proud of it...And also don't collaborate with the other major world economy: USA. Also they completely don't give a .... of Human rights watch, and a pletoria of other civilized organisations and basics of all around the world. In a few words, they show you the color directly. And there's no misunderstandings : if you are there, you know very well and clearly where you step.

    But here in this Country, what personally turns my blood warm is the "cynicism & hypocrisy" of the whole system. In fact the political life here is very similar as the very specific kind of tourism that uses to be the most welcomed and highly promoted in and outside the Country ......:whistling:.

    But letting it be ILLEGAL, for some reason that will remain a mystery for a simple TOURIST. Expats we already know the song, isn't it guys ?

    Your comments are incomprehensible. Go and learn English or publish in your own language.

    I understood what he was saying. Your comment is arrogant and patronising; many of the posters here are not native English speakers but they have a point of view equally valid to yours

  9. I was educated to understand and accept other cultures and differences.

    Your posts across ThaiVisa would indicate the opposite.

    Nisa, with respect you really are completely wrong about other western countries teaching history in an unbalanced manner. You are most grievously wrong in suggesting that most countries have the same pledging of allegiance that the US has. In all my life I have never been required to pledge my loyalty to anyone or anything.

  10. It is not her fault where she was born or what nationality she have and definitely not her fault been in Bangla road. If she was NOT French then why the French embassy were looking for her and her sister.

    I did not blame her on anything. Don't assume things. It is a sad story indeed, I do not deny it.

    I do speak six language and Thai very good but still that doesnt make that I have nationality for all. The story here is very unclear about many things, but for me the name Claude de Crissey sounds very French so it seems more than typo error about the native language her from the gazette more than Mr Claude speak Macaroon Arabic(this is as much assumption as your first post!).

    Claude Crissey might be French, the French Embassy might be efficient and welcoming, the rescue volunteers are certainly very helpful, however, the little girl is lost, dead mother and father probably in jail, she does NOT speak french obviously and they are going to be send back to their grandmother (so, I guess, retired). Those are facts, not my opinion.

    Now my opinion is simple (and I don't ask anyone to share it), these little girls will be better off in Morocco where they seem to be from(even though yes I never spoke to those girls to confirm that).

    The child isof Arabic ethnicity but is French, M.DeCrissey spoke to her in "her native tongue" ie FRENCH; she is a French child

  11. Btw, I am still waiting for the Red Shirt leaders to denounce the violence that they ofcourse are opposed and is done in their organizations name.

    I'm waiting to enjoy a white Christmas in Bangkok. Your wait will be longer than mine i fancy.

    These threads repeatedly degenerate into juvenile squabbles about who was "badder" than whom in their protests. Why does that matter in comparison to what is needed to improve the governance of the country that so many of us have made our home?

    Thailand is a divided country politically - the Democrats are not acceptable to the electorate despite having the best qualified politicians in western eyes; Thaksin was convicted of corruption; a military coup took place (something abhorrent normally to members of western democracies);Pheau Thai's previous Thaksin-oriented incarnations were overthrown by (legally valid) court rulings. Pheau Thai is in government now and is still a Thaksin creation but has an overwhelming parliamentary majority so there appears little to suggest that a military coup would again be contemplated.

    The way out of this impasse can only be through a process that allows complete openness about what has occurred and a spirit of reconciliation that is seriously missing in the hostile adversarial views of so many posters here. Perhaps if we leave it to the Thais, they will find a way and we farangs can find other reasons to throw our toys at each other.

    Do you really think Thaksin will be open and admit he hid millions of baht in his servants' names to manipulate the stock market?

    Will Thaksin admit that the 2,500 people killed in his 'drug war' were unlawfully killed and deprived of a fair trial?

    The way out of this impasse is for justice to run its course,those who broke the law from Thaksin to both Sonthis to be tried in court and duly sentenced.

    But Thaksin refuses to recognises the courts.

    I did not suggest any of those would happen and don't understand why you are asking what I "really think" Thaksin will do; like you I have no idea what goes on in his mind. What I have suggested is that reconciliation and openness are necessary for the THAI people to resolve THEIR difficulties and differences.

  12. Yes, she certainly seems to be floundering. Maggie Thatcher she ain't! And THAT is what this country needs, a strong leader to clean up Thailand, rid it of corruption, change the cultural thinking from being reactive to being proactive, and really bring this country into the 21st Century.

    She cannot do what Thatcher did because there is no similarity with the UK under Thatcher; she cannot destroy the heavy industry that Thailand does not have and concentrate on "service industries" which for the Baroness meant the City of London; I also doubt that as a Thai she would claim that there is no such thing as society.

    Some people forget that whatever she did for the UK, Thatcher created a huge amount of damage to areas outwith her core constituencies and used the newly-profitable North Sea oil revenues to pay the unemployed

    Agreed,even though you have ruined my day,by the mention of Thatcher :)

    Someday I hope to see a Thread on Thatcher,there are many Myths and Lies,and the extreme damage she did to the British People, that the misguided Thatcherites need to address!

    Sorry to have ruined your day by mentioning "The Blessed Margaret" as Norman St.John-Stevas called her and it is way off topic but the implication in sausageandmash's post that she rid the UK of corruption is nonsensical given the scandals over defence contracts in her administration, not to mention the role of her son as a "facilitator" for UK business in the Middle East. What does the UK sell there?

  13. Did k. Kwanchai speak as Pheu Thai MP or as UDD leader when he said "the reconciliation, which would cover all parties and individuals, including Democrats Abhisit Vejjajiva and Suthep Thaugsuban for their "involvement" in the 2010 bloodshed."

    Note that if he really said ".... involvement in 2010 bloodshed" is suggest less reconciliatory thoughts. Still to my recollection it may be the first time a Pheu Thai MP and UDD leader mentions k. Abhisit/Suthep to be included, to be seen in which way included of course

  14. Yes, she certainly seems to be floundering. Maggie Thatcher she ain't! And THAT is what this country needs, a strong leader to clean up Thailand, rid it of corruption, change the cultural thinking from being reactive to being proactive, and really bring this country into the 21st Century.

    She cannot do what Thatcher did because there is no similarity with the UK under Thatcher; she cannot destroy the heavy industry that Thailand does not have and concentrate on "service industries" which for the Baroness meant the City of London; I also doubt that as a Thai she would claim that there is no such thing as society.

    Some people forget that whatever she did for the UK, Thatcher created a huge amount of damage to areas outwith her core constituencies and used the newly-profitable North Sea oil revenues to pay the unemployed

  15. Someone sensed he was about to lose his portfolio.

    Go out with a bang, rather than a whimper.

    But it is good to see the cracks emerging in Yinglucks house.

    Cracks in the facade for sure.

    And yes he is not taking one for the team but slagging the couch.

    Looks like he KNOWS he is toast anyway so get in a few licks.

    Maybe he couldn't come up with the buy in price demanded for this version of Thaksin Proxy Cabinet 2

    Slagging the couch?

  16. Btw, I am still waiting for the Red Shirt leaders to denounce the violence that they ofcourse are opposed and is done in their organizations name.

    I'm waiting to enjoy a white Christmas in Bangkok. Your wait will be longer than mine i fancy.

    These threads repeatedly degenerate into juvenile squabbles about who was "badder" than whom in their protests. Why does that matter in comparison to what is needed to improve the governance of the country that so many of us have made our home?

    Thailand is a divided country politically - the Democrats are not acceptable to the electorate despite having the best qualified politicians in western eyes; Thaksin was convicted of corruption; a military coup took place (something abhorrent normally to members of western democracies);Pheau Thai's previous Thaksin-oriented incarnations were overthrown by (legally valid) court rulings. Pheau Thai is in government now and is still a Thaksin creation but has an overwhelming parliamentary majority so there appears little to suggest that a military coup would again be contemplated.

    The way out of this impasse can only be through a process that allows complete openness about what has occurred and a spirit of reconciliation that is seriously missing in the hostile adversarial views of so many posters here. Perhaps if we leave it to the Thais, they will find a way and we farangs can find other reasons to throw our toys at each other.

  17. His wife says she will guarantee for him. If he does a runner after getting out on bail, will she serve his sentance for him? This guy is a joke even to the Thai people.

    His Wife's status should have absolutely no bearing on the case, which should be taken on it's merits in respect of his actions in the past. The only involvement she might have is posting the bail money, if bail is granted. We of course all know how trustworthy and believable "some" Thai Politicians are - look at the fine example set by the fugitive ex-Prime Minister!:rolleyes:

    Interesting that his wife has been able to overcome the negative publicity from the compromising photo of her husband Arisaman with Yingluck and continues to stand by him.

    A lot of Thai wives wouldn't do that.

    But then, most wholly inexperienced Thai wives aren't selected for political positions based entirely on their surname like this MP, or the PM for that matter.

    Maybe that's where Rapeepan's tolerance comes from. She shares a lot in common with Yingluck.



    Come on Buchholz, show as that compromising photo again - you make me laugh at times, honestly, the lengths you go to.

    Come on give him a chance - he has a huge photo library to search and he might have given his research team the day off for Xmas shopping.

  18. in spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc, that others may make when posting.

    *other's ..... You're missing an apostrophe of possession there my friend.


    Whilst I do not agree wholeheartedly with this website's viewpoints (a bit too conspiracy theorist for my liking) some very interesting points are raised in the below document


    Khun Abhisit was the best thing that ever happened to Thailand. Such a shame his premiership occurred during the GFC, otherwise many things could've occurred differently. Additionally as most of you should know, a lot of policies in politics take quite a few years to filter through to the people; many of his policies would have helped the rural population of Thailand........ had they been given the opportunity to.

    But... the apostrophe of possession should of course refer to the plural of other ie others'

  19. In reference to Bakseedaa's questioning how long I have lived inLOS,, <deleted> has that got to do with ithis topic, maybe touched a nerve there??

    But in truth it's just been about 2 and a hallf years, but still long enough to see who the clowns are,

    So this makes you an expert

    I have been living in Thailand for just under 10 years, and married to a Thai lady for 5 of these, and I admit I still know so little about the way Thai's think

    Well it seems that whether you know how Thais think, you feel you are an expert on Thai politics

  20. What I said in my facetious post about Mrs P is true but there is no denying that cold (and that is a relative, if not qualitative term) is a debilitating condition, unless you are protected against it with the necessary materials and it does happen that people in Thailand die during cold spells; whether these numbers are many or few or are exacerbated by self-neglect eg alcohol as suggested in posts on this subject last year, is not the point. If government or public assistance can prevent these deaths then that should be encouraged.

    I have been in the north in winter and I have found it cold because I was not dressed as I would have been for a northern European winter nor did the hotel bedding match what I would have had there; if hotels can be that ill-prepared, what likelihood is there that the poor will be?

  21. Time to trot out the age old question.

    What happened to the blankets and warm clothing that were distributed last year?

    Exactly ! I have wondered the same thing for years. Don't people keep them from year to year or are there that many new people with no clothes moving to the region every year?

    I asked that very question to the resident Thai expert and fount of all knowledge on all things (Mrs P) and was told that the goods involved were of poor quality and fell apart following a few washes. She has never lived further north than Phitsanulok but of course has a fine understanding of cold climate survival.

    Being a lover of domestic harmony, I hesitated too long to ask what the people in those areas did to survive for thousands of years before quilted blankets and acrylic blankets were distributed free, perhaps they lit fires or the family livestock added their body heat to the dwelling place. Wisely, I believe I chose not to ask since she is an expert in all fields including the paleoantropology of Thai prehistory.

  22. Was BKK even declared a Diaster zone with the floods?

    I do not doubt it is chilly up int he mountains, the same it gets chilly every year at the same time and every year a disaster is declared to free up the funds that the people in power have pre arranged blankets to supply, I suspect at a "special" price.

    Why should the area that was protected at such cost to others have been declared a disaster zone?

  23. November Consumer Confidence Index Lowest in 10 Years

    The overall index was at 61, the lowest in 122 months, since September 2001.

    The index for future employment opportunities was recorded at 62.5, the lowest in 119 months, since January 2002.

    The index for future earnings came in at 89.5, the lowest in 28 months

    Impressive performance of the Yingluck administration.


    These figures can hardly be surprising considering the flooding disaster that the country has experienced and therefore are hardly attributable to the present administration, given its time in office. You can argue (perhaps with some justification) that they might have done better in dealing with the floods but you cannot argue that a solution existed that would have saved the country from the devastation that was caused; had such a solution been available would it not have screamed from the rooftops by he Democrats?

  24. Believe what you want. A comedian once joked that such things are akin to f_%king for virginity.

    No matter from what position you start, there can be no sane argument that justifies a military coup as good for democracy.

    Electing a populist, a fascist or a communist is rarely good for democracy either.


    that is really amazing. Are you saying that all of these are bad people? populists? I don't know what party you could mean by 'populists', but...

    Even communists still are elected regularly in democracies - France has several municiplities which have elected communists and not the UMP or the PS.

    And yes, all over the world, there are also far-right parties, participating in elections and democracy. (in the USA, that is even one of the 2 major parties... )

    Which is exactly what democracy is about. Participation and representation. Exercising the organs of democracy. It is not about military coups... That is not a "reset" button as some here say... a military coup is just, well, a military coup - nothing to do with democracy.

    I know mobsters that are great with their grand-kids. So I am not saying that everyone that holds a political view is inherently bad. Some are misguided, some are just under the false belief that they should impose their will on others 'in [their] best interest'.

    If you don't understand why populism is a perversion of democracy then just say so and we can have a debate over it. Same goes for Communism and Fascism, but for slightly different reasons.

    OK I don't know why "populism" is a perversion of democracy, but I do know why military coups are - they inevitably lead to either military dictatorships or to a civilian government that does not represent the wishes of the electorate

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