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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. I've been out two nights running in Pattaya. There were plenty of punters in the places I went to.


    The first night (Saturday) was to the Made In Thailand complex and it was heaving. Then the Bamboo near Walking St and there was hardly a seat to be had. Then to the Billabong in LKM and that was packed as were a couple of GGBs I also visited.


    The second night (Sunday) last night I visited a few GGBs in LKM they were much busier than they have been recently. Crystals was absolutely jam packed. I could not get a seat in Scooters and the Billabong was rammed as usual.


    It looked like High Season along with the two week wonders have arrived.






    • Like 2
  2. 23 hours ago, wmlc said:

    This is just a troll post to get people riled up. Why would the op be married to a Thai and be on a retirement extension. I’m thinking they are not legally married but just had the ceremony. We don’t care if you leave or not so why post this none sense? 

    What none sense?

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    Maybe a lot of the older farang should do more about their appearance, slimming down a bit and not covering themselves in tattoos, also be more mindful about what they wear when dating Thai girls.

    If they were do as you suggest they might not have to come to  Pattaya to get their wicked way with women. The same goes for a lot of the younger falangs who have to travel half way around the world to meet attractive young women.

  4. 1 hour ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    If Scotland left the UK it could take up to 14 years for the Europeans to accept them! Aye! And the wee bampots wantnto keep stirling! The scotch wont get another referendum.

    Stirling is bang in the centre of Scotland. No matter what happens the Jocks are extremely unlikely to let Stirling become separated from the rest of the Scotland.

    • Haha 2
  5. 13 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    If all that was true, why is the UK government so against Scotland leaving the Union? Surely, in these constrained times it would be sensible to jettison such a net drain on the exchequer, especially such an ungrateful one?

    Possibly its out of a sense of loyalty and gratitude. 


    A very high proportion of Scottish servicemen gave their lives for Britain in both world wars. For example in one Scottish mining village eight of their sons went off to fight in the Great War. Only one came back.

    • Like 2
  6. 5 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

    So because one of Colin's parents is Scottish, he can say with certainty that Nicola Sturgeon "dont give a rats a++e about Scotland or Scottish people. She just wants to be boss, and dragging Scotland down is of no concern to her"? I would love to hear how you came to that conclusion. 

    Colin said,

    Now before i get attacked for my comment, i am half Scottish, half English.

    You said,

    "I would love to hear how you came to that conclusion."

    I said

    "Possibly because one of his parents is English and the other one is Scottish"




  7. 1 hour ago, Saint Nick said:



    I recognize "an Arab" - obviously you don't, because people from Morocco are North - African and not Arabs!


    Oh, right! Because every Moroccan who comes here for healthcare or as a tourist will just naturally become violent and burn down stuff ! 

    Nothing wrong with that absolutely fact based opinion!


    ...and even if the Chinese Emperor would agree with you: I don't care and you are wrong! 

    "Oh, right! Because every Moroccan who comes here for healthcare or as a tourist will just naturally become violent and burn down stuff !"


    Is that not being rather prejudiced towards the people of Morocco?

    OK they may not have quite the best reputation when it comes to civilised behaviour but I'm sure they're not as bad as you paint them.


    The Thais would not tolerate such antics anyway.


    And you probably would not agree with me if I told you there is no Chinese Emperor. However I can assure you that you'd be wrong.


    From Wikipedia....................


    "There is no current emperor of China. The last emperor of China was Puyi of the Qing Dynasty who abdicated the throne in 1912."

  8. 45 minutes ago, prb said:

    Yeah... but Vietnam is not Thailand.

    I've heard long term expats retirees talking during hours about how bad Thailand has become and how good Cambodia, Philippines, Vietnam are..

    But years after years they are still here...

    All of them? And for how much longer? It won't just happen overnight!


    We all know Vietnam is not Thailand but it's proving to be a favourable alternative for the newly retired and long term visitors. And who can blame them.


    These immigration issues, the associated financial requirements and the health insurance racket have only been introduced recently. The O ME visa based on retirement was only phased out this year! They are no longer available. Give it time for the brown stuff to hit the fan.


    It takes time for people to up sticks and move on especially when they're often elderly and have bought houses or condos which they are going to have difficulty selling. And then there are those who have started families and may have been in the LOS for decades.


    They can't just say "Sod this, I'm off, get me a taxi to the airport". Life is not quite like that for many people. Some have nowhere to go and insufficient money to do anything else.


    The title of this topic would indicate that the Immigration Chief might be realising that he's made a mistake by introducing all these unnecessarily authoritarian and harsh measures. Some expats are obviously hoping he'll do an about turn.


    Not many men will be happy supporting a family who live in a country that he's been forced to leave or kicked out of. I for one wouldn't do it. Let Prayuth and his flunkies feed and keep them.






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  9. 1 hour ago, josephbloggs said:

    Wow, touched a nerve there did we?

    Thanks for your incredible rudeness but I am neither married to a bar lady nor do I live in Isaan or have any family there.  Can't stand Chang. And I live and work in Bangkok if that even matters to anything (it doesn't).  And I only asked a simple, non offensive question, so why the unpleasantness?  

    Anyway you didn't answer the question and just went on the attack which tells me all I need to know.

    Nobody arriving here for a normal holiday gets turned away or interrogated.

    One of my friends did and I don't know that many people who holiday in the LOS any more. There must be many others who we don't get to hear about. Only a tiny percentage of visitors read or post on Thai Visa.


    Most of my old pals have stopped coming anyway but that's because of the journey, their age, health, the expense and sadly sometimes their death.


    As others hear about these latest issues they're hardly going to spend 20 hours or more and lots of money travelling to a place where they're not welcome nor wanted.

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    And how long had your friend spent here previously?   You seemed to have left that bit of information out.


    He's been holidaying in the LOS for years on Visa exempt 30 day holidays, occasionally as often as 4 or 5 times a year. Then he goes back to the UK until he wants to have another holiday just like thousands of other Westerners do. And when he gets to Thailand he spends lots of money. Is that a problem?


    What has my leaving anything out got to do with it. Surely if you owned a hotel or a business that catered for tourists you'd want more punters like him not less of them. You'd welcome holiday makers like him with open arms.


    Try asking some Thai people who rely on us for their livelihood exactly what they think of Prayuth and his flunkies with their attempts to limit the time and money we can spend in their country.


    Ask any Thai when did they last see an Indian or Chinese spend 1,000 baht in a day let alone the 20,000 a day the government tourism wallahs are crowing about.


    It's high season now and most attractions are going to be busy but in a few weeks time when the two, three and four week wonders go home it will be as dead as it was just a few short weeks ago. 


    Those who want to spend more time in Thailand are going to be put off by the complications and rigmarole involved when getting the necessary visa. They'll go elsewhere instead, some are already talking about how cheap and relaxed Vietnam is.

    • Like 2
  11. 5 hours ago, sanemax said:

    Whats the difference between a White Working class , Black Working class and Asian working class ?

    Their colour and features, sometimes their language, often their accent, where their loyalties lie and the fact that they choose to associate with those from their own communities while exhibiting a reluctance to blend in with those from other communities.


    It's why there are now racially divided ghettos in the UK and Europe just like there are in the USA.


    It's the same in Thailand. The only real integration you see in places like Pattaya are instances where some Westerner with a bit of money teams up with a much younger woman who would not give him the time of day back in his own country. Having been one of those Westerners I'm quite prepared to admit it.

    • Sad 1
  12. 2 hours ago, khunken said:

    Corbyn may not be a mechanic (which I didn't claim anyway) but he is intelligent (far more than Boris) and as you probably well know, Orwell's comparison is not to be taken literally but alludes to a working class leader having more all-round ability than a privileged toff with few brains.

    Yes, I know that Orwell hated Stalinism but you fail to point out that he was a socialist supporter which the current Labour party is advocating. Your typecasting some Labourites as Stalinists is a scaremongering tactic from both right-wingers and centrists that does not hold water.

    There are a few nationalisation features in the Labour manifesto that are OTT but overall they've got it right.

    The only area that Corbyn has failed to be clear on is his Brexit stance, which is correct IMO on a confirmatory referendum but wrong on any attempt to re-negotiate the agreement.

    Ken, Jeremy took Diane Abbott as his bed mate. He readily admits to it.


    Even though her black and immigrant constituents have elected her as their MP for over 30 years it just portrays your Jeremy as a political opportunist.


    What has he to offer the white British working class who his labour Party have betrayed since he and they firmly appeared on the political scene in the 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. 

    They (the WWC) are no longer so typically apathetic. They are going to vote this time. Wait and see.

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