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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. We tried our bank - nope, not a bank document. Then tried my dentist who threw up her hands in horror. Tomorrow we will try CM Ram - maybe get lucky there. Anybody got any better ideas?
  2. Checked out of the hotel the night before so no queue and waiting. Pointed out to the receptionist that they missed our taxi frare from/to the airport.. Ignored. Went to bed, went tt to sleep, receptionist phoned me up (waking me) saying they had made a mistake and could I sort it out NOW? Nope. Went back to sleep. Complained the next morning. Did I over-react?
  3. Quite right. Sixty is the new forty.
  4. OK so I know it's dangerous so thanks but I don't need reminding of that. Has anyone actually USED a bike radar in Thailand?
  5. Title says it all I think. The carnage on the roads is frigthening - drunk/yaba drivers killing indiscriminately, no end in sight - no effective policing. Horrific stories like the woman drunk five o'clock in the morning in Chiang Mai who ran over a group of cyclcists and got off with a wai basically. So, I've got a mirror on my bike, I figure on getting a radar fitted to it so I have a chance to get out of the way. Anyone used this and have they even been used "in anger" so to speak?
  6. It's true - he's back!
  7. Dilbert's back! Dilbert.com lives again. And they say there is no God.
  8. I read somewhere that one cup of coffee a day reduces your chance of cirrhosis of the liver by 25%. I drink four cups a day so I have reduced my chances by 100%.
  9. Every day I read my Dilbert.com cartoon but noticed the last week or so I am asked if I would like to contribute - of course not! Now Dilbert.com is unavailable and I google the strip to find that something like a hundred journals have cancelled. Seems like Dilbert was not PC enough ???? Not that mr adams is worrying though I would have thought - his netw roth is estimated to be 50 million - that'll keep him going for a while....
  10. Oh, that's OK then. carry on! ????
  11. "How to check finance on a motorbike" I would strongly advise NOT to use your mobile phone to check finance while riding your motorbike. Hope this helps.
  12. Just love this "Asia’s wealthy, brand-conscious, high net worth individuals, through their chosen lifestyle activities." Burp.
  13. I did. There isn't. There are theories, therere are corellations, there are models - but no evidence. Your turn - you say there is oodles and oodles of evidence - please be kind enough to post some.
  14. Turn it on its head - credible evidence that humans ARE responsible - spreadhseets, models and Al Gores biotched demo in the Inconvenient Truth disallowed.
  15. Switzrland has (Twice) had a referendum to legaize cannabis - both rejected. A trial will soon start for selected pharmacies to sell potent ganja to a (small) list of registered users.
  16. haha! That'll be right after the underground railway that was going to to go from central Chiang Mai via the airport to Hang Dong.
  17. This sounds expensive to me. Just had one in Switzerland (not a cheap country) and it was 500 francs or roughly 18,000 baht
  18. My problem is that I have a full UK licence - but I (and my wife) had to give them up (no idea where they are) 20 years ago to get a Swiss license. SO I always use my Swiss one when driving here (never been stopped) and my wife (who also has Thai one but let it lapse) uses hers. My worry is that the insurance on the car is not valid if her (Thai) license is expired. Again she hasn't been stopped recently but breezily reckons the Swss one is good (where are not here full-time yet). OK pay the 400 baht expired licence fine - but what about insurance? And am I insured in our car wtih a non-Thai licence?
  19. Yes just like the cycle path on the canal road in Chiang Mai. And evey market day is filled up with stalls.
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