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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 7 minutes ago, Tropicalevo said:

    What a silly thing to say!

    Of course - you are much safer on the streets in London/UK (stabbings/bombers etc)

    What a stupid remark.


    Why not try asking the wife of the victim in this topic where she thinks it's 'much safer'.


    I'll bet she'd tell you she wished they'd stayed in London and had never even considered coming to Thailand.






  2. 8 minutes ago, metempsychotic said:

    odd. i raised a daughter here without issue.


    thing about random violence is ......


    its random.

    Like the attack on that family in Hua Hin who were kicked unconscious. Was that 'odd' as well?


    That was also random but I bet they'll never come to Thailand again.


    Neither will this Sikh woman and her now fatherless child. Perhaps that's 'odd' too.


    Was the British man dying of the injuries he received outside the Mandarin Agogo in Pattaya just another random incident. Was it also odd.


    Stories of attacks on or the murder of tourists in the LOS are becoming more common than in other holiday destinations. There seems to be a lot of 'random' violence going on in the resorts of Thailand these days and perhaps that's another reason why fewer Westerners are visiting.


    Off the top of my head I can think of several violent deaths in Pattaya alone over the years and also incidents in which tourists have been beaten by Thai 'doormen'. I witnessed one such attack. That was a bit too 'random' for my liking. And there was nothing even the slightest bit 'odd' about it.


    And a reduction in the number of tourists is only going to result in more violence as some locals turn to crime to get whatever it is they need to survive.

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  3. 4 hours ago, marf said:

    If someone was singing on a hotel balcony at 4am, I think it quite likely that at least one of the nearby guests would be disturbed and open the hotel door to go into the corridor before knocking on the door of the person causing the disturbance.

    If someone is the type of person who thinks nothing of disturbing others at 4am (perhaps through alcohol, perhaps not) then I think it's likely that a confrontation would ensue, escalating into violence.


    Perhaps the other guests were heavy sleepers, didn't want to get involved. Someone called the police, I'm sure. I'm also sure that the arrested guy had a story different to what actually happened, maybe claimed self defence and said the other guy attacked him, we don't know...

    Apparently this Norwegian was something of an iron bender and did not look like the sort of person any of us would care to take issue with.


    The Sikh family were unfortunate that they were put next to him and the hotel security should have nipped the Norwegian's drunken behaviour in the bud when it started.


    What on earth made the Thai authorities think that a foreigner was going to hang about to face justice after he'd just been caught bang to rights killing someone. It was odds on that he was going to try and scarper.


    If I was a family man I'd think twice about bringing my family to the Land of Smiles.

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  4. 6 hours ago, kingdong said:

    Well I hope the police who shot him are disciplined,they only shot him twice,they should have given him a few more to be on the safe side

    Why not. And why only two bullets.


    They managed to put seven in the head of a Brazilian electrician who it has since been proven had nothing to do with any terrorist organisation.


    Let's be honest about it they're wary of targeting Islamic terrorists until they've committed an offence. By which time it's too late.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    Next time you are going under the (University medical school) surgeons knife, do make sure to give him one of your looney right wing lectures about liberal brain washing. He will probably ask the Aneasthetist not to bother with the Morphine!

    Next time you are driving your 3 ton truck over a bridge labelled "Max load 2 tons"  do make sure to give the (University educated) engineer one of your looney right wing lectures about liberal brain washing. He will probably say "Go right ahead, drive over it, be my guest"!

    Engineers and members of the medical professions are not politicians.


    Next time there is a terrorist atrocity in our country I hope to see the Police or the Army in attendance.


    You can hope your university educated politicians come to the rescue and just pray that they don't make as much of a shambles of it as they have of getting us out of the EU and flooding the country with those that hate us and everything we used to stand for.


    Which is what this topic is about.


    • Confused 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    This post is about Johnson and tougher sentences. The dead man's family begged Johnson, politicians in general, and the right wing Tory gutter press NOT to use his son to score political party points for the election. 

    Johnson ignored the request of the dead man's father. 

    This describes his response. 

    The father of a man killed in the London Bridge terror attack has shared posts calling Boris Johnson's response to the murders "beyond disgusting".

    David Merritt, whose son Jack was one of two people killed by convicted terrorist Usman Khan on Friday, condemned the prime minister and Priti Patel, the home secretary, for using the attack as justification for a series of tougher criminal policies.


    What he actually said was that the Tories were using his son's death to promote "vile propaganda" and shared a tweet accusing Mr Johnson of trying to "make political gain from people's death in a terror incident".


    Johnson has fallen into the sub human scum category. What this implies about the values of people who know who he is, his serial and casual lying, and what he has now done, and yet will still vote for him, hardly bears thinking about.

    That's what happens when you introduce a university education into the mix.


    It's time the politicians started asking Joe Bloggs' for advice and guidance when it comes to terrorism. There's not an MP in Westminster who did not receive a few years of liberal university brainwashing.

    • Like 2
  7. It makes you wonder what the quality of Hollywood movies will be like when De Niro, Pesci, Pacino, Harvey Keitel and Jack Nicholson are gone.


    Between them they've made some memorable films.


    It won't be many years now and who will step into their shoes?


    No one has ever replaced Errol Flynn, Steve McQueen or Clarke Gable.






  8. 1 hour ago, freethinker said:

    Was there a couple of years ago for the last time. Went down WS to hit MIX and on the darker path between MC Donald's and MIx i started getting accosted by a ladyboy. I first told her off very politely (in Thai) but this just seemed to encourage the lady boy to follow me and start grabbing me. I got <deleted> and told the lady boy to stop following me and go away and then out of nowhere some white girl comes up to me and starts chastising me for talking to a ladyboy like that. I of course, told her to <deleted> off and went on my way but my night had already been ruined. I can deal with the ladyboys but i surely can't deal with white girls in Pattaya. 


    The white girl was probably his pimp.

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  9. 1 hour ago, alfieconn said:

    They might have been born and bred in the UK but you can bet your life they have Pakistani Passports so they can be deported, just like when they are on the run from a crime go they running back to Pakistan thats how British they are !

    Like the three Pakistanis who butchered 15 year old Kriss Donald up in Glasgow did.


    They selected and killed him in the worst way possible way because he was white and British in 2004 when Tony Blair was Prime Minister. They then ran off to Pakistan.

  10. 13 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    "However, in 2013 - just over a year after Khan was jailed - Lord Justice Leveson, sitting with two other judges at the Court of Appeal, quashed that sentence.

    They found the original trial judge had “wrongly characterised” Khan’s plans as more dangerous than some of the other defendants in his terror cell."



    Secretary of justice that year was Chris Grayling.


    In my mind this case is a no-brainer. Lord Leveson and Chris Grayling must serve life sentences with no chance of parole. Doing the murderers sentence by proxy if you like. They decided to plonk a whackjob jihadi into the midst of an unarmed public, it sounds like murder to me.

    Bang on the nail. Well said.

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