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Posts posted by mania

  1. There is a good chance those governments just did not want to get in the middle of any of this. I would not blame them & unlike others do not think everyone has a duty to Snowden or the US for that matter.

    These countries have their own people & country to run & probably would like nothing better to remain neutral in this whole affair.

    Getting back to the actual incident...Yes it is plausible the planes pilot did in fact claim a possible malfunction as a reason to land

    or made it a point to say it so they could in fact land fearing their detour had in fact put them below the 25% or what ever it was rule of remaining fuel for any flight. They do so as a backup in case of weather detours etc.

    BUT....If I think about it I have to ask myself why would the Bolivian President be initially angered when landing?

    If in fact the landing was forced due to malfunction would the Bolivian Air Force Pilots not immediately inform the President, their

    President, they had a possible equipment malfunction so are rerouting & landing? Or would he only hear about it later??

    No...it just does not play out quite as smooth as they all would now like to claim.

    • Like 1
  2. Yes, in just the past 8 or so hours new information is coming out through several news organizations that contradict the Bolivian government's claims

    After Morales' junk aircraft left Vienna,

    I never did think or believe that Prez Obama is also an air traffic controller, as many on the extreme right have tried to make him out to be.

    Three things above

    1- Did anyone expect anything less than plausible deniability on this matter?

    2- Yeah French made Dassault Falcon 900 ex long range corporate class jet total junk rolleyes.gif

    3- You always pepper everything with left vs right rhetoric...why?

    Is it unknown to you that millions upon millions have no love for either side?

    • Like 1
  3. This is the best reason not to get api and stick with dynojet, bazazz or juice box.

    It is true & why I went with dynojet ( Area P ) + reputation/maps etc.

    But at the same time the thought did cross my mind if I should change bike & want to sell

    the box separately I guess the opposite may be true here laugh.png

  4. So an international warrant has in fact finally been issued on Snowden?

    I must have missed that.

    I will put you down as acceptable then wink.png

    It's common knowledge that Snowden has had charges filed against him by the U.S. Government in U.S. District Court for violations of the Espionage Act, and that Snowden is a fugitive from justice in the United States..

    The prez of Bolivia has been talking about giving Snowden asylum, so he's well aware. That's knowledge enough.

    Sorry slow to respond but thread is getting too confusing now with posts deletions etc.

    But to be clear yes I did say "International" warrant as in Interpol type instrument.

    It goes without saying he is wanted in the USA & a US warrant exists albeit sealed I believe?. Also it goes without saying that if he should land in a country with an extradition agreement with the USA they may oblige the US by holding & transferring Snowden into the USA's hands

    But no such International warrant that I know of exists so I wondered why one has not been issued?

    As to diverting or denying passage thru their airspace to President of Bolivia

    Since when has granting asylum or in this case just talking about it been a crime? Is it just cause for suspicion that could have placed that country's president in possible harms way?

  5. Wow very nice Gomy !

    You have really done a clean job on that bike.

    You know I never really looked at Koso display as this is my first

    Ninja 250 & has the new display. But that Koso is a major improvement

    on the stock 2011 display. Beautifully installed & looks perfect I really like it better than the

    stock white gauges.

    Now I see your swingarm clearly too & was mistaken originally about it being extruded in the 1st pic.

    I see now it is a box section nicely done. Larger than the stock section but probably lighter/stiffer yes?

    Very nice job on the whole bike!


  6. Changing his identity would not change who he is any more than an alias changes who someone actually is.

    I believe in the Assange thread, it was pointed out by someone that he cannot be given diplomatic immunity. I don't remember the exact reasons, though.

    Yes he could not be diplomatically immune from the existing charges anymore than Assange of his.

    But those charges dont seem to be the reason he now has travel problems. The reason is lack of passport

  7. Edward Joseph Snowden is and remains a citizen of the United States.

    His passport was revoked.

    Snowden is not a stateless person. Snowden's right to hold a U.S. Passport was revoked by its issuing authority,

    No one in the government of the United States is talking of or even considering removing Edward Snowden's citizenship. There isn't any constitutional process by which the U.S. government may remove a citizen's citizenship.

    There is no question whatsoever that Edward Snowden will remain a citizen of the United States unless or until he himself may abandon it in favor of the citizenship of another country. Only Edward Snowden of his own free will and conscious decision can change his citizenship, i.e., cease to become a U.S. citizen. Snowden also has lost his right to become a dual citizen of the United States and one other country (which the Department of State officially discourages anyway).

    Yes I understand he is still a US citizen so not literally stateless.

    Yet while in a foreign country with no passport in regards to travel he is in a sense stateless.

    Albeit I am sure the US would be happy to fly him home to the USA

    Yes the US will not revoke his citizenship as there is no pathway for that unless he first obtains another.

    I have never heard of a case where he has lost his ability to renounce his US citizenship if someone did grant him citizenship in another country.

    I doubt he would want dual citizenship at this point.

    You know you may have stumbled on an excellent idea for him smile.png

    If a country gave him citizenship & diplomatic security he could fly out

    Now that would be a good ending for the movie

    It is not like the US has not done similar

    When they claimed Raymond Davis had diplomatic immunity only later to admit he was

    a CIA contractor not a diplomat.

  8. Hey Gomyway very nice mods you did there.

    Very similar to what I would do myself as you addressed

    all the important thing like suspension/braking & power in an orderly fashion

    On the front I am getting ready to order some 80kg springs. rear suspension seems fine for now.

    I was surprised by your swingarm!

    I did not catch that when I looked at your bike pic but now see a nice extruded swingarm there. Very good

    You make me jealous with those Brembo 2 & 4 pot calipers :)

    If 15% is average diff between crank & rear wheel hp your doing good power to weight wise too.

    Pretty much equal to the new 300 at 0.09

    Well thanks for posting & the info on the woodcrafts

    very nice to read what your running there

  9. mania which bike is yours, the red one?

    Looks nice, what I would like to know is could you get the clip-ons under the triple clamp also?

    That is one thing more I would like to do at mine, get them deeper. But therefore I have to change the fairings and I don't know a company for this.

    Now I have them (the clip-ons from Woodcraft) installed 50mm deeper, 25mm more inside and 30mm more to the front then oem handles.

    May I ask you a favor please? If so, would you please take a look in the manual of yours and tell me the timing of the new ones ignition?

    Thank you very much and have a safe ride all times.

    Thanks & yes the red one but I have removed those clip ons & no they could not mount under the triple tree.

    Also the overall design was not good/safe IMO as the bolt was single to lock the bar end to the main

    Woodcraft does make some nice ones but they are about 7k. as far as I have seen here

    But they come in various rises so good

    The problem with the Mazrianos I had is I needed to drop the fork legs a good 3/4 inch which changed the handling

    too much IMO

    Timing on the new model ( My Thai reading is not great )

    is I believe 10 degrees BTDC @ 1300 rpm & 39 degrees BTCD @ 4000 rpm

    hope that helps...I think that is not much different than the older bikes right?

    Hey when you have a chance list your mods here would be interesting to hear what you have done too.

    besides this thread is slow wink.png

  10. Edward Snowden's father writes open letter to NSA whistleblower in Moscow

    As regards your reduction to de facto statelessness occasioned by the Executive Branch to penalize your alleged violations of the Espionage Act, the United States Supreme Court lectured in Trop v. Dulles (1958): "The civilized nations of the world are in virtual unanimity that statelessness is not to be imposed as punishment for crime."

    • Like 2
  11. Every one of those leftist South American presidents, the five or so of 'em, know the US has issued a warrant for Snowden's arrest and that the Department of Justice has filed espionage charges against him in U.S. District Court, that Snowden is a fugitive from justice.

    What more does a good neighbor country need to know?

    Well I guess it is good for others to know these new rules

    for asylum seekers.

    That way if they should also need to divert a presidential plane

    they too without evidence can fall back on this one as precedence.

    I bet the Hollywood filmmakers are licking their lips on this one wondering

    why they couldn't have thought of such an intriguing comedy to write

  12. Based on Pres Morales own statements that he would cheerfully aid and abet a fugitive from justice, made before and while he was in Moscow. He'd been in Moscow as recently as yesterday

    So an international warrant has in fact finally been issued on Snowden?

    I must have missed that.

    I will put you down as acceptable then wink.png

  13. You've only posted this add on the forum and not on the classified site? I also scanned through the bahtsold and your bike isn't there? I think you'd get more hits on that site.

    Yup what he said wink.png

    Baht & Sold & also

    If you cannot write Thai have someone help you put it on mocyc.com & the Ninja650 Thai sites

    It will sell at the price you have it at now. Just be aware Thai's really need to ask if you can make the price

    lower no matter how low it is smile.png So maybe up it 5k knowing you will drop that.

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