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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. On 10/12/2019 at 12:31 PM, Stevemercer said:


    Yes, public image is against migrants in many western countries, but those governments give certainty, permanence and citizenship to migrants despite those negative 'perceptions'. They enforce the same rule of law for all citizens.


    Thailand seems to be doing the opposite.


    A Thai person marries an Australian citizen and they have the right to live in Australia. After 2 years they become a permanent resident with the same rights as all Australians. They have complete freedom of movement with no need to report to anyone. They can be employed in any job. They can start and run a business subject to the same rules as any Australian citizen. They are entitled to free health care and unemployment benefits. They can buy and own land. There is no discrimatory pricing for foreigners (in fact it is illegal). It's the same in most western countries.


    Tell me, do foreigners married to Thais living in Thailand get the same certainty or security?

    Some people think that Thailand and other nations with the same attitude to foreigners and immigrants have got it right while the more liberal Western nations have got it wrong.


    Those who have tried to make Thailand their home are obviously going to think the Thai attitude is unjust and you can't really blame them because they put in more than they could ever take out.


    But we live in two different worlds and the different regulations, laws and cultures simply can't integrate. This topic and others like it are ample proof of that.






    • Thanks 1
  2. On 10/12/2019 at 12:28 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    No, I am not a Swede, and I am not from the UK. But I read the news.

    Here is just one article which was easy to find with Google:



    Is everything they write 100% correct? I don't know. But I read lot of similar articles and my conclusion is that all those foreigners cost a lot less than the average person think they cost.

    The Independent is a notoriously liberal journal that promotes multiculturalism at every chance it gets.


    As do most politicians. They know that in large parts of the UK the immigrant vote now decides who wins the elections and who gets to be an MP on £80,000 a year plus expenses.

    • Like 1
  3. On 10/11/2019 at 12:31 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    For me it seems Thailand is enforcing some existing laws.

    And they think about how to handle all those old people who can't or won't pay their hospital bills.


    I understand that this makes some people unhappy and probably some people will have to leave Thailand.

    But on the other hand I understand that Thailand does not want that some people are a burden to the country. And that's what they are if they don't pay their hospital bills.

    How do you get away without paying hospital bills. Unless it's for a minor problem your visa card is the first thing they ask you about.

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 10/12/2019 at 10:46 AM, possum1931 said:

    and what about the burden of Thais in the UK and probably other countries?

    A question for those who have taken their Thai brides to their home country to live with them, are you paying

    anything towards their medical or hospital costs? If so, I bet it isn't near as much as insurance or medical

    costs in Thailand.

    I stand corrected if I'm wrong.

    A friend of mine brought his Thai wife to the UK. They had two children. They soon split up. 


    Within weeks she got a free council flat in London, free medical care and free money to live on. She supplements these hand outs by working cash in hand in a massage parlour. She loves England.

    • Like 2
  5. 38 minutes ago, Myran said:

    And every year nearly a million Germans have absolutely no issues holidaying in Thailand. The vast minority who experience issues are the ones trying to live here on tourist visas.

    Well the German who started this particular topic certainly had an 'issue' no matter what sort of a visa he was trying to live there on.


    He got sent straight back to the Fatherland!

    • Like 1
  6. On 10/12/2019 at 12:06 PM, andy72 said:

    Brilliant steered it away from METV
    To a shopping list with prices no less ????

    I'm veggie so din't touch the bacon
    I'm cheap so I get the yellow reduced label milk @ tesco's ????  for my healthy multigrain vegetarian lifestyle , Ive tried the soya on my oats theres limits to what a man can endure


    Lets put a bit of perspective
    50 dead chinese on a boat in phuket out of 10 million thats pretty low
    under normal circumstances PRC would be very unhappy no other nation has killed as many Chinese in recent times, they don't like that. 

    OP showed us his stamp 
    was it first visit on the METV or second 
    how long has he been here in 2019 
    did he ext

    out of the remaining 20 million visitors the number of refused troublesome entries is damned small
    TVF is a pretty small universe 

    my last passport was like a thai visa stamp book collection
    got pulled hassled once cnx still got in 
    didnt have 20k got marched to atm though
    did have an exit ticket

    never had an ed, non o- ret, always exempt or setv actually had a few detv ah the good old days.
    endless border runs in out $10 or 500 baht good old uncle sam discount

    just go with the flow dont sweat it 
    most refusals come without adequate back stories

    we dont know what attitude they gave the io

    oh, & not a brothel addict 
    its durian for me along with a multitude of other fruits
    never set foot in sin city

    What is or who is PRC when it's been decoded?

  7. 3 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    Hope you don’t mind me asking this but it’s a genuine question.

    I presume you are not working any longer as you have the time and resources to travel to Thailand regularly. I also presume you have been doing this for a few years (in that your current non-o is not your first).

    What is the attraction of Thailand for you? I can’t imagine that it’s temples (seen one, seen them all), the regular Thai person (unless you are fluent in Thai or them fluent in English) or Thai food (it’s good but surely not that good that you want to eat it all the time).

    Could it then be the bar scene? If so, I hear that Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, China also has active nightlife.

    As I mentioned in my first sentence, this is a genuine question.

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    I don't mind. Not at all.


    It's the Pattaya bar scene and the night life in general that I go for. It's become like a home from home for me.


    I keep my room on all the time and I get a reduced rate which makes it financially viable, or it used to. I have several friends there, mainly falangs but also a few Thai women who work in the bars.


    I got my first non imm O visa in 2007 and stay each time for 80 - 90 days and then go back to the UK for 2 or 3 months. I'm retired and receive state and private pensions.


    I can eat sh!t if you put sugar on it so the food is of little consequence and the only times I've been to a temple have been for the funerals of a couple of ex pat chums.


    I've been to Cebu and Davao in the PI but did not rate it and do not have the inclination at my age to explore possible greener pastures if I can still visit Thailand.

    • Like 1
  8. 23 hours ago, SteveK said:

    Thai bacon is absolutely grotten, I can't believe that any self-respecting farang would ever touch the stuff.

    I bring streaky bacon from Friendship Supermarket in Pattaya back to the UK with me.


    It knocks spots off the saturated muck available in Britain which must contain about 8% water and which you can see in the grill pan or frying pan when you've cooked it. It even admits it contains water on the packaging!

  9. 5 hours ago, baboon said:

    A multiple entry Non O and time spent out of Thailand? Chances are you will sail through or at worst, be asked a couple of questions before sailing through. Where are you flying in from?

    LHR to Swampy with Thai Airways.


    I left Thailand after my last visit on 17/7/19 having been there for 84 days.


    I keep in touch with falangs by phone I've met over the years in the LOS. They are all aware of these developments and few of them read this forum or any other. Bad news travels.


    One English couple are very concerned because a few years ago they spent 6 million baht on a retirement house in Koh Samui. They are not in perfect health and their enquiries about selling the house have not been very encouraging. No ones buying!



  10. 6 hours ago, nailbrains8 said:

    Let's not forget that in order to even be granted an METV you must show 6 months worth of bank statements to prove you can cover you stay... 

    I didn't have to show any money, bank statements nor how much I have or I receive, just proof of being in receipt of a state pension. A letter from the pension people is adequate.  I suppose that they can work out how long you've been getting it by your age.

    • Like 1
  11. 25 minutes ago, Lovethailandelite said:

    You will not get any visa in the UK now without a prepaid Itenary since 15th June

    So you'll have to book and pay for a flight before you know if you can get a visa to gain admittance. That's common sense Thai style. 


    Now the METV has been stopped few long termers will be bothering with the LOS any more. If that's what they want that's what they'll be getting.


    One of my friends has just got back from Samui, another from Pattaya and another is an expat who lives in Pattaya. All of 'em while admitting that it's high season all say it's as dead as a door nail. So far that's mainly down to the strong baht.


    This high season should be interesting.

  12. 2 hours ago, SpanishExpat said:

    But this is Thailand and they won`t reinvoke it. The problem with your friend seems so complex, but in the end he arrived there at the wrong time with the wrong IO. Plus he had no clue how to defend himself, which he can`t be blamed for. Guys like him with no gf/native contact here in Thailand are the easiest target. If he would have had a thai gf and would have called her, it would have ended differently. With the typical`I let you enter one last time , but you cannot come back blabla`.


    If the detention room would have been full...he would have passed....and so on. There are so many factors you can`t think about, as they are not logic = thai logic. After all, it`s similar to many clubs. The security doesn`t like your face + you are an easy target (other then just the typical 2 weeks visitor) = they won`t let you in. And the reason is, because they can. They can do that in every country worldwide, but the IO in civilized countries are well trained to make decisions based on laws and NOT on subjective feelings/ random factors.

    Well put. That's the general impression.


    Thai IOs seem to have the demeanour and personality of night club bouncers.


    I for one would not be surprised if they get their training on the doors of the night clubs on Walking Street in Pattaya.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, nailbrains8 said:

    Precisely this.


    I have many friends who work for a few months in their home countries or around the world (oil industry) they earn good money and want to come and spend it in Thailand for 6-9 months.


    They apply for a METV visa because it is a 6 month visa and they aren't coming here anymore because of what's going on.


    What other options do they have?


    Elite visa? Pay 500,000 baht so you can take a 6 month trip... no!


    Education? They want to relax and spend their money not go to school.


    Retirement? They are under 50.


    Clearly their money is not welcome.


    Which is fine...


    But don't hoodwink them by giving them a visa and then rejecting them at the airport.


    It's a disgrace. 


    If this is the new norm then Thai immigration needs to stop issuing METV's or reinvoke the old 180 law, make it public and let the world know that long term tourists are not welcome.

    Well said.


    Bang on the nail, pun unintentional.


    I'm due to go to Pattaya in the next few weeks for 2 - 3 months on my NON-IMM, O category, Multiple Entry Visa and I'm worried about being allowed admittance.


    It would not be so bad if you could find out in advance. I'll be paying around £600 for the flight and the visa set me back £125 on 28/3/19 (they're £150 now).


    I applied in person at the London Embassy, paid cash but there was no hint nor mention of these possible set backs regarding being permitted to enter.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Martyp said:

    Hence the prospect of airlines asking those flying to Thailand to sign a document saying they will pay for their way back.

     Will that be when you buy your ticket which would be fair enough as long as it's not in the small print. 


    Or when you board the plane by which time you'd have forked out the money for the flight. Which could cause you to ask if they know something you're unaware of.


    Not all people who travel to the Land Of Scams know about this latest obstacle.

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