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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 27 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    I doubt that millions of Thais visit Thailand on holiday.

    I said of the same race, not of the same nationality.


    "What about if these foreigners are the of the same race as himself."


    How would you tell the difference in the appearance of a Thai, a Laotian, a Cambodian, a Burmese, a Chinaman or any other South East Asian. There are literally hundreds of millions of 'em.

  2. 2 hours ago, spermwhale said:


    From immigration? Tell me where in the world immigration is chatty and happy to see you? That's your complaint? "They are not the welcoming committee."

    You can certainly say that again.


    However first impressions are very important where tourism is concerned and accordingly while we may not want nor expect a chat a 'welcome to Thailand' or a quick smile would not go amiss.


    Bear in mind we are discussing a country that likes to be referred to as the 'Land of Smiles' rather than a nation where we might expect to be greeted with a degree of hostility like North Korea or Cuba.


    Incidentally I've been to Cuba and we were treated with more cordiality from their immigration people there than I've ever experienced from their Thai opposite numbers.


    If the 'S' in the LOS stood for 'Scowls' it would be understandable but instead it's ironically meant to stand for 'Smiles'.










  3. 20 minutes ago, Traubert said:

    Ah, the scowls and frowns.....yeah...why can't they put a coat hanger in their mouths and those questions! 'Why have you been here eight months out of the last nine on a tourist visa?' How dare they!!

    Seems quite common when anybody on here is talking about the Thais.......

    "Why have you been here eight months out of the last nine on a tourist visa?"


    You have never been asked that question at the airport, neither have I nor has anyone else reading this topic so why imply that anyone has?


    Neither do you know anyone who's spent eight months out of the last nine in the LOS on a tourist visa. It would not be permitted so let's keep things real shall we. Adding nonsensical posts to a topic serves no purpose at all.








    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, sapson said:

    So with immediate effect immigration officers have at all airports have been instructed to stop the interrogations of people who simply wish to be in Thailand and spend money and welcome everybody with open arms.


    No more ......you come too Thailand too much, here too long spending money, you stay in our cells for a few days and we make you pay to leave!!


    Farcical tm30 rules will be totally relaxed along with other pedantic obstructive visa requirements.


    The empty hotels nationwide will slash prices,offering promotions such as pay for one night get two free nights.


    Thai Airways will promote huge discounts for both domestic and international travel.


    Hospitals will offer free medical care for anyone with virus concerns.


    etc etc etc.....  then i woke up.



    In a few weeks this will all be history and regular falang visitors will still be getting accused of working in Thailand and being told they come too much.


    The top dogs will still be running the show and the Indians and Chinese visitors will still be welcomed so they can again continue spending their 6,000 baht a day in the LOS.


    It'll take more than a bit of a health threat to make the Thai elite accept a loss of face.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Felt 35 said:

    Home country demand you to show passport when paying with a Visa card??? Must be a sad home country..... could it be one nearby

    I'm from the UK, a pretty sad country these days by anyone's standards but I've never ever been asked for ID when paying for anything with a debit or credit card. We don't even have to carry ID.

    • Like 2
  6. On 1/14/2020 at 9:55 AM, Rod the Sod said:

    This video is such <deleted>. If you take out the "girl" side of the argument (which most retirees wont factor in), and if you don't give a t*ss about whether an official smiles at you all the time or you have to comply with the law to get a visa, he is down to:


    1. Visa rules may change - yep, the world over....

    2. There is a focus on the growing tourist markets in preference to others. Yep, the world over...

    3. Thais are racists, yep the same in Europe and almost everywhere actually. We will always be a foreigner but nowadays who isn't? He actually says "foreigners will never be Thai". Wow, smart guy!!

    4. Farang pricing. Never been a problem for me. You live here and most likely pay no income tax. Factor that into your cost of living or amount paid to go places. So completely blinkered it is sad!!

    6. Tourist scams - obviously he has not been to many places because there are many places worse than Thailand at this - try Egypt for example.

    7. Corrupt police. Yup - so that covers 50% of the world!

    8. Its all about the money in Thailand - no "its all about the money everywhere in the world" - they just make it more obvious! - I think this is largely a "girlie" thing so excluded really.

    9. Saving Face - well that is all of Asia and most of the rest of the world but they just don't call it that

    10. Lack of culture - loads of culture but not everyone wants to spend their retirement chasing Museums or Galleries. Anyway, bullsh*t as there are loads - just look for them.

    11. Lack of compassion - obviously never been to hospital or really been close to a Thai girl.

    12. "This is Thailand" - again, another earth shattering observation from our robotic commentator.

    13. Lower class citizen - never ever experienced this

    14. Instability - OK show me where there is stability right now.


    I don't know why I spent so much time analysing this as it is such a poor video in so many ways. But I did, and here it is....





    "11. Lack of compassion - obviously never been to hospital or really been close to a Thai girl."


    Too true.


    I accompanied my pal to a Pattaya hospital when he broke his thigh. The first thing they asked him for was his Visa Card.

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  7. On 1/13/2020 at 3:24 PM, SteveK said:

    I recently did my 90-day report in person. The IO was about the rudest official I have ever met in my life. Wouldn't look at me. Wouldn't talk at me. Then when he was done, chucked my passport at me and ignored my khop khun maak khap and wai. Sometimes I don't know why I even bother. Thailand does not want us here at all.

    He'd probably received his training at Suvarnabhumi Airport and just been promoted.

  8. 15 minutes ago, madmen said:

    Don't believe everything you read on annoymous forums by first time posters and many were caught on the forums as BS. I have never had a friend rejected and know of nobody that has on the right visa 

    Well it's happened to a friend of mine twice. I did not read about it on any forum he told me about it in person! He's a straight forward retiree who holidays regularly in Pattaya. He was grilled each time (once for 40 minutes) in an interview room and it certainly shook him up. All his documents were in order and he's got plenty of money.


    How do I or anyone else who happens to be a regular visitor know whether or not we won't get the same treatment next time we come to the LOS.


    How do you know you won't?


    If ever it gets really out of hand word will spread and falangs will stop coming. The Mail on Line and Fox News would wet themselves if the Thais were said to be picking on Westerners. Even the BBC is not flavour of the month with the Thai govt. Then their beloved Chinese and Indian neighbours would have to step into the breach to take up the slack.


    However it's their country and if they no longer want falangs to visit then they should say so before we fork out on dodgy visas, flights and hotels. Most of us would fully understand that and possibly sympathise with 'em. Only the girls and their hangers on along with the bar owners would miss us.



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  9. 22 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    To put this in perspective, in the two months coronavirus has been active, there has not been a single death in the USA. At the same time, 2300 people have died there from gun-related violence.

    Or, closer to home, what's the Thai road toll for the last two months?

    People always have more fear of a new and unfamiliar danger especially when it's a silent killer like an unknown disease.


    It can strike any where at any time and anyone can be a victim.

    • Like 1
  10. 37 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    Citation needed. When's the last time you or anyone you know could have been guilty of doing anything that resembles 'living it up' anywhere in Thailand?

    Two weeks ago when I was on holiday in Pattaya.


    Just in case you are still in a quandry by living it up I mean boozing and chasing around with women in the night spots of a town such as Pattaya. Something that is unimaginable in a French farm house, and a Thai farm house for that matter.


    'Living it up' is usually understood to mean living extravagantly, carousing and generally having a good time.


    If you're that unfamiliar with the term there are several on line dictionaries that you can consult. Just type in 'living it up'.

    • Haha 2
  11. 10 hours ago, DaRoadrunner said:

    You are welcome to go freeze your ass off in expensive England and put up with women who have an attitude problem a mile wide. That is if you do not die of boredom first.


    You don't understand the insecurity? Totally unpredictable ever changing visa regs, no pathway to citizenship. Fine, if you wanna be a nomad, but most of us want some security and stability without hassle.

    Getting somewhere to live in the UK is not too easy if you're an Englishman with limited funds which will often be the case for returning ex pats.


    A fellow I know spent a week living out of his suitcase while being shunted around from one London hostel (doss house)  to another where he was only allowed to remain from 9 pm till 8.30 am.


    Not much fun when you're approaching 70 years of age in the middle of winter.

    • Like 2
  12. 15 hours ago, impulse said:


    I honestly don't know.  Who spends more, Brits on holiday in SEA, or SEA tourists in the UK?  Then, what percentage is that of GDP?  My suspicion is that the old world and former commonwealth countries would lose a tiny percentage of GDP if SEA tourists stayed away.  While the SEA countries would lose a significant percentage of their GDP if it went the other way.


    Of course, I'm always open to being swayed by numbers.  More open when those numbers come from credible sources.  Which rules out TAT statistics...


    To be clear, some segments would be devastated, as you mentioned.  But the overall economy?  I think SEA is a lot more vulnerable.


    You've but to discuss the subject with a Thai person in any of the main resorts. He or she will soon tell you who the big spenders are.


    And who the tight wads are.

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