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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. Actually many years ago when I tried to use Makro in the UK I had to register as a business user which (as a self-employed "limited company" contractor) I was - had to show a company cheque book I think and they gave me a card. I don't know if they still do this nonsense. Apparently they don't now https://www.makro.co.za/customer-service/faq/registerPage#:~:text=Like everything at Makro%2C we,generate a number for you.
  2. Nope no more coup after the election. Let's have one BEFORE.
  3. But he is still unnamed and his face is blurred out to make indetification easier.
  4. And frequently if not always one has to produce a council tax bill (lekky bill, other bank statement) or similar to PROVE ones UK address.
  5. I've had my Barclays account for the most part in mainland Europe for over twenty years - no problem. They DID close my barclaycard accounts after I cleared the balance and I didn't owe them anything (of course) but I have had no problem with the standard bank account with this address. I also changed in to Singapore and/or Thailand temporarily and again with no problem. I DO have a UK mobile number which I think they registered (but I don't use it with Barclys mobile banking I use another phone and that seems to work fine). Strange.
  6. But this article also states sea-level rise in the harbourt has been 1.5 feet (that's 45 cm in real money) since 1620 - almost exactly 400 years and just over 10 cm a century or a mm a year - alarming! (NOT)
  7. <begin rant> Many many years ago I was at a (computer security) conference and the presenter stood up and talked a load of bollards about stuff I knew well. I called him out and said his info was YEARS out of date. But I think got a grand for an hours speaking. Nice work if you can get it. Same on this forum. Seems here people will spout (authoritatively) answers to questions that are FREQUENTLY wrong. If I answer myself I will use as a caveat this is from my personal experience but might be different for you. But some of the answers are again pure bollards. Case in point: you need to enable roaming on your Thai mobile to receive SMS messages. No you don't. Roaming is CALL roaming and SMS uses a completely different system. Yet some people will give this as an answer. And you need a VPN to access Thai bank internet systems (well with mine[BBL] you don't) and I use SEVERAL banks from different countries and have NEVER had to use a VPN. That's why they call it the internet. There are some restrictions (e.g. has to be a mobile of that country to get an OTP as their software can't use country codes basically) yet some people will give this an answer. <end rant>
  8. Saves buying bags of ice from Lotus!
  9. If it's anything like my BBL local branch - yep endure the queue. You can download the app but it won't do diddly-squat until they register you (and your THAI mobile number).
  10. Why does anybody bother to ask a question on this forum when most of the answers are wrong? Is Google broken?
  11. You DON'T need to use a VPN! You can connect to BBL https://ibanking.bangkokbank.com/SignOn.aspx directly. Sorry as I said it earlier is 90% of the stuff here pure garbage?
  12. No you don't. Why do people post stuff that is untrue? Is 90% of the stuff posted here bollards (think I know that answer). SMS messages do not need roaming enabled and that's how you get OTPs with BBL. I control my BBL account almost exclusively from outside Thailand to make local payments and OCCASIONALLY have to enter the SMS OTP (to enter a new payee for example). You don't need a VPN. Saying that you need to get a Thai mobile number registered at a LOCAL branch (at least I did) As to international transfers, that is a completely different matter. Whether you are in or outside Thailand, it will depend on the BBL rules (and no doubt government rules). Because (as my training as a bank employee for a bank in another country tells me) you will start to hit AML flags (or should do). Transfers of a certain amount and particularly REGULAR transfers should show up as red-flags. You will have some explaining to do as to where the money is coming from (or should do if it is an ethical bank).
  13. And this man on the run and several countries watching for him, cannot be named? Or even better a picture of him that isn't being blurred out?
  14. Air quality seems to have got better though....
  15. Netflix just brought out a movie called Money Shot: the Pornhub story.. USELESS. Took me AGES to bring myself off.
  16. The prison orange jump suit would go really with his complexion - just dreamin' ???? And would his (ex-)presidential body guards (Treasury Service?) have to go into the shower with him? Armed?
  17. If your avatar is really you then you shouldn't have any problem getting somewhere to stay but somehow I think it isn't. ????
  18. The study was conducted at Brigham Young Uni https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigham_Young_University sponsored by Mormons. So no agenda there then.
  19. In 1970 I went to a lecture by a "Computer Scientist" and asked will we have intelligent computers in thirty years time. He said I'll stick my neck out and say yes. He was wrong. Artificial intelligence is like practical fusion - it's ALWAYS thirty years away. The fundamental problem is that we don't know how we think so how can we replicate that in a mchine? As they said in the film 2001, machines may "mimic" humans for some aspects but until we know how we do it we can't build thinking into something else. P,S, I have been working in IT since 1979,
  20. If you use some UK banks voice recognition AI you would realise they won't be taking over the planet anytime soon.
  21. It was actually from a Chinese weather balloon.
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