What's a "social life"? Is that something different from surfing the internet all night and communicating on social media? You mean with REAL PEOPLE right?
Apparently (I used to live on the flight path into Heathrow) frozen ice from planes would land on the area - at least one car was trashed by a large lump of ice which was believed to have come off a plane that I heard about. Not that common but it HAS happened.
And here's the proof : https://www.heathrow.com/company/local-community/noise/what-you-can-do/ice-falls-from-aircraft
Credit Suisse is a basket case anyway. Totally inept management ( I know several people who work/have worked there). Had an interview with them where I expressed my doubts on their methodology - guess what I didn't get the job. Their loss.
I'm not that particularly "woke" but I find this article extremely offensive - sexist, "lookist" and superficial.
Saying that they both look fine to me.....
I watched a programme recently on the Beeb where these scammers are actually held prisoner in compounds after being lured into "top jobs" in Cambodia doing telesales or some such - and then beaten and tortured if they don't make the grade.
So maybe a little sympathy there.
The owner of the compound is "above the law" and untouchable - sounds familiar.
Ok the scammers themselves are niave for accepting these jobs but still....
This will be ideal for taking gangs of high-ranking officers (and maybe their wives but probably not ???? ) on jollies to other countries.
Oh, sorry I meant "fact-finding missions"
Many (nearly forty) years ago I and my Thai wife and her daughter (now my step-daughter) relocated to the UK. My wife already had a British passport. We needed yes a letter from the natural father (I think a few thousand baht changed hands but I didn't enquire ???? ) and a statement from my bank that I was solvent that went to the British embassy. We also transalted all the birth and marriage certificates - the Brit Embassy told us which ones they accepted (don't try and find somebody cheaper to do it as I did first as the Embassy will reject it). My daughter already had a Thai passport. I think that was all we needed. Yes she had a different surname from my both my wife and I.
a) If you send it to my account I'll see you alright no worries trust me
b) Load up a credit card that you can use in the UK?
a) is better in my opinion but then I'm biased ????
Slightly off-topic but my (Thai) wife has a Thai driving licence, but it has expred. She insists that because she lives six months a yearin Europe her European driving licence is OK. I have my doubts and worry if she is involved in an accident the insurance won't cover her. I know there are no hard-and-fast rules about ANYTHING regarding these matters but is she correct?
Yes they are really difficult to spot. That and burning sugar cane fields. Although they emit a lot of light and smoke they cannot be seen by police detectors which are tuned into a different waveband aka brown envelope concealment. It's an arduous problem.
Did three days once without sleep at Knebworth '76 (Stones headlining) some chemically induced but the most not. I was young, weather was good and damn, the Stones, man, the Stones!
The solar system will NEVER payback. Mars, Venus, the Moon, Mercury - then the steroid belt and the outer frozen gas giants - will all be money pits and no return will ever be seen. Oh, sorry, wrong Solar System?