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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 53 minutes ago, Traubert said:

    Sigh...for the 99th time, what if he obtained in in Thailand and tried to take it home?


    Nowhere has it been said, apart from in the comments, that he brought it from home.

    Well said. It's part of the unique experience for visitors to the LOS.


    When you go home you get a garland of flowers to go round your neck. You buy a Lacoste polo shirt, a bottle of Sangsum and a real bullet as a souvenir to remind you of your time in Thailand. It's natural, we all do it.


    It's a very popular practice especially with Americans because as we all know bullets are virtually impossible to obtain in the USA.

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, josephbloggs said:

    Do you drive a car here?  What shakedowns have you experienced?


    I've been driving here for over 20 years.  I've only ever been in trouble when I've done something wrong (illegal U-turns and the like).  I've also had a couple of tickets in the post.  Been stopped at many checkpoints but always waved through when I've showed my license.  I've also been stopped and breathalysed twice and then thanked and waved away when I've passed.  

    I've been involved in two major accidents here - neither my fault but the other driver tried to blame me in both cases.  Police came down on my side in both cases and I was treated very courteously and fairly.


    I understand motorbikes are more troublesome as they can stop you for many technical reasons that are hard to avoid (going outside the left lane, using a flyover etc).


    So tell me about your shakedowns.

    "Do you drive a car here?  What shakedowns have you experienced?"


    I don't drive cars nor M/Cs so I'm not likely to experience shakedowns. Neither have I said I do.


    I actually said in the post you are referring to "We're always hear about falangs driving vehicles getting shaken down by Thai cops," 


    I did not specifically mention you nor your experiences on Thai roads because I know nothing about either.


    But I have heard and read of motorists getting stung for few a hundred baht by cops many times. I've also met several falangs who have. They cough up a bit of cash and get sent on their way. There has been one such incident mentioned on this very forum today.


    I've also read of other falangs who have paid their way out of drink driving offences. But nowadays they have to pay more than just a few hundred baht.


    I also knew a fellow who was caught with a single joint of cannabis, he was locked up and not released till his father sent over the equivalent of 2000 GBP to get the charge dropped. And that was about 15 years ago.



  3. 25 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

    I think it has more to do with toxic masculinity, entitlement, than either religion or ethnicity. with exception them being welcomed as returning heroes.

    I would not say that Israeli women do not enjoy many freedoms.


    They don't like their women getting involved with Goy men or boys.


    They'll try to keep it in the faith at all costs, I've seen it with a Jewish family in South London when their daughter started showing an interest in the local non Jewish boys.


    They shipped out and headed off to Muswell Hill before you could say Tommy Robinson. Muswell Hill is an area popular with Jews in North London.

  4. On 12/31/2019 at 5:56 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    One example that you know of doesn't prove your case. Just because it's unusual doesn't mean that such women don't exist.

    Some people will do almost anything sexually, but perhaps you've never seen fetish sex in a book or on screen.


    And how would you have known she was willing or not?

    Back at you- how would you know if she wasn't willing?

    "but perhaps you've never seen fetish sex in a book or on screen."


    And perhaps you've been watching sex cartoon videos a bit too often such as the one about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs that is played constantly in a couple of GGBs in Pattaya's LK Metro.


    This incident in Cyprus was real, not the subject for some blue film or a top shelf magazine.


            "Back at you- how would you know if she wasn't willing?"


    I'd have known whether she was willing or not if I had have been there just like you would have. 


    But as you know neither of us were there so it's a bit of a pointless question.

  5. 57 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Interesting reading.

    Seems that if they were considered religious, that they would not engage in sexual activity outside of marriage. Perhaps as the woman is a goy, they looked at the sex differently


    It does seem apparent that certain ethnicities from that part of the world tend to view Christian girls as fair game.


    Other things that said ethnicities have in common is that they don't eat pork nor do they allow their own women the degree of freedom that Western women have attained.

    • Like 1
  6. On 12/31/2019 at 12:48 AM, emptypockets said:

    What you described sounds like rape.

    It was rape.


    But it still did not stop a few of our friends including three girls (one of whom had a bit of a crush on one of the rapists) saying that she was asking for it! But I and the others saw the state she was in, had known her for a while and there was absolutely no way she'd had have put herself in this position intentionally. 


    When we entered the room to see what the rumpus was she had three of 'em holding her arms and legs while another one was raping her. She was clearly terrified and in distress, these were young men that she knew and had probably trusted.


    She used to be one of our crowd but became a recluse after that till she went to OZ.


    We all know women sometimes cry rape to get a man arrested. But in this incident it was not a man it was a whole platoon of them.


    The grilling of the girl afterwards and the political implications cast a dark shadow over this incident. She did not get a day in court, no jury was involved and a single judge presided over the case.


    Unless we get to see the video of her enjoying it which we won't I tend to believe her.



    • Thanks 1
  7. On 11/29/2019 at 8:26 PM, torturedsole said:

    Never been asked to produce my passport and I don't subscribe to a Xerox of my passport page as I can't be bothered as not required.  


    A relaxed attitude, a bit of banter and production of required documentation will see one clear of any further nonsense.  RTP really aren't that bad if you play the game.  I've had more trouble with the old bill in the UK. 


    That's cos you're on you guard in the LOS, you're not sure what can happen if you put a foot wrong. So you're on your best behaviour.


    However you know the score in the UK, you've got legal aid vultures, social workers and even psychiatrists and the human rights merchants to help you out if need be.


    You're on your own in Thailand and you're guilty unless you can prove you're innocent. It's at the Thai plod's discretion if you go to the monkey house and you can do nothing about it.


    You've had more trouble with the old bill in the UK because you've spent a lot more of your life in the UK and you know what you can and can't get away with.

  8. On 12/23/2019 at 9:15 PM, Leaver said:

    I know that, you know that, we all know that.  However, whilst the military backed, wealthy Thai elite, are busy raping the country, whilst masquerading as a democracy, nothing can be done. 


    While other countries are building a middle class, Thailand is doing its best to ensure the majority of the wealth is held by a small percent of the population. 

    According to certain reports the gap between the rich and poor in the UK has been widening for some years.


    We've now got in work benefits for the low paid.

    Zero hour contracts which mean if there is no work there's no money.

    And Food Banks where they dole out free food to the needy.

    All new developments.

    And the availability and the waiting times for medical services are getting longer.

    And an acute housing shortage in a country with a much colder climate than Thailand. 

  9. 1 hour ago, tifino said:

    She was stuck somewhere in between a rock and a hard place with her story...

     The thing is that if she 'had' been raped by gang; she wouldn't have lived to tell the tale. 

    She'd have to have been murdered for her not to have lived to tell the tale. They did not kill her, she's still alive.


    Rape and murder are two different types of violence. Rape is sexual assault and murder is having your life taken from you by another or other persons.

  10. Jinjo, tell your chum not to bother and to go to the PI instead.


    While you're at it also tell him about the fellow who died from beatings he received and from dehydration brought on by being refused water in the jail the Thais put him in.


    You could be reading about the same thing happening to him otherwise.


    The Thai establishment won't take kindly to a falang who's knocked one of their banks for this sort of money. They've got little enough time for us as it is.

    • Like 1
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  11. 1 hour ago, josephbloggs said:

    Your unshakable belief that Western countries are amazing, incorruptible, perfect, secure is quite something to behold.  Not sure if you genuinely believe that or if it is just part of a general superiority complex.

    I remember reading this year of a passenger who got all the way to Tokyo with a loaded gun on her.  She got all the way through security screening in Atlanta with nobody noticing, and it only came to prominence because she realised it herself and alerted the crew.  https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/14/us/delta-passenger-gun.html

    Then there was the guy who got arrested on arrival in Haiti with three boxes of guns and ammo in his checked baggage including Uzis which are illegal in the States.  This was last month.  He'd checked in to this international flight in Miami.


    I believe Miami and Atlanta are major airports with "ungoldly strict" security.  They are also in America, one of your hailed "first world" countries. 

    I don't know where this guy's bullet came from (no one does yet), but it really isn't inconceivable that a single bullet made it's way here from there, not inconceivable at all, and you are extremely naive to state it's outright impossible I have to say.  

    Plenty of other articles out there about security lapses at US airports, about people committed of serious terrorist crimes working at US airports (after the crimes by the way, not before).

    Take a look at the staff who more or less run London's Heathrow. You won't believe it.

    • Like 2
  12. 12 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    "Swear word"????  You've got to be kidding.  It's a pretty appropriate word to use on this forum in most cases.  And yes, I use that word in face-to-face conversations all the time.  And the "whiners" know it's true when they're whining like a 9 yr old girl.   

    What you say may well be true and but someone must have a peculiar social life if that's how he conducts face to face conversations all the time.


    However I know two or three Englishman in the LOS that you definitely would not get away with calling whingers or whiners unless of course you're built like Arnold Schwarzenegger was 30 years ago.

    • Haha 1
  13. 7 hours ago, Stocky said:

    How about a 'Whine Forum' for those who are only happy when they've something to whinge about.

    How about a poll to determine whether or not the words 'whine' and 'whinge' should be deleted from posts the same as swear words are.


    They are extremely rude remarks that those who use them to others would not do so in a face to face confrontation unless they were looking for trouble.

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  14. 26 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Why on earth do you worry for the Thai economy? Does Thailand is worrying in anyway 

    about your own economy? For example what about the sh...y exchange rate euro\bath?


    so he is ok to buy it at this price? I don't think so!


    It's a great news, honestly you can consider yourself as very lucky

    don't try to test again your chance here, you have already used your capital on one ''roll the dice''!

    She knows you are not anymore in Thailand tonight? It could be only words to

    save time and avoid problems at the moment (Pure thai style) and she hopes

    when you are back (In some months?) everything is forgiven and\or forgotten

    or finally the seller was not agree to return the money (Why she needs to do

    it anyway? she has a contract given this right and you have signed it)

    I hope for you i am wrong, unfortunely my experiences are not in your favor

    usualy the flux of money is only in one way here, from the Farangs to the Thais


    Of course, it's her job. You can still propose the bargain to Newnative if he is intersted 


    You still don't get it obviously

    for you THE problem is you are not the one who need to buy a condo in Pattaya

    how many time i have to write it?


    It's not a theorie, it's real. But since you don't know how and where to search

    you can't find it, and as i said it's better like this for your interest, DON'T BUY HERE !!


    you are welcome

    "For example what about the sh...y exchange rate euro\bath?"


    "the flux of money is only in one way here, from the Farangs to the Thais"


    Two very important factors you mentioned there KM.


    Tony, it was not that long ago that 28 square metre condos in that part of town were changing hands for 300 - 400K TB on the private market and that was when we were getting around 40% more baht for our currencies than we are now. Now is a terrible time to buy.


    And it's very rare for Thais to do falangs any financial favours. Don't get too complacent till the money is in your bank.



    • Thanks 1
  15. Tony you've had a good result with the refund.


    I would forget buying anything till you know more about your surroundings and have spent a lot of time in the town. Give it at least a year after having spent several months looking around.


    And check the private sales not the agents.


    You've only got to have noisy or unpleasant neighbours and your life could be hell. Those cheaper Condo blocks attract noisy headbangers.


                                        Rent Don't Buy.      

    • Thanks 1
  16. Tony, I've known people who've bought condos in Pattaya that they wish they'd never set eyes upon and have had to sell 'em at rock bottom prices to get anything back at all. You won't be in Pattaya much so you won't be in control.


    If you're only rarely going to be in it you're going to get non stop headaches and stress especially with maintenance issues.


    I'd forget the deposit and put it down to experience and just rent a hotel room for the few days you're in Pattaya. There are lots of cheap hotels within walking distance of places like the Made in Thailand complex, Soi Bukhaow and LKM where the action is while Nirum is quite a way from any decent entertainment centre.


    Your condo is too dear at the price and you might never be able to sell it for what you're paying. You'd probably lose more than the 50K TB you've already said goodbye to. 


    Whoever first coined the phrase 'Rent Don't Buy' when it came to property in Pattaya was bang on the nail if you're only going to be a temporary resident.


    And who knows what's round the corner for us falangs if the government want to make things any more awkward us than they already have. We falangs mean nothing to them and it seems that they don't really want us here unless it's just for a normal holiday of 30 days or less.


    "Come to the Land of Smiles, blow your money and then clear off. We've got big spending Chinese and Indians ready and waiting to take your place!".

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