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Everything posted by mania

  1. 555 well I guess that is true about if everyone wanted to live in Hawaii but thankfully not everyone can ???? About Thailand under Army control or not well yes so did we not directly "feel" the diff & we still own a home there But for us the difference is not whether we feel it or not because the Thai citizens sure do & we will not support the Junta which any falang living there does thru VAT & other government trough taxes which prolongs their stay at that trough So yes I agree the Falang in the street feels no difference like yourself but trust me the Thai people sure do...but hey your ok & that is what matters
  2. Actually all R's & L's are reversed when spoken 555 Warren becomes Wallen Farang becomes Falang Truthfully it is kon Dtaang Chaat คนต่างชาติ
  3. Possibly folks who love perfect weather & temperatures Folks who love clean air & water Folks who love beauty of nature unspoiled by sewage dumping into the ocean etc Folks who love to swim in clear oceans & hike thru beautiful tropical rain forests that have no snakes or any other deadly creatures As for the USA part Yes but do not forget many of us were also in Hawaii for generations before the USA/Falangs overthrew the Hawaiian Monarchy to steal a strategic port called Pearl Harbor & then give Hawaiians the choice<sic> of either becoming a State with all the benefits or becoming a territory But even now Hawaiians & Falangs coexist in Hawaii/USA peacefully knowing they do have a supportive government especially as shown in recent times of crisis..The same government that also sent Thailand millions of real vaccines Lastly many prefer living in Hawaii & not living in a Junta ruled dictatorship for now with all the loss of benefits that came with that for both Thai's & Falangs alike
  4. Very True My wife even before she became a US citizen was immediately give a work permit & SS# way back when she was just on a 2 year green card(temp residence) That is how the US rolls & as you say it comes back to them in a form of taxes Same later in her 3rd year which was one year into her 10 year green card (permanent residence) she was allowed to take the US citizenship test which she did & passed. She now has been a Dual US/Thai citizen for over 12 years & will gain some benefits of that later in life thru her US SS income not to mention everything she has been given in rights & benefits, stimulus etc etc since then
  5. Anyone know whats up? https://www.kossyderrickent.com/2022/06/1165-video-people-of-thailand.html Have not seen anything on "official news" I guess not surprising
  6. No I am retired Here in the USA you have all kinds of benefits based solely on your income If just SS like me for example you get free part B&D Medicare They do not count your residence which I own outright just your income Kinda nice actually When I first moved back from Thailand I tried to buy Health Insurance thinking I needed it They told me sorry your income is too low its free...I said well ok ???? Also since I moved back my property tax dropped when I was 60 & will drop again when I'm 70 crazy cheap now considering where live...I pay less in fact than my yearly home insurance What can I say except god bless America I guess hahah At first I felt odd about it then I realized they give countries like Israel billions per year in cash so if They want to pay my part B & D go for it ????
  7. You probably bought from the Dole Pineapple shack which would be the most touristy price you could pay. If instead like Thailand you went to a farmers market it would of course be very low Or heck even a Target dept store like this https://www.target.com/p/pineapple-each/-/A-15013634#lnk=sametab Would have TODAY gotten you a fresh whole pineapple for 76 baht/$2.19 USD
  8. Here in the USA I pay absolutely zero (but I am 65) for such things all visits covered as well as surgery which I just had on my knee to remove a longtime tumor my Orthopedic surgeon thought was a fatty tumor turned out to be something else which thankfully turned out to be benign
  9. 555 You think we have not seen this before? You think we have not lived thru insanely overpriced homes? Interest rates so high we actually made money on savings? You think we have not seen hundreds of banks failing per year while the FED printed 80 billion+ a month over & over & over Puleeze grow up & wipe the drool off your face as well
  10. Like I said for myself & my wife cheaper here (but we own outright too) As to a single expat with 3k a month...I imagine doable because rents here still hover in the 1k-1200 a month range. But I have long since owned my home & live for a whole lot less than 3k a month often less than 1k a month to be honest Also as mentioned no health insurance to purchase I can imagine some folks like you mentioned say nothing to do but for folks like my wife & I that is simply not the case First off we can be outside 365 days a year as there is no sweltering heat nor pollution I guess it just depends on what a person wants/does with their time If they are the type that need to be entertained by something/someone then I guess it could seem lonely But we are sports folks & even today rode 50 miles in the mountains & the possibilities are endless I only mentioned sex toys as that is the Thailand stigma & it seems if not sex drinking is the most popular of hobbies but yes if one gets past that Thailand is also a great place most of the time. (Don't get me wrong I cycle with a lot of Thai clubs when there) We left as we saw in 2016 the Junta was not leaving. We loved living there those years & did almost as much outside but of course many days too hot or bad air to really push it. But here? Everyday we say how lucky we are. We do what we want eat better (home cooked) Even a beer or wine is better & cheaper Can you buy craft beer there for 100 baht per pint? Good Wine for $13 a bottle? We couldn't & not that it was a deciding factor. We have a greenhouse & grow more than we can eat giving away more than half Someday we may move back to Thailand again when not supporting a junta but till then happy to visit as soon as this Thai Pass BS is over
  11. Dude read the Note! I live here all my life and "also" own a home in Thailand & lived there from 2007 till 2016. Still visit 3+ months a year except during covid thanks Im not just talking Im telling you from actual experience Nothing to do? Hahaha you poor thing...probably the only person to say nothing to do in Hawaii
  12. So what? Beauty & lovely weather is not enough unless you have a 19 year old sex toy? Is that what you mean by NOTHING to do? Because I have tons to do daily infresh clean air or swim in clean water etc etc And no it is not more expensive than Thailand in fact as I said it is cheaper A few things a cheaper in Thailand like electricity that is about it.. I own homes outright in both places I should know.Plus I have free medical here in Medicare...not that it matter much as a long time triathlete I rarely use it. The rest that is cheaper in Thailand some plastic <deleted> is in fact cheaper as in quality only As for Haoles sorry your a Falang still ????
  13. Yeah but the truth is most who went the classic route of working & buying early are not in any problematic situation now. In fact quite the opposite. They can rent out their paid for home & retire to places like Thailand or elsewhere Folks who complain about the things you just did...are like what? Dropped from the stork when they were 50? No instead they are usually those who had their cake early in life & now complain it is too expensive back home I am not saying you were wrong to not invest & not work hard when younger but I am saying don't complain now ????
  14. Nah not even close Folks see news & believe Hawaii is Maui or Honolulu...I assure it is not You can live on an outer island like Hawaii the Big Island for as cheap as you live in Thailand The big Island can fit all the other islands on it & still have room for more Folks do not know this basic truth Population of the Big island is like 200k people Compare that to the tiny Oahu(Honolulu) Over 1 million
  15. Has nothing to do with geographical location Has everything to do with Thai Cops can be bought & paid for period Ask Red Bull Heir...heck ask anyone stopped for anything
  16. Well they could if you stop your fear mongering
  17. This type of dress is going to make it hard for the Police to look for those Iranian Spies they were worried about ???? https://aseannow.com/topic/1261917-royal-thai-police-on-alert-for-possible-iranian-spies/
  18. In other news...Meteors from Uranus were spotted
  19. Doesnt the insurance policy need to be for the duration of trip? That FWD insurance asks Trip Period Doesn't Immigration at entry look at your departure ticket & the policy need to match? Lastly thanks for the link to FWD policy but they require 14 day lead & PCR test 72 hrs before Do all require that?
  20. You can checkout anytime you like but you may never leave ????
  21. It's a good income backed by an appreciating asset but there are pitfalls too Had a friend rented out a home to a nice lady who promptly turned it over to her welfare druggie daughter She stopped paying rent about 3rd month Kick her out? Not allowed need court order Go to court took 8 months till court opening That day she doesn't show, My friend gets the eviction order goes to house which is now empty & trashed inside
  22. Good morning LL The title reads Air Force To Arm F-35 Fighters With Its Own Weapon Systems In most languages "with its own" usually implies "with its own" not someone else's That aside even if they did purchase a separate weapon system built by another you actually think they could integrate it into one of, if not the most technically sophisticated jet fighters in the sky? (rhetorical question no need for reply) We already know the answer
  23. Imagine the tan tourist could get on a beach with a mask ???? Would probably sell well in Thailand's whitener market Sadly kidding aside we & others I'm sure are still waiting for some semblance of normality to return to Thailand before we ever do. Which is not easy for us as we are not classic tourists but also own a home & a condo in Thailand But we will surely not return with such foolishness in place. The rest of the world has been great & we just returned from touring the Pacific North West. No masks required even on long flights. One thing is we really realized we should switch it up more often from now on even if Thailand reopens properly. Because truthfully there are many really beautiful places to visit with great benefits
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