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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 3 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    What is popular today doesn't necessarily continue when it hits the buffers of electoral failure.

    But Jeremy and his lackeys knew that when they announced their policies. They did not realise how their crackpot ideas would go down with the working class voters.


    I'll say no more. Just wait and see what happens on election day. Corbyn and his followers will be trounced and seen to be the headbangers that they actually are.


    If you want to place a 10,000 baht bet on it send me a personal message.

  2. 5 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    Trying to play Gotcha! with the NHS or any other topic against Boris is fair game, but the very same Labour supporters attempting to get on this bandwagon are the very same individuals who will excuse the internal stink in the Labour Party and Corbyn's evasiveness on the other side of the blame coin. What the election is boiling down to is choosing between 2 not very pleasant leaders. On that count Boris is winning. Without Corbyn, Labour could have romped it. With him they are going to lose. That is the tragedy.

    But Corbyn was elected as leader and romped home as a clear winner so it's obvious he and his policies are popular with the rank and file membership. And whether we like it or not they run the Labour Party..

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, yogi100 said:

    What on earth is racist or false about in the post you've quoted. When the racist card is played for no good reason you actually encourage real genuine racism.


    And Moroccans are citizens of Morocco which is a nation not a race.







    It really is a sad state of affairs when someone uses a news article like this to play the race card and I can see I'm not the only one who shares this view..


    I can see Khunken agrees with us. Thank you Ken.

    • Sad 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Deported said:

    who tell you than I'm worked in thailand? The immigration I guess. ????????????
    I never worked in thailand.

    I used a METV visa maybe not far of 7-8 month, (like authorised) and then 3 months later than I left, I come back with a single entry tourist visa. Why to sell me these visa if I'm not authorised to stay like a tourist ?




    Some people can't get their heads around the fact that others sometimes have the money and the time to be long term tourists. They just don't understand it.


    You don't have to be members of the British Royal Family to have such a lifestyle.


    A friend of mine was a taxi driver in London. He'd grown up as an only son in a big house in Kilburn in London. When his parents died about 15 years ago they left him the house which he sold for two million quid (roughly about $2.5 million or 80 million baht). They'd bought it for relatively peanuts in the 1940s or 50s. He immediately quit work and came to live in Pattaya.

  5. 2 hours ago, Saint Nick said:

    Making this a racist issue!

    Well done!


    What on earth is racist or false about in the post you've quoted. When the racist card is played for no good reason you actually encourage real genuine racism.


    And Moroccans are citizens of Morocco which is a nation not a race.







    • Sad 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Stoker58 said:

    Short term tourists come, stay for a few weeks, and leave. They rarely have any dealings with immigration.

    it’s the long term ex-pats who are on the receiving end of all their bad attitude.

    Not always. My pal is retired and visits Pattaya for a holiday for a month 5 times year. He got detained at Swampy and was accused of working in the LOS. Although they finally let him in it was touch and go while they had him in an interrogation room and grilled him for 40 minutes.


    He's not a long term ex-pat but the experience certainly left a bitter taste in his mouth.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Ok good to know

    avoid Patong where if you left your helmet on your bike

    it's immediately stolen

    seems to be a very particular place in Thailand

    never personaly had or never heard of someone with his cheap helmet stolen

    finaly i am quite happy to live now in Pattaya and not in Phuket

    it sounds more relax at least on this one

    It's the same in Pattaya. You often used to see helmets left with parked motor bikes. Not so often nowadays.

  8. 2 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Let me inform you about something

    if you try leaving a restaurant anywhere in Thailand without paying

    your bill, you can maybe rush to your motorbike,

    but for sure you do not have the time to put your helmet on before to be attacked

    that was i was trying to explain to you in my previous post

    Just see what happens if you leave a bar without paying your bill. They'll be on you like hawks and understandably so.

  9. On 12/5/2019 at 10:03 AM, Matzzon said:

    Why is that. I said that passing, eating or even complaining about the food does not create a reaction like this. I also believe that he might have been doing something to get this reaction.

    I definately do not accept that people get attacked by mobs. Although, that happens in all countries when people go too far. Mostly it probably have to be something much more bad than this to be attacked in another country. However, this was in Thailand and here people react differently according to things and that has to do with culture. People that can´t accept the culture, understand it or adept to it is always getting into problems.

    For an example: If you would call somebody a water monitor in the US, England or Australia people would probably just look at you and laugh. Here that is one of the most bad things you can call somebody. When dealing with other cultures and do not fully understand them, I am saying that it´s advised to thread carfully. 

    By, the way, thank you. Yes, I meant manners. ????

    Few people especially foreigners would know what a 'water monitor' even is. It would be lost in translation.


    I'm English and I've never heard of such an expression. A milk monitor or a monitor lizard yes, but never a water monitor.

  10. On 12/5/2019 at 9:02 AM, Yinn said:

    Please. Before mock, ctitisize, complain, moan and groan about Thai people do the google search about this story.




    the american admit he start the fight.

    The burmese then fight him back.






    No injury. Everyone pay small fine. Why not?

    Maybe, just maybe the police let any Thai people who were involved get away without any 500 baht fine and only fined the Burmese and the unfortunate Yank.


    That rak Thai and so on.

  11. 4 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    Trump has a history of being shady .  It is onme reason why he hides his tax records because they will show who he has done business with and I would imagine that many Russians will show up.


    Trump filed bankruptcy 4 times and was unable to get bank loans in the Us so he most likely turned to the Russians and other foreign interests.


    Trumps way of dealing is always a quid pro quo- as president he would not change his ways.  I have no doubt he wanted 'dirt' on Biden because he fears him in the 2020 election.


    However,  Impeachment and removal is  more a political process than a criminal one. While I believe  that Trump has used his Presiency in a way that smacks of criminality- I would not impeach him but would censure him and continue to push  investigations into all of his activity and set the stage for his conviction  after he leaves office.


    Pushing for his impeachment makes the Democrats feel good  but in reality not enough of the general public wants him to be convicted, mostly because people are tired of the politics involved and do not understand the gravity of the  case.


    The only way to get rid of Donald Trump is to be as wily and downright machivelian as he is. Let the election take place- put up a Democrat candidate that can go toe to toe with Trump and expose him for what he is- a liar and an incomptent President who is enriching himself in office. 


    Go after his minions Guliani; Pompeo; and the rest and build a real case  and  put the fear of going to prison into Trump's head.  Eventually, he will crack.



    Is this Guliani character who gets mentioned a lot in connection with Trump the same fellow who cleaned up New York a few years back when he was the elected Mayor of said city.


    In which case I'd have thought all America would rejoice to have such a capable chap helping Trump run the country. Unless if course some liberals might wish again for a time when NY returned the crime infested dump it was before Guliani came along.


    Perhaps he could help and advise the president on how to clean up other cities such as Los Angeles which are plagued by gangs of heavily tattooed Spanish speaking immigrants from South of the border. Surely you'd have to agree clearing them out would be a step in the right direction.


    If it's the same Guliani perhaps he'd make a better job of cleaning up the USA than even Trump can.

    • Like 1
  12. 19 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    ...by a foreign tourist!  Apart from the geographic location, nothing to do with the safety of Thailand or Thai people.



    What does it matter who killed him, he's still just as dead.


    It did actually happen in Thailand on Thai soil whether you like it or not.


    Perhaps if the Thai hotel security staff had been more on the ball and intervened some time before 4 am or if they were scared of this muscle bound thug wisely called the Thai police before things escalated and the murder took place the Sikh fellow would still be alive.


    And if the Thai authorities had not released him the Sikh family might at least not have to suffer the pain of knowing that their husband and father's killer is not now on the run escaping justice.







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