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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. I was on a VOA thing and went to our local BBL branch and opened a savings account, which includes an ATM card. I supposed it helped that my (Thai) wife who also has an account there went with me.
  2. When I were a lad, back in 1970, a visiting Computer Science lecturer from the local university gave us a talk. I had seen the film 2001 recently and asked him if by then we would have computers (HAL 9000) that intelligent. His answer, as far as I can remember it word for word "Yeah (glad I saw that film) I'll stick my neck out and say by then (thirty-odd years in the future) we will have that". Fifty years later how wrong he has turned out to be. Here are the intelligence levels of computers: 1950: Amoeba level 1960: Tapeworm level 1970 Earthworm level 1990: Ant colony level (worked on a system for British Telecom that emulated workflow as ants see it for the field engineers, when they take too long another one is sent) Now: A article I read on the current stae-of-the-art AI driving facility - it is not as intelligent as a seven month old child. This child, if you hid a toy or something under a blanket, would realise where it has gone and find it. Unfortunately the current level of AI for automatic cars can't do this: if a van overtakes a cyclist (hiding from your view) that was previously registered, so it can't be seen - it forgets about it. So humans won't be replaced anytime soon. Discuss. AI is just the same as practical nuclear fusion it's always been "thirty years away" for the last sixty. Sans Serif
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