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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. On 8/5/2019 at 9:22 AM, damen said:

    Yes, i saw that Bang Saray house for rent ads is within my budget. Big land for my dogs to roam around. But i saw older post saying that from Bang Saray to Pattaya on weekend, traffic is very bad. May takes a hour to reach there. 

    If as you say you get a 'little bored' in Phuket you'll get bored out of your brain in Bang Saray.


    Try Central or South Pattaya instead. That's where the action is.

  2. 10 hours ago, madmen said:

    Damn that is some seriouse paranoia. The couple that were standing in front of you about 10 feet in front of you , what was the cordial eexchange? hugs maybe?


    And the IO went from big fat silly grin to a scowl as soon as he saw your mug and OMG your retirement visa destroyed his day and he was trying to nail you to get you in the back room if he could and then threw the passport in totall disgust


    What a load of nonsense lol !!


    When an IO sees my retirement extension then thats nearly awlays an instant stamp for me, its a no brainer for them.


    Maybe try a new deodorant ?  5555555

    And maybe you should learn some manners an not make insulting remark about another member's personal hygiene.

    • Like 2
  3. 16 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Why?  I was asking you, you brought it up.


    By the way, if you're going to quote my posts in your comments, please stick to the rules and don't alter them, I did not post that in "bold".

    No you brought it up by asking what gave her the suspicion he was working.


    I was not there, I never met the woman and if I did I'm not a mind reader, I wouldn't even know enough Thai to ask her.


    And in what way did I 'alter' your post. I highlighted it for the sake of referral. How is that against any 'rules'.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

    You are just another paranoid complaining poster. Follow the rules at the airport, especially at immigration, and there's no problem what so ever. 

    Try and make an informative post or one of interest yourself instead of whinging and whining at those of us that do.


    I do follow the rules at the airport! What on earth makes you think I don't?


    So does the friend I referred to. How would a failure to follow rules result in my pal being accused of working! Tell me that.


    Read my post again then get back to us and inform me what rules we did not follow.

  5. 4 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    So, shouldn't that apply equally to the girl? Where's the evidence that she lied?

    Too true, She's the one charges have been leveled against, she's the one on bail, the one not allowed to leave the country and the one facing a year in a Cyprus monkey house.


    While the liberty taking Israelis bully boys have been allowed to go home and have been seen celebrating what they consider to be a triumph even though their fellow citizens have seen them for the deviant perverted pigs they actually are.

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  6. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    In a world where many men have had their lives ruined by women's lies, I need more evidence than has been presented before I believe a woman saying she was raped. If that seems hard, blame the liars for creating doubt.




    The Israel public and media have turned against these scumbags and from their arrogant and gloating behaviour have seen them for the pieces $h!t that they are.


    A couple of Israeli reporters interviewed girl and believe her side of the story. No one is going to present you with any more evidence I'm afraid as no one is trying to convince you that she was raped. If it was a case of one individual male I'd tend to side with you but no way when there were twelve of the vile bastards.


    If you do want evidence trawl the internet and read the different reports on the subject. However we both know that if you are seeking proof none is going to be forthcoming. But so far no one has seen hair nor hide of the video of her supposedly enjoying the experience. So that was a lie we were subjected to and where there is one lie there are bound to be others where criminality is involved.


    I've been to Greece, it's a very macho orientated society and believe me you do not want to fall foul of the law. They are not soft touches like the UK plod are.


    Some of these Latin countries' attitudes to male social dominance are not far removed from that of their Islamic neighbours in nearby Turkey and North Africa. When I was a visitor to Spain and Greece years ago they never even let their women out without a chaperone. That's why the local lads used to target English girls but did not necessarily rape or gang bang 'em.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

    A person  wearing the costume  of a  monk  is  subject to  the  normal procedures  none less. That that  individual  was  disappointed  he  did  not  get  the reverence  he  presumed  is  his problem.

    It's not his problem. The problem lies with some of the rude ignorant pigs they've got working as IOs who are often the first Thai people visitors to the LOS encounter.


    First impressions count and are not easily forgotten if they are unpleasant.

  8. On 1/3/2020 at 2:32 PM, Peter Denis said:

    Every branch-office of a thai bank can change/amend/ignore head-office rules and follow their own course (similar like the local IOs that can bend the overall IO regulations).

    So if your local branch refuses to open an account for you, a customer for over 13 years!, you should politely demand (request is too soft a word) to speak to the local bank manager.

    And if also he/she is unwilling to open an account for you, you should - on the spot - close all your existing accounts there and leave with the money, telling them you will find a more customer-friendly bank that will do business with you.

    It's well possible that another KBank branch nearby will not turn you down, and otherwise a Bangkok Bank branch will for sure be happy to welcome you as customer.  

    Surely if he's been with them for 13 years he's already got an account with them?


    "I was in KBank today (Cha-am) trying to open an account, I'm 47 and married to a Thai. I've been with KBank for about 13 years overall."


  9. 1 hour ago, digibum said:


    I know this is going to sound controversial but maaaaaaaaaybe, people shouldn’t make their decisions about where to or vacation or live based solely on the demeanor of prostitutes.


    Believe it or not, prostitutes tend to go into that profession because:


    a)  Economic necessity 

    b)  They are ethically challenged and this seems like an easy way to make a quick buck

    c)  All of the above 


    So, they’re not exactly people I would put in charge of my retirement or vacation happiness.  I mean, would you move to or vacation in Iraq if they had enough smiling prostitutes?  



    1. Do you get a thank you when you get on the bus back home?  Most bus drivers back home don’t even acknowledge you.  2. You fly anywhere back home?  Do the gate agents thank you and smile or do they just stare at their computer screens and act annoyed if you ask them a question?  



    Like I mentioned in another comment, you mean, paying guests that have sex on the beach and go on crime sprees?  I mean, just look at the news section on this site, it’s filled with abhorrent behavior by farangs.  


    I was in a bar the other day (not even a girlie-type bar, just a bar) and the owner had a bunch of comics above the urinals.  One was two obese farangs sitting there with Thai girls giving them blow jobs and the one woman is talking on the phone saying, “Can’t talk now, mommy is working.”  All of the comics were degrading and the common theme was that Thai women only exist to have paid sex with morbidly obese farangs.  


    3. Now imagine you saw that in your home country.  Maybe you’re in a Asian restaurant and you go into the bathroom and they had a bunch of comics up on the wall portraying western women has whores that service them.  Nice eh?  


    But I guess, based on what you said, you would politely smile at the owner since, well, heck, as an expat in your country, he’s a paying guest.  


    1. You don't interact with with bus drivers in the UK, anyway not in London, they are in their own locked cabin surrounded by unbreakable perspex and you prepay by card. If you need to ask them a question you can do so through holes drilled in the perspex in order to do so.


    2. They answer if they can understand you and if they speak enough English. They're not sullen though, they shouldn't be they're on about 700 quid (28,000 baht) a week.

    I once had an English IO say 'Welcome back' at LHR. Even the sub continentals are not sullen. They shouldn't be either. They've won the jackpot getting out of the subcontinent and being able to live in the UK.


    3. I'd sooner they did that than 'groom" and then rape our underage girls, pass them around to their friends and then put 'em on the game which is what they've done in towns and cities all over England. Kebab shop and restaurant workers are notorious for it! That is not merely the subject of a cartoon it's real life. And I've never set foot in an Asian restaurant in the UK apart from a Chinese take away in my life and never will.









  10. 5 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    While all true,and I share some of your frustrations,  let's not forget that we have a very negative attitude about them, and I think they know it. 

    How do you like people that dont like you? not very much I am willing to bet.

    And how about our fake smiles? where we wai and smille, and when we think they cant hear as we trash them. 

    One might argue that it is a chicken and egg issue, and what came first. But I have being in Thailand for over thirteen years now, and I have seen it change and IMO I think that it is because they are on to as. Well some of as ,but they paint as all with the same brush as we paint them all with the same bush.   

    This is their country, their way of life, for better or for worse, They don't need to change we have too, and if we don't want to (and there might be good reasons why we might not want to) then we need to go someplace more conducive to our needs.   

    Personally I like Thailand the way it is,or was,  If I want it it to be just like the west I would had stayed there. Some of as want some things to change, but not others, we want our cake and eat it too. 

    I don't know, am I making any sense to you?

    You are making sense but I do not live in Thailand, I just visit Pattaya regularly for long holidays and have done so since 1999, 20 years ago. I actually first came in 1984 but it was a different world then.


    Thai people and falangs have both developed negative attitudes about each other and it's probably usually quite understandable.


    Pattaya and probably the rest of Thailand has become commercialised to such a degree that falangs are now taken for granted. We're no longer the welcome guests we used to be but an unwanted but necessary inconvenience as far as our spending power is concerned.


    We're often resented particularly by Thai men and who can really blame them when they see us getting hold of their women and spending more in an evening than they can earn in a week.


    Some say the attitude is all together different out in the boondocks but I know nothing about that. I just concern myself about Pattaya and may soon decide I no longer wish come here (Pattaya). But that's mainly because of the strong baht.


    But a deteriorating attitude is definitely another strong factor along with the lack of pavements in busy sois such as Bhukaow and Diana. When you've seen a couple of nasty accidents involving falang pedestrians it makes you only too aware of what could happen to yourself. Especially as you get older.


    The immigration and visa issues don't help either. I've said before I've never had an IO at the airport smile nor say welcome to Thailand when I've arrived for a holiday. That's not a good first impression for anyone. 

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  11. On 12/17/2019 at 9:22 PM, sunnyboy2018 said:

    The police are criticised when they dont enforce the law and criticized when they do enforce the law. Im tired of farang complaining all the time. Some farang just seem out of their depth with NO idea of the social mores and values in this country and they should never come here. Go to the Maldives or Singapore...anywhere but here!

    How is it our business to tell people where they should and should never go. We're just guests in Thailand like everyone else if we're foreigners.


    Unless you're a Thai in which case such remarks are justifiable.










  12. On 12/17/2019 at 7:42 PM, tabarin said:

    Just let him visit Vietnam instead, I will recommend it to everyone as a tourist. 


    Not as an expat (yet) but as tourist, certainly. Cheaper, unique, vibrant and engaging Vietnamese that are not looking for money benefits.

    Not yet, give 'em time.


    It's early days yet.

  13. 4 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    I was just reading the thread where a Thai family transporting Papayas to the market after a tire blowout lost control of their pickup truck and slammed into a tree destroying the truck and livelihood but luckily escaping with their lives, instead of showing some compassion for the poor family that just had their lives turned upside down.

       All except one, had a snide  remark to make about Thais  and Thailand.  "they probably had their tire overinflated" "truck was probably overloaded" "Ha Ha Ha we are so smart, they are so stupid" Indicative of posts in this forum 

      Personally I don't think this attitude is isolated in this forum, so  is it any wonder that they might have a sullen look in their face when they look at as? I am surprised they tolerated us for so long. 


    I was just saying that their false smiles and sweet words often conceal their true feelings about us particularly where bar staff are involved.


    I don't expect a smile from a baht bus driver but a brief 'thank you' would be nice when you hand over money no matter who you are dealing with. That's just normal every day courtesy where most of us are concerned.


    Apart from those I mentioned above, hotel staff and the IOs at the airport few of us visitors have much interaction with the rest of the Thai population in general.


    I can understand their nationalism but we come to the LOS as paying guests on holiday not as uninvited nor unwanted immigrants but that's how we are often regarded nowadays. Sometimes you can sense an underlying animosity.


    And truth be told expats are only paying guests as well whether they like it or not. If the Thai govt take the notion they can be booted out in the wink of an eye regardless of how many Thai families are dependent on them. 


     If it were not for the women few falang men would ever have thought of holidaying in the LOS. As far as Pattaya is concerned the bar girls are all it's got going for it. Much the same but to a lesser degree can be said for Bangkok and Phuket as well.

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  14. 12 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

    What would jail achieve ?

    Jail is designed to not only "punish, but also act as a deterrent, doubt he will attmept a further overstay anywhere

    You are directing that remark at me while quoting a post by Captain 776. I agree with you.


    I never mentioned jail in my post.













  15. 3 hours ago, tlandtday said:

    yeah there are some things i don't want to know....

    I had an old ex pat pal in Pattaya who having lived a long time in the LOS had learned reasonable Thai.


    But he told me that he wished he had not and so remained unaware of what the locals especially the bargirls said about us. Very hateful remarks indeed according to him.


    He said the shamed expressions their faces were a sight to behold when he let on he'd understood what they had been saying.


    However having heard it he understood why some of 'em pulled the 'My friend no have key' stunt when their phone rang back in the falang's hotel room.

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