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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 5 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    Their is proof the tourist was drunk, missed hay maker. The guys who makes the wild accusation based on nothing needs to proof that his statement is true.

    You started on this line of conversation by asking "Where is your proof the bouncer was drugged up?"


    Throwing a hay maker or punching the air is not proof that someone is drunk!

  2. 15 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    His comment referred to "behaving violently", not "killing", therefore, what he said was accurate!

    This fellow in this topic actually died. 


    Most people would consider that's a bit more serious than simply being a victim of violent behaviour.


    That's why we're commenting on it.

    • Like 2
  3. 52 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

    Mandarin GoGo has a history of these types of problems with aggressive security staff and nothing is done by local authorities. Must be Connected?

    In fact over aggressive security staff has been a problem in Pattaya for decades and nothing is ever done by local authroities.

    This business model defies logic, give a customer copious amounts of alcohol until the person is really drunk, an/or incapacitated, then if the person questions the bill which may be inflated, or becomes indignant due to drunkenness, gather a group and beat the <deleted> out of the drunken defenseless person because they are an easy target, and an ego trip for the punk ass security staff hitting a defenseless person instead of calling the police to sort out the problem like they should do.

    Well said.


    That sums some of Pattaya's Walking St gogo bars and night clubs up in a nutshell.


    The French couples who were beaten up by bouncers from What's U and the kicking received by a customer from Insomnia bouncers are just two incidents that come to mind. That's just the ones we hear about!


    You hardly see any Westerners in Walking Street any more and even fewer in the GGBs. Small wonder!


    The poor bouncers must be getting frustrated.



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  4. 2 hours ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

    When you said 'I "go" there too' I thought you probably didn't live there. Anyway, not everyone in Pattaya is the same I'm sure, there's gotta be some decent people knocking about!

    I just go on holidays a few times a year. After my 80 - 90 days I've had enough.


    But I am always wary of something like this happening to myself as I've witnessed a couple of incidents like this but without such terrible consequences. It should always be in the back of your mind.

    • Like 2
  5. 21 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

    Hahaha! I go there too mate, it's convenient from BKK. I stay in Pratamnak when I do visit, away from the centre of town. Weekend trips now and again.

    I'm making absolutely no judgement on people who like to visit, as I do myself too. It ain't all bad. There's definitely a 'Pattaya type' though, you know the ones, the long-termers. 

    But I'm a long termer!


    Or I was till I started reading stories like this and the ones about visas and IOs.

    • Haha 1
  6. 32 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Yes contact was with left frontal lobe.


    With a severe blow to the rear of the head, the brain can riccochet forwards (equal and opposite reaction) which then damages the frontal lobe.

    So could a whack from a fist damage the frontal lobe especially one holding a weapon like a knuckle duster. 


    The posture of the one who did the damage did not look like he was preparing to punch someone. He looked more like he had something in his hand and he appeared to thump or club the victim with it rather than punch him.


    Watch it again and see what you think. When he walks away afterwards it's as if he has something in his hand.


    I remember years ago a punter getting a clout from a bouncer using a knuckle duster in LKM's Champagne Agogo. I broke his teeth and was totally uncalled for. So it does happen.

  7. 56 minutes ago, DaveE13 said:

    I been in Security industry in uk for 28 years. Have a CP Licence (Close Protection) not worked doors for years but believe me some nasty fellas in their 50s were working them in the 80s in East London and Essex. Just look at Lenny McLean he was head door man at the Hippodrome and punched a drunk tourist who hit his head later died. Got off too.

    I think you'll find Lenny McLean was a different kettle of fish to the poor fellow in this story. And from what I've heard he was another liberty taker.

  8. 1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

    He wasn't knocked out because of the punch, hardly connected. He fell over and banged his head hard on the ground due to the bouncer carrering into him and him being drunk.

    How did hitting the back of his head which is the part of it that hit the ground when he fell account for the damage to the right frontal lobe which is the injury that the coroner claimed to have killed him.


    You actually see a blow delivered by the Thai bouncer connecting with the front part of his head. The right frontal lobe is situated at the front of the head.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, richsilver said:

    1. This incident happened 17 months ago.  Why is it being posted now?  2.  He could not have called 911 as this does not work in Thailand.

    1. It' serves as a warning to others.


    2 They might just possibly have meant that he phoned whatever is the Thai equivalent of 911 in the US or 999 in the UK.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Vacuum said:

    He might even have killed people.... 

    My brother was in the army. The only time he ever fired his gun was on the rifle range. 


    He was in the Catering Corps and his service experience was typical of that of most so called 'veterans'. He hated and could not wait till his time was up.

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  11. 2 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Happened about 10 years ago in my own home town in the UK.

    Well I've never heard of a fifty odd year old man being attacked by bouncers and left knocked spark out in my home town.


    And my home town is London which I bet is is a great deal bigger and more violent than your home town.

    • Like 1
  12. 9 hours ago, BestB said:

    It means when you do not have any personal experience it is not wise to make assertive statements basing on what your friend does.


    You do not have a point for me to miss, you first assert Thai bouncers are on steroids and meatheads, which is clearly false and not only shows you have zero understanding about steroids but have even less understanding to notice all Thai doorman at gogo bars are too skinny, most likely do not even hit the gym let alone use steroids.


    Then you make assertion based on what your friend does what and how doorman must work, yet you have zero personal experience doing the job.





    You don't need 'personal experience' to know when a fit young man has taken liberties with a bloke in his 50s.


    It's obvious to any fool with or without any 'personal experience' if they've seen the video.

  13. 9 hours ago, BestB said:

    1. Thai doorman are not on steroids

    2. Have you ever worked on the door? to state should be restraining someone who is raging,  swinging and bigger than you in size and body weight? Its little different to Steven Seagul movies ????

    Compared to the bouncer and his cronies the victim was an old boy. They just took liberties with him like bouncers often do.


    I've seen the CCTV video and did not see the victim throw any punches worth mentioning. The bouncer appeared to purposefully club the victim's head hard with the base of his fist.

  14. 27 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    Are people not reading the linked stories ????

    The guy "DIED A YEAR LATER" after the incident.

    He woke up, hoped on a plane, went home, opened a cafe with his wife, died a year later from "pneumonia and brain injury".


    According to the results of the autopsy the brain injury was brought on by damage to his right frontal lobe which is part of the head.


    It was his head that was injured in the attack.


    Older people cannot recover so easily from physical injury, they are rarely fit enough. That's one of the reasons you never see 55 year old men in boxing rings. They're much more vulnerable.

    • Like 2
  15. 4 hours ago, BestB said:

    It was 1 punch. Do you honestly believe a 50 something kg guy can kill someone with 1 punch ?


    was just either unlucky fall or connected in the wrong place . 

    Plenty of examples people being properly bashed and they ok. Sometimes it’s just <deleted> out of luck as they say , that is not to say he did not have pre conditions, having gone what he has gone through very possible to have pre conditions and that punch was the tipping point 

    In the video it looked more like a clubbing blow than a punch as if something weighty was in his hand. Possibly a knuckle duster. Note I did say possibly. 


    But it would explain the effect it had on the victim. And it would not be the first time such a weapon was used on a falang in the Land of Smiles. They used to be on sale all over the place, probably still are for all I know along with extendable batons and stun guns.

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