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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 22 hours ago, Cutty Shark said:

    If you are serious about trying Belize, I'd appreciate if you'd keep us posted.  I find the place interesting, from what little I know of it.

    I think he was doing a bit of leg pulling. A pal of mine was stationed there with the army in the 1960s and he said it was an utter dump.


    Cheap women though, he claimed it was half a crown (about 5 baht). It's probably it bit more than that now though.

  2. 1 hour ago, Assurancetourix said:

    A stick and / or a cyclist's bottle filled with water; a small squirt and you will see them quickly turn around.
    By cons if the cops stop you with a gun, even if it fires blank, you're going to be in dirty sheets ...
    Never forget that in Thailand sport number 1 is delation.
    and then learn a little Thai or Lanna, the local language, and speak with them;
    you will see, it helps ..

    So if we learn to play 'delation', what ever that may be or speak a local lingo we may well be able to tell the the dogs to leave us alone.


    Brilliant, why has no one else suggested that.

    • Like 2
  3. 20 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    People are too sensitive about sell by dates.

    If the colour of the meat is good and it doesn't smell bad, it's good to eat.

    Thai milk seems to last forever, probably because it's made from powdered milk.

    I bought a dodgy chicken pie out of Friendship one time and I spent two days on the pan with it coming out of both ends.


    And it was well before its sell by date. You never know what they dump in the pies, never again.

    • Haha 2
  4. 17 hours ago, Kadilo said:

     Depending where you live there are plenty of places that now sell a good roast. I had one recently in Udon as good as anything I’ve had in the U.K. 

    You'll get a better selection of Sunday Roasts in Pattaya's Soi Bhukaow than you will in any British High Street and for a third of the price or even less.


    Cheap Charlies Restaurant does a roast chicken dinner with all the trimmings for 99 baht and it's a struggle to eat it all.

  5. 21 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    Classic bully tactic and quite childish.  One thing I've noticed is that Trump would never insult Putin about his height, even though Putin is even shorter than Bloomberg.  Wonder why that is? 

    With Putin diplomacy is called for.


    That is unnecessary for  domestic political opponents.


    Trump hates MB and MB hates Trump. It's hardly advanced psychology.

    • Confused 1
  6. On 1/18/2020 at 7:31 AM, ThomasThBKK said:


    All studies suggest the BBC is right: https://libertystreeteconomics.newyorkfed.org/2019/05/how-has-germanys-economy-been-affected-by-the-recent-surge-in-immigration.html


    But maybe the US FED doesn't know much about economics? Who knows.



    There's also no difference in terms of illegal immigration between the UK and germany: https://www.axios.com/illegal-immigrants-europe-uk-germany-refugees-6e4b8556-a263-4db2-9a03-b8ebc8276423.html 






    However we were told what an invaluable contribution Middle Eastern immigration will be making to communities in Europe with regard to caring for our elderly.


    It nearly brought tears of emotion to my eyes when in my minds eye I pictured young Abdul and Mohammed having left their Mosques having attended their devotions and then working in an old folks home dealing with the toilet requirements of old Mr Smith or Frau Schmidt.

  7. On 1/16/2020 at 9:03 PM, Traubert said:

    I've no idea who she is. She's a woman gossiping in the hairdressers is the extent of my knowledge about her now and forever. Not what I'd call the font of all wisdom.

    I think you'd find a Thai business owner no matter how modest that business may be will know a sight more about their livelihood and prosperity and that of their friends, family and acquaintances than any of us.


    Including yourself and more than any university educated professor or government spokesman who might like to consider himself a 'font of all wisdom'.

  8. Walking St is heaving with Oriental and Indian pedestrians and it's hard to navigate a wheelchair through such crowds. And it's more expensive.


    Jomtien is remote and a fair trip from Pattaya where the action is and any bars that may be worth visiting are a long way from each other. 


    I know few falangs who visit WS or Jomtien. IMO Jomtien is dead and not worth a visit for a fully active person let alone someone in a wheelchair. It reminds me of a retirement town like Eastbourne or Worthing in England. And it's hard to get to in a wheelchair unless you keep hiring taxis which can work out expensive.


    There are at least 20 bars that are buzzing in the immediate vicinity of LKM and they are all within a few yards of one another. Nearly all are wheelchair accessible. If you are confined to a wheel chair or need a walking aid that is a very important and major factor.


    There are also plenty of hotels and guest houses very near LKM. You need a degree of independence if you are disabled and you do not want to have to gallivant all over the show and rely on others when you want a night on the town..


    Serenity (Oasis) is nearby so is Area 51 but I'm not sure about wheelchair access in Oasis. There is none at Area 51 but it's not very lively anyway.


    I have long holidays and rarely venture out of LKM and I've never even been in all the bars. I hardly ever bother with WS and would not dream of visiting Jomtien.

    • Sad 1
  9. On 1/19/2020 at 9:11 AM, Sheryl said:

    Thai ID cards have a machine readable microchip.  The pink ID cards for foreigners do not. 


    I can't say specific to Tesco, but for most transactions there is a work around for entering a passport number or Foriegner ID card number.


    However staff sometimes don't know how.


    "Cannot" is the default response in Thailand  to anything someone does not know how to do,  or does not feel like doing. Next time politely but firmly ask for a supervisor.

    The other day I was in a Big C supermarket. I twice asked members of staff where the kettle and hotpot (ganamlon) dept was and where the black plastic refuse bags were kept.


    After I had established that they knew what I was looking for I was told on each occasion "no hab".


    Knowing that they do sell such items I searched the aisles till I found what I wanted. I just shook my head in wonderment and reminded myself why they call it 'Amazing Thailand'.


    It was in Pattaya and there were few customers in there and very few staff at 12.30 - 13.30 on the 16th January.


    Although it was not such a big deal as the one the OP encountered such frustrations are hardly going to endear visitors to the the LOS.

    • Like 2
  10. 10 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    Are you for real ?

    No agenda here, i'm trying to discuss the behaviour of the foreigner in the video.

    In my opinion, and i repeat myself, even if the little guy attempted to pickpocket the big guy, to start fights on a public transport is a no-no.

    Especially if it's not your country.

    Hope i was clear enough, glad to help.

    You did not help and neither did you intend to.

    • Like 1
  11. 8 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

    Apparently there are some people here, coming from so-called developed countries, who are in favour of mob justice.

    Amazing, just amazing.

    Where's the mob justice and if there is any mob justice in what way is it amazing?


    Is it the Thai media siding with the little Thai fellow and condemning the falang for his aggressive behaviour or a lone falang expressing his anger if he thought rightly or wrongly that he'd been the victim of an attempted theft.

    • Like 2
  12. 8 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

    I am struggling to understand this.    People are leaving in droves because of what exactly??  Because a Thai was cowering in the face of a bully?

    It has already been established the Thai did nothing wrong other than maybe bump into him and cause his phone to fall (which he was apologising for), and it was the English guy who was the aggressor and unjustifiably so.  So how about him and his lack of any semblance of accountability for behaving like a bully and a thug?  Also in front of families and children.

    So tell me again why you side with him?

    People side with the English guy because his reaction was that of one who had been wronged so some of us assumed the pick pocketing story was fact and his actions therefore understandable.


    If it was the result of an accidental push that caused the phone to be dropped his reaction was unjustified.


    The Thai media and the little fellow said it not a case of pick pocketing.


    What did the falang say?

    • Like 1
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  13. 3 hours ago, pegman said:

    Going by many of these posts, by the TV Brit tabloid disciple's mob, Harry & fam have obviously made the right decision. A couple of books about life with mom, then a follow up screenplay and they will be rolling in cash. Most of us in Canada will welcome them with open arms. Just like past refugees from other s%~#,*<e  countries like the Syrians and Saudi girl. Says a lot about England  the way this combat vet was treated.

    He was hardly a combat vet.


    They let him fly around in a helicopter a few times and gave him a nice new shiny machine gun to play with but he was not allowed near any action.


    But that was not his fault.


    It would have been too much of a feather in the Taliban's turban if he had become a casualty.






    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  14. 50 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


    Nobody hounded his mother to death. She wanted the press when it suited her. She manipulated the press. I liked Diana but she really used her beauty and popularity with the British public to get her own way. Obviously, when she starts messing around with Muslim men, there was more than one by the way, as a senior  member of the Royal family and mother of the future King, she is going to come under the microscope.


    No, he didn't ask to be in the Royal family but was happy with his lot until he met her.


    He was very much a playboy prince and stepped over the line plenty. He knew what it was to be in the Royal family and happily took the perks. Financially, he had the 4 million pounds a year from his father, 15 million or so left to him through his mother, 17 million left to him through his great grandmother, so he is hardly skint.  Her wealth was estimated at 4 million, so I don't know where you get that she was ' worth a fortune ' from?


    The Queen has put her foot down. He was warned not to go off, break Royal protocol and make a speech, he didn't listen. He was told by his brother to get to know her a lot longer as she didn't fully understand the ins and outs as well as responsibilities of British Royalty. He again didn't listen and went full steam ahead into a marriage. It is well known that the two were behaving as very difficult members of the Royal family.


    They were wanting a halfway in and halfway out, living like Hollywood stars and rejecting the ' parts ' that they didn't find glamorous. Well, that door has been well and truly slammed shut as the British Royal institution does not work that way.


    Best of luck now to them in the future, there is only the ' security ' aspect to be sorted out now and who is paying for it, and they can beggar off and be celebrities or reality stars on American TV.





    The paparazzi were chasing that car on motor bikes when it crashed in the tunnel. They even stuck their cameras in the car and took pictures of her as she lay dying.


    If that's not hounding I dunno what is. What would you call it?


    And I did not say anyone was worth a fortune, you did.


    I said "he's able to paddle his own financial canoe. So will she, she's already worth a fortune." As I was referring to the future I was obviously talking about Meghan rather than Diane


    You said "Her wealth was estimated at 4 million". As you said 'was' I assume you were referring to Diane. Because 'was' is the past tense.


    Regardless of whether you were talking about Diane or Meghan where I come from 4 million is a fortune so that may possibly be where I got that "she was ' worth a fortune ' from".









    • Confused 1
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