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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 16 minutes ago, IraqRon said:

    Do the French tourist have insurance to cover their hosp. bills or will they be unpaid and the amount added to the baht that they say expats owe???


    This is an example of why I support the idea of charging all tourist some small amount upon entry to cover such incidences.

    There was a suggestion to do just that a few years ago but nothing came of it.


    It was a health and accident insurance scheme that would cover all eventualities. It was a great idea. It was to be in the form of a tax you paid upon entry based on the length of your stay.

  2. Erdogan of Turkey might be fellow to get the Brexit ball rolling.


    He has threatened the West with a policy of urging the three and a half million refugees under his control to come to the EU. He's also said he will help them in such an endeavour.


    Many of 'em will set their compasses in the direction of Britain, that world famous land of milk and honey.


    Our services are straining as things are right now. Another couple of hundred thousand mouths sucking at the teat might just be the straw that will break the politicians' backs.

  3. Jesus!


    If just reading a few pages on this topic on Thai Visa is not enough to put the average Joe Bloggs off planning to have any long holidays in Thailand then nothing is.


    Some of my older pals who have been holidaying in Pattaya for decades and who had hoped to spend more time there once retired do not even know how to turn a computer on let alone apply for a visa on the internet in order to go on a long holiday.


    These are never the less hard working fellows with plenty of money who don't mind spending it but will be doing so elsewhere once they're confronted with all this rigmarole.


    We keep in touch by phone and many of us are now discussing the idea of visiting the PI, Cambodia and Vietnam. Bulgaria and Croatia are also getting mentioned. A friend of ours is getting some dental work done in Zagreb right now for £12,000 (about 400,000 baht) including her hotel and flight which the dental surgery pays for. The quote for dental work alone in the UK was £40,000.


    Two of my friends have also spent thousands of pounds on their teeth in Pattaya but I doubt if they'll be doing so in the future. Some of these implant procedures involve a lot of visits over several weeks.


    I can see hundreds of Thai businesses and Thai individuals who rely on the falang holiday maker very facing hard times in the coming years.

  4. 15 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

    Yes I get them all the time but at Suvarnabhumi as I am on long term yearly extensions for eons and my record of having no overstays is clear. Never tried to push it here like many do.




    I also enter at Suvarnabhumi and have had annual non imm O visas for years but I don't get them at all nor have I ever done so.


    A pretty young thing like yourself only gets them because those IOs who smile at you do so because they fancy you and probably want to get to know you better.


    It might be a good idea to try and cultivate a friendship with one of them. You never know when such a relationship might come in handy at some time in the future.


    Next time one smiles at you slip him a piece of paper with your phone number on it. But don't do it too obviously as it might land both yourself and the IO concerned in trouble.


    You're lucky so use it to your advantage, they don't give a plain ugly old goat like myself a second glance!

    • Haha 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    There was no conclusion needed to be reached. There were witness and the story was told. Per usual all "the protect the foreigner at all cost clan" were out in force. 

    Ok then. Maybe we were only a few smart enough to understand the situation already yesterday. I guess that´s your loss.

    No one given the full facts has tried to 'protect' this particular foreigner at all nor can you indicate where or how any of us have.


    It's just that allowing an assailant to accompany his victim to hospital in the same vehicle let alone in an ambulance struck some of us as rather strange, that's all.


    If someone had kicked you in the leg and broken it would you want them in the ambulance with you. I certainly wouldn't. It goes against human nature.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Thanks for that information, Yinn. Made me really happy. Going to take the rest of the day of and do something funny. :partytime2:????

    After that, I am going to come back here how they feel now, from the posters in this forum that tried to come up with excuses yesterday. For example:














    All of the above tried to come up with something to blame the woman for or to make it look lees bad of an action from the drunken now jailed man.

    He went to jail, so it looks like you were all in the wrong. Shameful behaviour from you all.

    It says in the post that the falang went to the hospital with her. That would possibly indicate that all may not be as it seems.


    It was not until Yinn explained that he was arrested that you along with the rest of us were aware of the fact.


    What exactly is 'shameful' about reading a news article and reaching a conclusion about an event based upon what is written in said article.


    If we had seen the falang being led away in handcuffs and driven off in the back of a pick up truck we would have reached a different conclusion.


    Was it not yourself who wrote that an attacker going to the hospital with his victim could be normal procedure as you claimed 'they are very soft against abuse within families and releationships'. By 'they' can we assume that you were referring to the Thai authorities.

    • Haha 2
  7. 6 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Me too! Totally lost for words.

    Yes, start the little openings for creating a defense for the dumb little drunken man that kicked and broke the womans leg. Really?

    Well there are reports that he was arrested and then the reader is told he accompanied her to the hospital in the ambulance.


    That is hardly standard procedure even in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, albertik said:

    I really cannot tolerate when they leap out of the toaster. Other than that I tolerate them;  as was said they do terminate a lot of insects.   

    I turned on my toaster one time and a strange smell and smoke started coming out of it.


    When I turned it upside down a barbequed cockroach fell out. The experience quite put me off my usual beans on toast for a few days.






    • Haha 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Leaver said:

    True, but that means it's poaching customers from other restaurants, and many of the other restaurants can not compete at that price point because they most likely have higher expenses, namely, rent, so they eventually close. 



    CCs do not own the premises so must pay rent.


    They also pay staff, electricity and all the other costs just like their competitors. If others close it will be because of a lack of punters and an inability to be competitive. 


    The Western attitude to hard times is to be competitive. Look at the success of the Wetherspoon chain of pubs in Britain.

    More British shoppers use Lidl than use Waitrose because of price.


    The Thai attitude is to compensate by putting prices up.


    I patronise the Thai Hole in the Wall cafe in Bukhaow down towards LKM because it's good grub and affordable just like CCs.


    Getting 37 B for our £ has been a massive kick in the nuts for the majority of us UK customers who usually feel no loyalty to any eating places.


    Many of us don't even know nor care who owns nor operates what. They are more concerned about their personal budgets and are attracted by the menus on the notice boards outside. 


    We also patronise bars with the best girls in and cheapest drinks. I for one could not care less who owns them nor who I'm being poached from.


    Hard and changing times drive many enterprises to the wall. Look at the boarded up shops in many British high streets. Whole rows of them in some places. The same in the USA.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 4 hours ago, fhickson said:

    most of the money is made on drinks which are about 40 baht


    i like ordering the meal without a drink, then just buying a beer at the 7-11 afterwards.


    bakery down the street also has 10 baht pastries after 5 pm.

    They charge you an extra 20 B if you order the meal to take away probably to cover cost of the polystyrene box which is unusual even for the LOS. Maybe it's also to do with not having bought a drink as well. But at 120 B it's still not too bad for 2019.


    What street is this bakery just down. Bukhaow, Diana Lengkee?

    I know the bakery next to the Triangle in Soi Xcyte and the one in Lengkee a little way past the 7/11 but don't know one that sells stuff off cheap? And I've always got my eye out for a bargain.

  11. 1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    I have posted that I tried ROGs and that it was dead, although that was after some work in there, to move the main bar into the dining area, close off the former bar and pool playing area, and open a door closer to the 2nd Rd end. I had heard it was sold already, and appears to be reducing rental costs by being smaller.  Surprised if it has, because the Pig next door doesn't look as if it has. It didn't look promising, it was low season but the limited foot traffic down soi 7 didn't look like the type to use that place. (They are all in LK Metro area).

    The food I had was obviously prepackaged, and had not been prepared too carefully, and with a single customer they should do better. Sad really.

    As you say, both very long term venues in Pattaya, and I even took a visiting Londoner pal in the Pig and Whistle a few years back, and he was feeling right at home in there. 


    Please don't tell me one of our colonial friends ran in, stabbed someone and ran out again!

  12. 10 hours ago, shdmn said:

    You seem to really hate Thailand.  Are you even here or do you even still come back?  If so why?  So you can keep complaining?

    He's telling the truth, hating Thailand is the last thing he's doing. He's commenting, you're reading what he's writing and so are the rest of us.


    The was a bar off Walking St in Pattaya that's thankfully gone now that used to play black man's gangsta rap 'music' at full blast.


    This is in a town whose bar customers are 90% middle aged and elderly white men. There are other bars playing the same. music and also struggling.  One of them was Paradise Agogo in LKM. I dunno if it still does.


    When you suggest something a bit more in keeping with the clientele you are told the girls can't dance to that.


    The do not dance anyway they just hold the pole and casually sway backwards and forwards. That's not 'dancing' so what does it matter what the music is, it might as well be something the punters are likely to enjoy listening to.







    • Like 1
  13. On 10/8/2019 at 7:57 AM, Ling Kae said:

    None of my favorite bars or restaurants are closing in the near future and I think focusing on what is closing is meaningless.


    Like another poster mentioned   there are a lot of new bars and restaurants opening. Today, for the first time l went into a restaurant and bar called Cheap Charlie's.  I just could not believe how busy this new place is. There were about 20/25 tables, all full of farangs. I enjoyed a nice meal and a nice beer here.


    I really could not care if half the bars in Pattaya closed, there are some terrible places out there and closure could get a better owner in there.


    My hotel is ramping up now, 80% full and all farangs but no Chinese or Indians.  I would guess that there are more guests this year than last year. I really think concentrating on the new places and offerings is more important than concentrating on imminent closures.



    The fact that Cheap Charlies offers meals like the roast chicken dinner for 100 baht is the reason it's busy. 


    With the lousy exchange rates places like Charlies are always going to appear to thrive.


    Before it was the Queens Arms. That was cheap but didn't last long.

  14. On 10/1/2019 at 10:05 AM, Leaver said:

    Do you think places like The Pig and Whistle and The Butcher's Arms were poorly managed. or bought by dreamers?  They had been around for years.  Usually, poorly managed places close quite quickly.  


    As more of these long standing businesses close, will you continue to blame poor management?   

    I used to go in both the P&W and the Butchers Arms. There was nothing wrong with the management as far as I could see. There just are not enough punters any more.


    Rosie O Grady's next door to the P&W might now get a bit more trade but seeing how quiet Soi 7 has become in the last few years I bet the people in ROG's are just marking time and hoping for the best. There's little more they can do.


    As far as I can remember both restaurants ROG'S and the P&W have been there for at least 20 years.


    The Butchers Arms must have been there for around 10 years. I also remember the Two Fat Ladies Pharmacy that was next door, those girls were angels if you had any minor health problems. They've been gone about 6 years.

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