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Posts posted by mania

  1. Mania posted

    Yet when you read the history you see the US had a long relationship with him

    as a useful tool. Same as Saddam & many others later deemed terrorist in need of killing

    No they did not have a long relationship with, sorry if your conspiracy theory rings hollow.

    Well you kind of butchered that quote with all your sizes & fonts etc not to mention leaving out the named person completely but I am assuming you mean OBL?

    Which is whom I was speaking about as well as others.

    In any case


    it’s important to remember that bin Laden was once a good friend of the U.S. government. In many ways, he can even be considered a creation of American officials and their allies. His Mujahedeen, or Islamic warriors, were even armed, trained, supplied and financed by America and some of its allies. Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, writing in the U.K. Guardian, had some interesting observations. Noting that “throughout the 80s [bin Laden] was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan,” Cook called bin Laden “a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies.” And while not everybody agrees that it was an accidental miscalculation, the fact that he worked with the U.S. government and other Western powers is beyond dispute.

    There are many others that easily support history as it occurred

  2. You know one crash that looked really bad for the bike was Andrea Iannone

    He seemed fine but check out his Ducati,,, Then again that is that frame-less design


    What do you suppose Jorge is thinking here? I would be like.....Oh Crap

    I actually just read he bent that new plate he has screwed into his shoulder



  3. ^ The joys of dealing with Thai people. biggrin.png

    I actually deal with many very helpful Thai folks/businesses.

    It is just now & then you come across a business that for better or worse take this tack.

    These businesses you can see are usually not investing their own money but usually work for absent owners

    These are the ones that do not know the meaning of repeat business or care about their reputation.

    I would guess a Honda shop like the one the Forum Sponsor Brian here runs is top notch.

    That is because there is a family behind it & they take part in the business.

    They care about the future of their business

    Some of these other big wing "branches" don't appear to have the same stake in the game.

    To make it worse Honda has given them a free hand because folks can only buy & service the bigger Honda's there

    so they WILL get business they may not deserve.

    Not sure how it will turn out.

    • Like 1
  4. Bam hanged up on me. Nobody ever called back (yes they do have my number). Seriously <deleted>? They should close down and be ashamed of this customer service. No wonder they deleted their FB page.

    That hanging up on you ......don't feel singled out as I got the same.

    But the pisser is they will not pick up if you call right back.

    • Like 1
  5. I'm still amazed that Snowden has not been spotted or heard from except by that columnist.

    Anyone recall an article with a contact by Snowden other than by the columnist?

    And even he didn't post an interview. Just a bunch of "I believe he thinks....bla bla bla".

    It has been said from the start this would be about the info not him.

  6. Just an afterthought. I have a Retirement Visa so I am thinking that as far as re newing a DL is concerned reading Non Immigrant Visa and Retirement Visa that the requirements are the same?

    Yes no difference.

    The list posted in post 1034 is all you need.

    You take a color test is all ( red,yellow,green lights )

    Not reaction test & no training course

    Now I am confused I did not realize I needed to get another medical certificate, I thought it was for the 1 year only and then every 5 years once you are on the 5 year term.

    Yeah I needed it to get my 5yr

    Same as I did for my 1 yr

    Only 100 baht at any hospital

  7. Anyway, main point is I went to Sangchai Honda near Prince Royal College. They had every size shim in stock - all 65 different sizes. (Maybe BigWing can order from them)? Efficient service and amazing range of parts, so if you cannot find bits at Big Wing that are Honda generic, try Songchai.

    You know that is a very good shop & I have always heard only good things about them.

    Also when I dealt with them a year or so ago they went above & beyond in being helpful

  8. I had a 9:30 appointment for an ED extenstion. Called at 9:15. Paperwork done, passport picked up and out the door by 9:35. Excelent work.

    The online reservation system is great.

    15 minutes in immigration, only once a year, can't beat that. thumbsup.gif

    Is there some kind of check in for those who have appointments via the online reservation?

    ( letting them know your there? )


  9. I did read his words

    But i am interested in how a person could go from what appears to be a strong vocal proponent of the NSA and complete Wikileaks opponent

    To joining the ranks of Wikileaks, and so anti NSA to run to China, then Russia, then to anyone and everyone asking for asylum.

    Thats the part I dont understand.

    If you have some clue how that happened, i'd love to hear it.

    I have a comprehension based on what I have read & believe.

    I cannot comprehend for you

    You are embellishing all kinds of things in this post & then ask me to prove it?

    It is not even reality why would I ? The comment he made that you want justified had nothing to do with Wiki or NSA etc.

    It was his feeling about the US being dragged into a Israel / Iran conflict & how this loose talk which was not true would by

    default drag the US into it.

    Your initial claim or question is how did Snowden go from saying they should be shot in the balls about leakers who were

    trying to start a nuclear preemptive strike against Iran & drag the US into it.

    If you cannot see a good reason for his sticking up at that point for the US then you obviously comprehend things differently than I.

    That is not a problem & not to say one is right or wrong....Just different

    Again I cannot comprehend for you or the same as you. That is not a problem just a fact

  10. But from my perspective, He is an RBT (Rat Bastard Traitor). All the data he took, has to be considered compromised. And steps needs to be taken to address the compromised data. Depending on the data, it could cost millions, and years to address. And in the interim, the systems could be vulnerable. His only saving grace is that apparently up to now, he didnt do it for money..... Yet.

    I'm still baffled by his motive......

    I just dont get it. blink.png

    It is because of your perspective that you "Don't Get It "

    even the phrase RBT you use originates from someone ratting out a gangster. So while your not far off in that sense in the next you associate that with

    being a traitor when in fact it is the government snoops that are the traitors of the US Constitution & the US citizens

    People have sunken so low in expectations that so many today now say why,why ,why did he do it.

    They cannot conceive a person giving up his life for what he believes are his Constitutional rights & liberties

    Not once has there been an instance of proof that what he took was anything more than proof for US citizens

    of what their elected govt was doing behind closed doors was unconstitutional.

    Never a threat to National Security. The only folks claiming that are the tarnished peeping toms themselves who have Zero Credibility

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