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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 3 minutes ago, Number 6 said:

    But I wasn't. I was replying to a comment in which the poster mentioned USD. Specially, 250k USD.


    You missed that and felt a need to chide me for it regardless.

    I was not chiding you I was simply curious as to what you had to say on the matter. However if you want to just use USDs when discussing financial matters on an international form that is based in Thailand feel free to do so.


    Others are free to quote prices etc in Oz$s, GGPs. NZ $s, Canadian $s and Euros etc but for the sake of convenience they generally tend to use TBs which are familiar to everyone and therefore easier and quicker to convert to their own native currency.


    It just makes things easier all round. Out of interest what is $550K in Thai Baht?

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Number 6 said:

    250k USD is hardly wealthy. In fact the average home, average mind you. Runs about 200k.


    Hopefully at the end of ones life you have 1500usd pm until 92yo. About 18k per year. Maybe 15k plus interest, dividend.


    So, about 550k USD. If you don't have that I would highly advise returning home and hunkering down.

    Why would you advise that much. I'd like to have 550 million baht!


    Bear in mind Americans tend to be appreciably more wealthy than the rest of us. A friend of mine in Pattaya survives on fish head gruel and rice. You've never had to eat that.


    And what is 550K USD in Thai Baht so those of us who are not Americans know what you are talking about. All nationalities read this forum not just people from the US.


    If you do the conversion to start with it saves the rest of us having to do it, that's if we want to know what you are talking about. We all know what a million baht is in our currencies.

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  3. 1 minute ago, saengd said:

    Sure, but we're talking about Thailand and retirees here, not those back in blighty! If a person retires to Thailand with anything less than those figures they can only expect to run into problems. Gone are the days when a state pension was would fetch 80 baht per Pounds and the cost of living here was very low.

    I know retirees who came out to live the Life of Riley when it was 74 to the GBP but never 80. In fact when I first came we only got 32 Baht to the GBP considerably less that the 38 - 39 we're getting now.


    Never the less they still decided to retire in the LOS because in those days if they wanted to retire in a tropical climate along with its other attractions Thailand was the only place that fitted that bill and was affordable.


    As far as I know not a single one of 'em was a clairvoyant or a psychic and it's those people we are discussing because they are the ones who are now 'Bailing Out/Jumping Ship'.

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  4. 54 minutes ago, saengd said:

    I think you need to rethink that one, my take is the exact opposite, few people wont have those things!

    I don't need to rethink anything at all. Millions of working people from all over the globe will never attain such wealth.


    Millions of OAPs in the UK live in rented accommodation and have just a state pension and a bit of pension credit to live on. Many of them can't even afford a holiday let alone an overseas retirement.

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  5. 15 hours ago, mokwit said:

    Its not how things are currently for those of us who could cope with the extra financial requirements without selling a single shipping line or brewery and whose staff handle TM30 etc,  it's what changes might come in the future when we are less able to adapt or we get thrown a curve ball that is impossible to comply with - insurance mandatory but can't get it over 75 type things.


    Extra tedium may also get too much - IMO what's coming:

    3m in the bank and prove any you were allowed to take out spent in Thailand (already for OX so why not retirement extension)

    Police clearance home country and Thailand (already for OX so why not retirement extension)

    Insurance (already for OX so why not retirement extension)



    What is OX?

  6. 22 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

    Last time I saw this sign at entrance of a WS agogo :

    "Sorry, it's full! Please come back in 15 minutes"  :cool:

    So clearly there are customers... if the agogo is good.

    I remember that! It was in 1984 and the sign was displayed outside Caligula in what is now Walking Street.


    But there were only about three GGBs in Pattaya back then and Caligula was by far the best one.

  7. On 12/15/2019 at 1:25 PM, madmen said:

    Thats because the answers are always the same!! lol you obviously dont frequent nightlife in Pattaya but every year is bad . Porn the beer bar girl will always say ..hab no customer , no boom boom.. even though she is not able to sit from constant banging. Taxi drivers say hab no customer doah ! thats to get a sympathy tip

    And you buy into this nonsense ? good for you



    Some GGBs in Pattaya have just a handful of punters in them.


    I walked past some open bars in Soi Diana recently and there were just a handful of punters at nearly every bar. One bar had no punters whatsoever and only two women behind the bar. This was at around 11 pm on the 18th of December. At this time of the year every one of those bars would be buzzing in recent years.


    When there are fewer punters in the bars the atmosphere suffers and some girls call it a day and go back home cos they can't even make their rent money. And the ones that remain attempt to put their prices up.


    It was the jolly ambience that attracted to punters to Pattaya's bars but that ambience is fast disappearing along with the happy friendly attitude of the girls. They seem to be losing heart. As are many Falangs. In nearly every bar the girls that remain outnumber the customers.


    It's much the same in Walking Street and LK Metro.

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  8. On 12/15/2019 at 9:38 AM, Pattaya46 said:

    How much is "many"? 10? 20?

    How many expats in Thailand? More than 100'000 :whistling:

    Yes maybe a very few one have left,

    but there are also new ones arriving :thumbsup:

    On my condo floor an Australian recently bought to retire next year. :cool:

    And that Aussie is probably saying to himself right now, "Strewth, what the **** did I wanna go and do that for. I can't even afford the Sheilas any more".

  9. On 12/14/2019 at 10:27 AM, HeyHeyHey said:

    Can you point with finger on map to show where is the bad world economy?


    The only economies going to toilet are Thailand, India, China


    And funnily Thailand expect India and China to save them lol


    Meanwhile Europe and US are doing well with some of the lowest unemployment in decades.

    There were 8.6 million people of working age who were classed as economically inactive in the UK in 2018.


    Nearly all were entitled to claim some sort of benefit, which is percentage that would be a tremendous drain on any national economy.

  10. We also have had polls in the UK regarding political issues and elections ever since I can remember.


    Not once have I nor anyone I know been asked to take part in one of these polls.


    One poll a few years ago was reputed to have taken place in the offices of the BBC and another among the audience of Question Time, a BBC political and current affairs talk program in which the majority of the audience are selected for their liberal and left wing political leanings.


    That'd be like asking the staff at CNN what they think of Trump.


    The Brexit poll told us to expect a huge win for the remainers and at one stage book makers were making the odds 8 to 1 against our leaving the EU.


    So polls are often unreliable and are conducted by those with an iron in the fire when it comes to the issue the poll is connected to.


    If they're told the other side is odds on to win it's quite likely that some folk won't bother going out to the polling station to vote.


    That's what the Remainers hoped regarding the EU referendum but it backfired on them and overwhelmingly so.

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