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Posts posted by mania

  1. Here's one for 56K- non-folding and galvanized, but not bad- it's for dirt bikes, but they probably make a bigger version (I believe it's also made by Upbeat):


    I don't know the price of this one- I tried called a couple times, but they never answered the phone- I would guess 50K:


    That 2nd one is pretty clean looking build & appears to have fuel-can storage on the side behind the wheel.

  2. Just renewed my 1 year at Rayong and didn't need passport photos for the residence certificate. They did however emphasise that it can only be used for a driving licence. Didn't re do the test either, he asked me about the colour test and then told my wife for me to just go and sit down and wait for my number to be called. The place was packed so he probably couldn't be bothered explaining how I was to use test equipment.

    Thanks misterphil but I am confused by "didn't need passport photos for the residence certificate"

    Do you mean you did not need either ( photos or residence cert )or did not need a photo to get a residence cert?

    I usually get mine at the US consulate here & never need photos to get one.

    But not sure if i am understanding you correctly


  3. Any recent experience of what is being required in Chiang Mai for 5 yr license?

    Just notice my 1 yr for both car & bike expired on June 7th so I will be headed in

    on Monday

    Is the requirements on the first page of this topic still valid?

    Mainly I want to know about the things that are needed from others

    ( Residence certificate & medical certificate )

    browsing the topic is seems some ares not required so I was curious about Chiang Mai

    If not I have no problem making copies of passport,TM etc


  4. @neversure: Thought you may be interested in the following that I have come across. Shows that Snowden must be very technology literate to get pass all the identity management and security systems, bet some IT management bums have been severely kicked and policy/procedures have been strengthened

    NSA Director Keith Alexander told the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that Snowden fabricated digital keys that gave him access to areas way above his clearance as a low-level contractor and systems administrator.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/edward-snowden-copied-a-lot-of-nsa-files-2013-6#ixzz2YEaMSavq

    I am a little leery of accepting any of these reports at this point.

    They do seem to need to paint a picture of Snowden now that will further justify what

    shall come.

    On the one hand they first painted him as high school drop out, attention seeker,loser,slacker etc etc.

    Now he is Tom Cruise from Mission Impossible?

    • Like 1
  5. Agreed, however someone on the other Honda thread is saying that in Europe Honda is charging $400-500 USD for the first 1000KM maintenance for Valve Clearance.

    Ouch that must be a bit upsetting to be paying close to 10% of

    the bikes retail price on your first maintenance check.

    Hopefully Honda does the same there & offers a rebate.

  6. These older generations, taken as group, are absolutely craven and self serving. I'll my hopes lie with the younger generations.


    Very Good

    When replying to the NSA Recruiter

    Favorite Quote: "For Language analysts you are quite imprecise with your language" laugh.png

    If these are student grilling them like this, perhaps your right & there is hope for the younger folks

  7. Snowden is more distraction than traitor

    So as to not fall into that trap and since it is Independence Day (yes, I am sadly working), let's detail what we now know the US government does because of Snowden and others:

    • Keeps a record of every cell phone call made.
    • Keeps a record of all emails sent.
    • Takes pictures of all the letters mailed in the US.
    • Uses drones for domestic surveillance.
    • Reserves the right to detain people (including Americans) indefinitely without trial.
    • Can search homes without telling people they were there.
    • Can still carry out renditions.
    • Can get copies of all of your records (from the library, bank or credit card company) without a warrant.

    So to sum things up, if you become a person of interest, the government can quickly find out everyone you have ever talked to and written to; everything you have ever read and bought; and everywhere you have ever been.

    If you are overseas, they reserve the right to bring you back against your will and possibly hold you forever without trial.

  8. But in the meantime, the fight continues.

    I'm worried about the defense budget also

    $700B?!! Thats way too much, but it is what it is

    until we can be sure the safety of the US is assured.

    But if there's an alternative,

    I, along with my wallet, am all ears!

    Therein lies the rub

    This war on terror like the war on drugs is circular

    & will never end.

    You cannot pass a train on the same set of tracks.

    We need to get off the track.

    Financially yes 700B on the record per year & god knows how much off the records

    That in itself is a double edged problem.

    On the one hand it has been over a decade & is helping bankrupts us

    We literally cannot afford it so we print money which devalues all the other dollars

    already in existence. It cannot go on forever all great empires ended for basically the

    same reason.

    BUT.....What is worse is that 700B per year is basically become to a large extent a part

    our economy. So what will happen when it stops?

    Like I said I have a wealth of no idea but feel this will not end well.

    Still a good idea when digging a country into a hole is to stop digging asap.

    Especially in this case that is making us no safer at all really & costing us dollars,lives & liberties.

  9. The trailer in your link with its tiny tires is really going to limit how fast you can drive and over what type of road surface- look at it- it seems ready to fall apart in the pic (and there's no mention of inertia brakes).

    Sorry if that was the pic I posted I meant the trailer style.

    A-Frame 3 ramps

    The one I built had full sized auto tires off I forget what car/truck

  10. I think it is a good thing they have done this rebate.

    After all if they want to be overly cautious they should not charge the owner

    to adjust valves after 600 miles/1000km

    If it was something they realized maybe left the factory with a spec they later

    decided against then again they should feel free to fix it but at no charge to the owner.

    No owner of a bike in this price range should expect to be charged for such adjustment after

    such a short ride IMHO

    So I think it is a good move on Honda's part & glad they did it.

  11. The US makes a lot of arms because we still have a large armed force,

    partly to maintaining the cold war military presence in Europe and Asia

    I dont know how much longer that will continue. That costs a lot to maintain.

    and lots of our allies want arms but do not have the infrastructure to make their own

    so they get it abroad. Some from us, some from others.

    I often see competition between France, UK, US and Russia for various arms sales.

    I dont know about your full chicken and the egg analogy

    if you have answers I'm ready to listen

    but until then, the war will continue.

    Hopefully not on US soil.

    No answers here sorry.

    Although I have hopes

    This arms purchase & funding of unfunded/undeclared wars is very costly &

    has helped to a large degree get the US into a lot of debt.

    Would be nice to see that end & who knows maybe even some of it spent on

    more constructive things.

    Otherwise I fear we are looking at a black hole not unlike the chicken & the egg analogy

    that has no beginning nor end.

    Think most agree we make new terrorist daily & we breed new hate.

    It is understandable the same as we the US felt after being bombed by Japan

    It is human nature regardless of who may have been seemingly right or justified depending on

    their perspective of which came first the chicken or the egg.

    I am all for defense & if we feel threatened we can beef that up all we want at a fraction of the cost

    both in dollars & lives. Here at Home. I am not for this preemptive thinking as it is just going to cause more effect.

    Call it a day come home, defend America as we know we can. Heck these groups have no air force, no navy etc.

    So defense should not be as hard as this preemptive game. Yeah we got stung once. Learn from it & move along

    Otherwise we are destined to that old Hatfield & McCoy hillbilly fight we read about as kids.

    It will not end & we will bankrupt our nation in the process while creating ever more ill will

    Just my 2cents

  12. Nice words RNS, but I'm not sure what you are advocating

    I recall after 9/11 that our goal was to take to war to our foes, not have the battle occur on US soil

    but until then, the war will continue, either on US soil, or abroad.

    i rather have it abroad than on US soil.

    A bit simplistic but one must wonder which came first the chicken or the egg?

    It is not like Terrorism started from one side only & started on 9/11

    If one reads back a wider view will be given that many things possibly led up to 9/11

    It is in fact hard to disseminate all the info available & really make an

    unbiased decision, at least for me it is. Which sources does one trust?

    Both sides tell a story & it is up to each to read & decide

    As for the war remaining abroad It has always been that way from well before 9/11

    I think that is part of the cause & not a part of any solution.

    But those that become rich from it as always have no complaints. Supplying armies is big business

    & business in the US is very good for a long time now

    That it (war/attack ) came for a day on 9/11 to the US is a terrible thing yes. But others have lived a whole life that

    was filled with nothing but days like that & not completely of their own making.

    Cause & effect will continue until it is stopped.

    It is deciding true cause that is the hard part. The effect is a given.

  13. Yeah they had an article in Thailand Superbike about Beat a few issues back.

    I did not know the owner was not a Thai

    Are their prices good?

    When I was in high school I built a 3 bike trailer in metal shop with a front axle I got

    from auto shop. If all else fails I bet you could draw one & have it built here as you said.

    No idea how hard to register though. US was surprisingly easy back then when i made one. smile.png

  14. Meanwhile, according to Reuters, Russia is growing impatient over Snowden's stay in a Moscow airport and officials have urged him to leave. To which I would add that maybe Russia can equip Snowden to set up a tent on the Artic ice. ermm.gif

    Snowden should maybe take this deal?

    "On Monday, Putin said Snowden could only be granted asylum by Moscow if he agreed to stop actions that could harm the United States."

    I do not know what kind of life it would be but watching the lock on real reporting in the US regarding this story & general lack

    of support, I almost feel Snowden wasted his time trying to alert a country of couch surfing useful idiots.

    There appears more outrage amongst citizens of countries like Germany than back home in the USA which professes to live to protect their Constitutional rights

    & beseeches other countries to live by such lofty standards they themselves no longer really protect/possess or allow.

    Much of the information regarding the abuse of US citizens rights are now in the hands of two large media outlets if I recall correctly.

    I believe it is the Guardian & the Washington Post. We know now it was a wasted effort to expect the controlled US media

    to release any unapproved by TPTB news to the US citizens. So forget the Washington Post

    That leaves the Guardian

    Let them put out what they see fit & that would not be Snowden doing anything further so abiding by Putins rules?

    Really what more can Snowden do?

    More importantly what will others in the future not do after seeing what it results in

    when you point out that a government has gone wild & treats their employers as if they are spies & terrorist until proven innocent.

    Other than that? Sad day for the USA IMHO

    Ironically enough the 4th of July in the USA "Independence Day" just ended

    Unless something major changes in the US in regards to what the employers/citizens will allow their employees to

    do to them & the citizens of the world then there is really not much left to say is there?

    • Like 1
  15. Everytime I have been on a bigger bike here in Thailand dogs never seem to run out or chase the bike, they tend to be scared of the noise of the bike this is only my experiance.

    You know I never liked too loud but you may have given me a pretty good reason

    to reconsider smile.png

    I know many like loud to also alert cars etc but I never really have a problem with drivers as I see

    & anticipate. but a darting animal might get me eventually smile.png

    • Like 1
  16. If civilians don't want to be killed, they can stay away from terrorist leaders. My parents taught me that a good way to stay out of trouble was to choose my friends I hung out with carefully.

    How do you ID a civilian from a bad guy when they all live together and dress alike?

    I think it's fair for people to dislike drone strikes. I also happen to like them. Put boots on the ground in that area and you'll lose a lot of good NATO men.

    When I was young I would see things on the news about certain cultures living in deserts & how

    at times they were starving & in need of aid. I use to always wonder why the heck they don't just move.

    Go were there is good soil & you can grow food.

    When I got older I realized they could not as the option was not open to them.

    When I hear this option you, & many others before you,mention about folks not living by terrorist I think the same to some degree.

    One- we do not know that they even know who is who. Anymore than you or I know all our neighbors

    here in Thailand or back home in the USA

    Two- we have seen many reports of how a target is painted & how the CIA relies on info given to them

    Three- we know this is not in actuality a US military mission at all but a CIA mission with no accountability/oversight for the most part

    Again haunted by the "Top Secret" handcuffs

    Yes of course a country loses some when they put boots on the ground ( if that would even be allowed )

    But if the cause is just why wouldn't they?

    How do you ID a civilian from a bad guy?

    Have you just given credence then to how they paint a target for a drone to strike & it could be faulty?

    If not then I imagine you would use the same methods you use to kill from above when on the ground & seeking your enemy

    • Like 1
  17. It takes about an hour, but I thought this was a great video.

    I don't even have to watch that video to know what the guy said. In short, "Snowden good, US Gov bad."

    Actually it was interesting as it dealt a lot with the current state of mass media news &

    restrictions on investigative journalism.

    Similar to these but even better IMO

  18. Mania are they even open? I mean they seems to have deleted Honda BigWing CM Team page from FB. Unless they blocked me lol for calling too often. They might as well start paying off my credit for me for not having a bike on my hands for over 2 months already. I understand there might be a shortage of parts but come on TWO months and counting, I bet my socks it will be around 4. Will probably loose half of the bikes value by the time I get it back LOL.

    Will pop in there on saturday morning before going back to Chiang Rai to see what the hell is going on there, if I see same black CBR there standing (when I first saw it they said it has been 4 months) then I will really s... myself.

    Yes they are open.

    I did not have much luck on the phone with them when requesting a dyno test.

    The connection was bad & we could not understand each other.

    Then they hung up & would not answer after that.

    So the next day I went in & asked the head mechanic if I could schedule

    a dyno test. You should have seen his face smile.png

    Reason being I had driven into the repair area on my Honda Wave 125i

    heheheh He looked at the bike looked back at me with his mouth open.

    I laughed & said in Thai no not this bike I have another.

    But when I told him a Kawasaki Ninja he had to ask another manager standing there.

    The guy said no only can dyno test Honda's

    I asked why you dont want money? Then the mechanic next to me just kind of looked at his shoes. smile.png

    I said well mai dee loi but ok thanks.

    I have to say they have a beautiful shop. Lots of guys standing around but were not working

    on a thing. Which is why I asked why they dont want money?

    But...........it is what it is & while I had wanted a base reading before doing a bunch of work on my

    bike Bangkok is just too far for me to go. So it will be butt dyno wink.png

    Good luck with your bike. I know it may be perceived as brand loyalty & trust me it is not as I love

    all bikes but have mainly owned Honda's in my life. But here in Chiangmai ?

    Kawasaki has Honda soundly beaten

    on expertise & customer service as far as I can see. They are orderly & move through a lot of bikes per day with servicing

    & do so very professionally IMHO

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