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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 2 hours ago, Chivas said:

    The acid test perhaps these days having accumulated massively high trip numbers is if you had a group of lads on their first trip apart from Go Gos where would you take them on their first night.

    Memories of mine was the Best Friend complex with stunning girls absolutely screaming out (we were young as well then) maybe 15 girls a beer bar, 12 lovelies two average and a cashier. These days all but gone

    Couldnt recommend Pattaya to anyone new these days sadly hence why I'm quitting with Vietnam and Philippines beckoning for better value. Pattaya is simply over.

    My pal and I used the Best Friends complex when I first came to Pattaya in 1984. You are right there were some darlings there in those days. Pattaya was really just Beach Rd back then.


    There were only 3 GGBs in the town then but there were plenty of honeys in the BBs. 100 BF + 300 - 500. Short time had not yet been invented.


    The only set back was that we were only getting 32 baht to the UKP which was even worse than it is now (38 bant). It was just too expensive to consider returning which may soon prove to be the case again now 35 years later! OK thing were cheaper but our wages were a lot less.

  2. 26 minutes ago, EricTh said:


    It's just a few days in custoday but the biggest penalty is a one year ban from entering Thailand when arrested if I remember it right.


    27 minutes ago, EricTh said:


    It's just a few days in custoday but the biggest penalty is a one year ban from entering Thailand when arrested if I remember it right.

    I'm pretty sure he'll welcome a one year ban from entering Thailand once he gets back to the Fatherland.


    Wild horses probably would not be able to drag him back ever, let alone within one year.

    • Haha 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Asking for a friend said:

    Save the pixels. You will only make yourself look bad to Thais, to your shock. If you don’t understand this you do not even begin to understand Thailand.


    The old phrase is “I will get around to understanding Thailand right after I get around to understanding women.” however upon closer inspection these are one and the same. This is a matriarchal society, women rule behind it all.

    I did not write that, some one called farangchuma did. You'd be better off telling him to 'save the pixels'! 


    I don't make myself look bad to Thais. Nor have I ever said I understand Thailand nor women. I'll leave those sort of claims to the likes of yourself.


    Keep off the booze.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, farangchuma said:

    This is exactly what I wanted when I wrote an open letter to Thailand. The city of Pattya is a joke known for low quality sexpat farangs' heaven for finding a bride thirty years younger to them. It is an adult Disley land for sexpat farangs. The things they can do in Thailand with a crane operator or a high school educated factory worker's  salary in the West, farangs could never do with their entire family's income in the West. I wanted to remind Thailand why farangs come to Thailand. They don't come to Thailand for its temples, food, arts and cultute. They only come for sex. In my open letter to thailand, I challeged Thailand to name another country where farangs have married to more sex workers than Thailand and also challeged Thailand to name a country that has solved its poverty by pimping nations' daughters to farangs in marrage. In coming months, I'm publishing more open letters to Thailand to expose how not to become a heaven for sexpat farangs and a bride mill for older farangs. 

    You'd best keep your nose out of it. You're only gonna make things worse for those still there.

    • Haha 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    sorry, but that is not true.  The regulations do not require you to produce your passport to a Plod 'on the spot'.  A statement to that effect was made by the government over a year ago.  Certainly carrying a photo copy, or a pic on your phone, is sensible, but is also not required. Your friend was presumably caught out for working without a WP, that is a whole different circumstance. Its a great pity that many on this forum distribute false or misleading information, anecdotes and wild stories about the BiB and their doings, when it often turns out that they were breaking the law ( no bike helmets, no licence etc, drunk or just obnoxious to the plod).  I'm not defending the RTP,  they are far from the best Police Force in the world, but  they are not the worst either (try many South American countries) and spreading  false and alarming misinformation is not helpful.   

    It is true or it was if as you say it's no longer necessary.

    I remember it distinctly. We were informed that it was a legal requirement to carry a passport or a copy, this was about 10 years ago.


    Very few of us are familiar with Thai law. Few of us can even speak or write the lingo. But we can understand when a cop talks about 5K baht or the monkey house.


    And the cafe owner was held in the jail till he agreed to pay the plod 30K. If you don't want to believe it then that's up to you.


    You can't argue the toss with the cops in the LOS like you can in the UK or wherever it is you come from. You go to the ATM or the jail, up to you.

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  6. 3 hours ago, KhunHeineken said:

    Exactly what I am after, but with all the Windows 10 spyware disabled, and all the Windows 10 bloatware uninstalled. 


    It seems there is a lot more work to do than just installing Windows 10 and running Classic Shell. 

    Like you I also gave W10 a chance but could not see any light at the end of the tunnel. It did not get any easier and it had me wondering why the people at Windows had tried to fix something that wasn't the slightest bit busted.


    I'm afraid I dunno anything about W10 spyware and don't have a clue what 'bloatware' even is but my PC I'm referring to is still running well after nearly two years. Once it spent a few hours of its own accord installing 'updates' and 'configurations' and the W10 screen returned which gave me a shock but it gave you the choice of taking it back to a previous time which I did and my good old W7 system returned.


    My friend in London who is a bit of a computer geek put the Classic Shell / W7 start system on my PC in about 90 minutes but a lot of that was time spent waiting for the installations to finish.


    If you are a bit knowledgeable about computers you should give it a try yourself or get a pal or a shop to do it for you. It's well worth the effort.








  7. On 11/24/2019 at 9:30 AM, briley said:

    Classic start shell works just fine n Windows 10 and very customizable to make it look and feel just as you want - mine looks like Win XP!




    I also had a W8 machine that I had updated to W10.


    A pal then installed Classic Shell and the W7 style Start system on it and it's just like a the old W7 laptop I also use as a spare, wonderful.

    • Like 1
  8. On 11/21/2019 at 9:45 PM, gk10002000 said:

    I was just looking at various Asian countries.  2004 I finally got finances all in order, got new passport. Was working in Los Angeles CA and wanted to do Asia.  Japan not much interest, big city etc.  Indonesia I always liked as a kid, komodo dragons, volcanoes, I spoke some Bahasa from an Indonesian girl I kind of dated, but Indonesia didn't seem to jump out as easy touristing at first glance. Chinese things I liked but too much security paperwork required due to my job.  Korea no special interest in even though I studied Tae Kwon Do for many years on and off.   I typed in Thailand and just a ton of stuff popped up.  No visa in advance needed was a big factor as it was tough for me to know my exact work schedule.  Pattaya just popped up and I could see it was tourist friendly.  Tons of articles and videos about easy to get hotels, the baht bus easy to get around town, bus easy from Bangkok etc.  I had no idea so many people went to Thailand.  Didn't look for sexy or gogos or anything like that.  That stuff just all popped up on the internet as some things to do there.


    In 1984 my pal and I booked a 19 day package tour (3 days BKK & 16 days Pattaya) to the the LOS from a travel agent in London.


    There was no internet then. But we knew what to expect but did not expect it to be quite so full on as it actually was even though that was what we'd gone there for.


    Many people did not even know that Thailand was not another name for Taiwan. But for those in the trade Thailand already had a reputation for very friendly women.


    This was 20 years before you went there.





    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    Tourism will no longer be an attraction,  not western tourists anyway...the power elite does not like western influence.  Currently Bahrain and Dubai are freerer than Thailand. For anyone with money these are the places to go. They also have excellent night life and P4P scene with girls from all over the world. There are excellent restaurants and street food. The economy travellers who in two decades transformed Banglampoo and the KSR from a poor backwater to a booming wealthy area will stop coming here too. Younger people do not expect to threatened by police for minor drug issues nor do independent travellers expect to be bogged down by bureaucracy nor do they like the over regulation and standardisation of travel destinations. Pattaya ruined by the military,  Bangkok spoiled, the KSR wiped out, the islands terrorized by cops, army, and immigration police, the old mountain treks over regulated.....what's left? An expensive country, miles from nowhere with an over valued currency. With daily stories about the persecution of foreigners all over the internet its no wonder Pattaya and elsewhere are experiencing a downturn.  Very sad.

    Good post but who are the KSR and how have they been wiped out?

  10. 5 hours ago, lensta said:

    Even broke foreigners contribute to the economy and probably help the local mom and pop stores more that your high dollar tourists that would likely go to more expensive place to buy food and drink

    No one goes to local mom and pop stores in Pattaya. There are none. They all became 7/11s or Family Marts years ago. The budget restaurants, hotels and bars of Pattaya are doing passably well but the more expensive places are struggling.


    The vast majority of regular visitors and ex pats have long realised that they've got to tighten their belts and are doing so. Eventually it will be the bar girls and their families who suffer as the ex pat milk cows go home and fewer two week wonders arrive.


    Having more Indians who come for a few days at a time won't make much difference.

    • Thanks 2
  11. On 11/12/2019 at 2:40 PM, Crossy said:

    It's almost certainly some kind of "smart" meter, PEA have been talking to Huawei for some time.


    Press Release from last year https://www.ryt9.com/es/prg/215072


    Exactly what it's capabilities will be is unknown at present, but remote meter reading will certainly be one of them.


    If you do end up with one some photos of the beast would be appreciated.


    One of its capabilities is to let certain parties know when no energy is being used and for how long none has been used.


    Such information could lead those certain parties to conclude that your home is empty.


    Years ago in my London neighbourhood there was a spate of burglaries that occurred when the victims were on holiday. It involved the local milkman as he knew when folk were away as they had cancelled their milk.


    These meters know when your house is unoccupied. That's why many folk will not entertain them.



  12. 53 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    State support for illegal immigrants is almost non-existent; for those who's applications for asylum are under consideration, it is minimal.


    Our government's treatment of pensioners is shameful - but vote tory, get screwed. Don't blame desperate people trying to escape circumstances; if you vote tory, you are responsible for the huge amount of indignities that our own people have to endure. 

    And if you've ever voted Labour. They both encourage mass immigration albeit for different reasons. However in the first year of CMD's Tory govt more immigrants arrived than under the previous Labour government's last year of rule.

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