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Everything posted by mania

  1. "AFAIK" is not saying much when a cheerleader declares it Yet many undeclared wars, puppet regimes, supplying weapons to the currently favored & drone strikes prove otherwise No need to "try & keep up" race has run & results are obvious thanks ????
  2. Israel has quite the track record themselves https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Israeli_assassinations https://www.amazon.com/Rise-Kill-First-Targeted-Assassinations/dp/1400069718
  3. Sorry if already mentioned as I did not read all 5 pages but.... For myself one large benefit is for what ever reason stopping coffee really lowers my BP On coffee 145/90 off coffee 113/72 (averages) Could be I am one who is BP sensitive to caffeine I dont know? But I know I have tested it many times & yes lowers a lot if caffeine is stopped. It is not that I feel any bad effects from coffee/caffeine as I do not. But I have checked BP within 20 min of ingesting & always up quite a bit After days of 2-3 a day up all the time & the reverse is true when I stop a few days I am an avid cyclist & coffee is part of out routine so I go back & forth but yes I notice that in regards to BP
  4. With the current warmongering US Administration it is not hard to believe/expect this
  5. We arrived International with two stops in other countries. Both wife & I had the single original vaccine years ago because we thought that was the only way anyone would be allowed to travel Been here a month now neither of us got sick...So I guess it just depends on many thing eh ????
  6. Kind of like this ? https://www.imdb.com/video/vi3960192537/?playlistId=tt0113627&ref_=tt_pr_ov_vi
  7. Funny thing is if you go ask most Thai's why they are wearing them they do not say because of Covid or fear of spreading covid etc etc Instead the ones I've asked while out visiting friends in CM all say because people look at them funny when they don't. So basically they feel funny about judgemental folks like your OP so they go full sheep mode Yet back in the villages nearly zero mask usage here
  8. The Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan has acknowledged that it invested $95 million U.S. (Cdn $126 million) into cryptocurrency exchange FTX that is now on the brink of insolvency. Ontario Teacher's pension fund to write down investments of $95 mln in FTX
  9. Gee why does that sound so familiar????? Ah right
  10. No for my wife & I We do love it here & have a home in the country that we are at now for our 3 months. But No it is far from saner. Then again we live in a nice spot when not in Thailand & we do not get all riled up about politics etc. In fact we don't watch TV although do have Netflix etc But yes when here we also spend time in Chiang Mai where we lived for 6 years previously & to take care of business like passport renewal etc. While there we really notice how insane it is here. Traffic,crazy drivers, sanitation lacking,road conditions,air quality Many things really & again we do love it but no it is nowhere near sane in any way. Other countries had real support during the whole covid mess & things like that were in reality small & look at how Thailand (lack of leadership as always) handled that? Imagine something much larger & how would that go ..especially for foreigners So yeah No vote from us ???? We love it & always will return but never again to live full time.
  11. I guess it was an 11 Nov 2022 event but not Russia starting main offensive but retreat Russia’s Kherson retreat marks tectonic shift in Ukraine war
  12. Here is a theory which of course is worth what you paid for it... We have just entered a true bear market There will be powerful rallies with in this crashing market A sustainable low will be at the end of 2024 where we will be coming out of a depression with the final lows in the housing markets The depression will hit food supplies & energy hard 2023 & 2024 is going to be very tough for most people. So lets get back together here on this topic in 2024 & see how these markets (& the world) did???? PS: bonus tip...Another theory (not mine) something big is coming 11/11/2022 Whether caused by midterm election results or Russian starting its main offensive we will see eh?
  13. Boy I see just the opposite With DJIA at 32k+ & Nas nearly 11k I am thinking major dump headed this way ????
  14. If they mean he was above social conflicts as in 1st place then I agree ????
  15. As others have said easy enough (usually just show translated marriage certificate) But realize the harder part is then she will need to change everything else Govt card Passport , drivers license etc etc Especially if as you say you were married outside of Thailand & plan to go back? Western Countries & especially USA need all ID's to match ticket name etc to travel
  16. I would just follow those directions Meaning it is now October 2022 So any international trips since October 2021 upload the pages that have that travel info.stamps That is all So yes your last International would be December 2021 (as that is in the previous 12 months) upload only pages that have travel records
  17. Might be nice to donate to Chiang Mai Public Library
  18. Puleeze it is your comprehension of my post that is lacking period. Go read the pdf I posted it is from OUR history. A Speech to the U.S. House of Representatives on Foreign Policy (July 4, 1821) by John Quincy Adams "If" you can understand it only then will you understand my post.... if not no problem either I am not here for your opinion nor to change it. Only to give mine alone https://loveman.sdsu.edu/docs/1821secofstateJQAdmas.pdf
  19. They are not wrong IMO Truthfully Biden & the military industrial complex warmongers who support him are getting rich (Again) off this proxy war against Russia The arming of the Ukrainians with weapon systems billed to the tax payer of the USA are not helping but escalating the situation daily The same thing also being attempted by Biden & Pelosi in Taiwan by promising the US will step in & defend them against China?? Yet how would the USA feel if Hawaii wanted to restore their monarchy which was overthrown by the USA? And China did the same & said hey you want out of the USA? We will defend you should you so desire independence. Would the USA stand for that? Nah instead I prefer the words of John Quincy Adams back when he said about America She has abstained from interference in the concerns of others, even when conflict has been for principles to which she clings, https://loveman.sdsu.edu/docs/1821secofstateJQAdmas.pdf Biden Et al. should learn their history
  20. ^^^THIS^^^
  21. Which is why one needs to know the rules of the game early on & know when to hold & when to fold as far as generating "taxable income" In your financial maze example Penelope, in Case#1 has it right & better yet if married ???? Of course in this same game you need to be free & clear mortgage wise and any other bills before 62 or when you start collecting SS Then truthfully life in the USA is quite easy ????
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