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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 1 hour ago, ivor bigun said:

    Please enlighten me ,i am British ,can you list the attacks in just Britain where a terrorist has killed and bombed innocent people going about their daily business ,shouting in God we trust Or God bless us? 

    And please do not come up with the IRA.

    The IRA are the only Christian organisation we've been in conflict with in recent years.

    Obviously you don't expect Islamic terrorists to chant about trusting God etc do you?

  2. 1 hour ago, JDGRUEN said:

    Ample evidence for execution of Soleimani has existed for years.   No new evidence was needed. Soleimani spent over twenty years exporting state sponsored terrorism by direct action and by use of paid surrogates and proxies.  Soleimani was responsible for thousands of incidents of deaths, torture plus  incalculable destruction of homes industries and businesses best exemplified in Lebanon and Syria.  Soleimani was not a typical field general in a declared war. Soleimani was an exporter of death and destruction via proxies and surrogates all funded by Iran the State.  As, on the day of his death Soleimani went about Iran's neighbor countries (with his armed entourage of fighters) meeting and planning armed conflict. What Soleimani was doing on the day of his death does not matter for he had been delivering death and destruction on a daily basis since at least 1998.  Soleimani was an out and out International murderer and master of torture.  He deserved his fate that should have been delivered before 2010 not 2020 

    How come we'd never of him till now then?

    • Like 2
  3. 20 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    On the other hand .....

    I'm a Brit with our Thai son, and her Thai daughter ....... and moms gone (while I'm financing her daughters university education).

    Parents who don't want to raise or pay for their kids isn't just limited to men, as far as I can see abandoning your kids to be raised by grandparents, or other family members is endemic in Thailand.

    When a girl goes on the game that's when grandparents and aunties come in handy wherever they may be. As the mothers sees it that's what families are for.


    Same in the UK where a baby is a means to a council home and an income for 18 years and each subsequent sprog means another 18 years on Easy Street.


    And many British single mothers are up for a bit of cash in hand escorting or working in massage parlours. As are the tens of thousands of those in normal jobs, they all have to park their kids somewhere with someone.


    But there's no welfare system in Thailand so it's a necessity for the family to rally round if the kid's dad is not forking out. So Thai women who are reasonably attractive have a justifiable reason to park their kids if they want to earn comparatively good money.


    I used to leave my son with my Mum and Dad when I went to work or out for a drink at night. If you're working and have a home to run you have to.

  4. 1 minute ago, Yinn said:

    You worry the opinion of bar girls/sex worker?


    And type of foreigner that sex worker know about? Bad attitude drunk ugly pervert that must pay for sex/girlfriend right. 


    He must speak Issan also right? And slang? Hmmmm 

    you believe him? 


    Sex worker calling sex tourist kee nok. 



    In a sex bar. If he a sex customer, you think he should have high respect right?



    i think in normal society he will be praised. In normal life. Normal people will think “wow, that is good.”


    What important for him?

    Whether you like it or not most falangs come to Thailand because of the bar girls or it's what brought them here in the first place especially where Pattaya is concerned.


    The Pattaya forum receives by far the most posts related to Thailand's holiday destinations on Thai Visa.  As punters we don't expect respect just a bit of common courtesy. The majority of us treat the girls with courtesy and respect. Some of us actually fall in love and marry them and undertake to support their children and even whole families.


    And I do believe him, why should I not? For example he said they refer to us as kee nok and you've just confirmed it. If he hangs around in bars as many of us do he's bound to pick up some of their expressions.


    By the same token I'm no longer surprised when a Thai girl uses the 'F' word in normal conversation. I know a girl who speaks English with a London accent yet she's never been to the UK let alone London She picked it up from a long time boyfriend she had who came from London.


    You have learned to speak English, do you therefore not think it possible that some falangs can learn to speak Thai? Some can even read and write it.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. 1 hour ago, CGW said:

    Well spotted! the majority here still seem to be under the illusion they have relevance here!

    Are you not going back in time a few years. We now have to worry about being refused entry and made to feel treated like a common criminal. We have to be prepared to show hotel bookings, 20K TB in cash and a return ticket.


    We're fully aware we have no 'relevance' here. Most of us come on holiday for a good time not to seek nor expect relevance.


    Some of us are beginning to feel irrelevant in the LOS to the point where we no longer feel welcome especially after the experiences some have encountered with sour faced immigration officers.


    And I'm referring not to ex pats but to holiday makers who come to the LOS regularly and have done so for years.

    • Haha 1
  6. A friend of mine in Pattaya spoke enough Thai to understand what any bar girls within earshot were saying about us. Like the OP he also wished he'd never taken the time to learn the lingo.


    When he let on to them that he knew what they were saying they hid their faces in embarrassment, not because of what they'd said but because a falang had heard and understood it. Bird $h!t (Kee Nuk) was a favourite term they used when discussing us.


    So rather than be praised and congratulated for having learned their language he was actually despised for having done so.

    • Like 1
  7. On 7/31/2019 at 10:41 PM, Genmai said:

    Jeez what the heck is this? Old white men are a cancer? As opposed to old black men or old white women? Nothing truthful about your disgusting comment, I think you've gone a bit wonky from the heat.

    When a 1000+ posts member writes something like this I really wonder if we have a problem in this community...

    "Old white men are a cancer?"


    That was not what he wrote. He wrote 'seen as a cancer.' Two entirely different observations.








    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    I don't think you need 'old' in that sentence for it to still work.


    But it's only old blokes who get hiked up long term with Thai girls. The girls seek them out because they are the ones who have money. I don't know any young blokes with permanent nor long term Thai girls. The girls know that a relationship with an older falang is guaranteed to be far more lucrative.


    The girls avoid young falangs because


    1 They claim the younger fellows don't want to pay them.

    2 They are butterflies. ie the young blokes want to to play the field.

    3 They don't hang around long enough. They are nearly always Two or Three Week Wonders. Here today gone tomorrow.


    Years ago in the UK before the welfare system was introduced some young women used to purposefully set their sights on older richer men in order to attain a life on Easy Street.


    Such a woman was known as an 'old man's darling'. That's exactly the same situation with these much younger Thai women when they tell us old goats how handsome we are.


    It's retired falangs whose money has paid for all these fancy houses and motor cars you see up in the boondocks belonging to ex bar girls.


    Once Vietnam gets in on the game it'll be the old boys the girls chase after not the young 'uns.

    • Like 1
  9. 19 hours ago, jasonhpi said:

    There are more old white men in America than old black men so whats your point?  Most black people live in Africa and die before they get old. Average life expectancy in most countries in Africa is 50.  People from third world countries go to developed countries to improve their lives, they dont go from one third world country to another one. There are more Filipinos living in America than there are white men living in the Philippines. Why is it okay for blacks,hispanics and Asians to move to white countries but when a retired white guy who is living on 1,000 dollars a month SS check moves to a country cheaper than America you call it cancer. 

    He mentioned the word cancer as a comparative term but did not actually call it cancer.


    Read the original post and see what you think.

  10. On 8/1/2019 at 2:41 PM, Curmudgeonly59 said:

    Back on the subject matter please: the original clickbait/provocation post asked for comments comparing Thailand with Vietnam 5 years from now... 

    People are describing their experience with locals. A very important aspect of the topic under discussion. Probably one of the most important aspects of life for an ex pat or visitor wherever he or she may find themselves.


    Few have much experience of life in VN so few comment on it. Why not tell us what you think of VN now and then possibly how it will be in 5 years time.


    • Like 1
  11. On 8/1/2019 at 11:11 AM, robertson468 said:

    You really are a thoroughly unpleasant person, who clearly has a mental  issue.  It has nothing to do with hitting nerves or such like, it's called respecting you fellow human being, whether they be black, white, buddhist, christian, old, young, male, female, trans.  Please go to another website to do you disgusting ranting.  You are not wanted on here.........do you hear!!!!

    He is wanted on here. His approval rating tells you as much.


    Do you hear!!!

    • Like 1
  12. On 7/31/2019 at 10:23 PM, sanemax said:

    What an unpleasant thing to post , may get deleted 

    Why? It's the truth and we should not be offended by the truth.


    No sane nation wants to get lumbered with the elderly from foreign countries unless it benefits them financially to do so. We all know this.


    Girls only go with old men for what they can get out of them. And we all know this as well.







    • Like 1
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  13. 15 hours ago, Scot123 said:

    Only someone bitter and twisted would try and defect the evidence already seen. Video of the missiles, heat signatures of missiles and the airplane then a big explosion. Then ignore at the same time the Iranians were firing missiles at an airport in Iraq. The saddest thing is the murdered dead will never see justice as Iran gets away with it again. So many people gullible, cowerds or simply filled with so much twisted hate for Trump or America.

    "The saddest thing is the murdered dead will never see justice as Iran gets away with it again."


    Just like the 290 murdered dead never saw justice when their flight Iran Air Flight 655 was shot down by a missile in 1988.


    And like the 298 victims of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 who died when their plane was shot down over the Ukraine in 2014. They never saw justice. Until then Thai Airways followed that same same flight path on their LHR - BKK service.


    And the 270 victims in the Lockerbie Pan Am 103 atrocity in 1988 was another example.


    Until these animals are brought to book and severely dealt with we'll never know if we could be on the next plane that gets blown out of the sky.


    It can never happen to you. At least not until it does.


    All of those responsible for murdering helpless innocent civilians should get the death penalty, no excuses and no exceptions.



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. 33 minutes ago, metempsychotic said:

    One codger on thaivisa doesnt recognize an actress and her career is as good as over.

    I'm another one who's never heard of her. I doubt that anyone who does not watch that TV show has nor even some of its regular viewers.


    It's hardly a name that slips off the tongue and neither is she exactly an unforgettable raving beauty.

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