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Everything posted by mania

  1. Hard to say as per your photo which does not show clearly but... This is a rim brake/cantilever brake wheel They do eventually wear too thin where the brake pads rub to stop bike Could be what they are telling you is it has worn too far already & does look like it created a ridge above brake pads (again hard to tell from pic) If that is the case then that is why they are telling you change & possibly bad to inflate as that is where the hook occurs that holds clincher tire on Only real way to tell is take tire off & inspect rim thickness in that area
  2. Many billions always earmarked for "Post Flood" envelopes But how about earmarking billions to cure the problem from reoccurring every year? Or would that make too big a hole in the Trough?
  3. Actually I am not sure which comment is absurd because if we look at actual track records, In the history of mankind only one country has ever nuked another & the excuse they used was to end fighting quicker So ???? precedent has been set period. Even Tulsi Gabbard who ran for US president has now announced she has left the Democratic party because in her words... "calling it an “elitist cabal of warmongers”, So I would not call it absurd to consider who is the bigger warmonger on this stage or which is crazy enough to start MAD But as to the initial question in OP there is no point in considering it as there will be nowhere that is left untouched & your best case scenario is to be done quickly as whats left is no prize
  4. Yes Never happens to folks who tell the truth about any pre-existing conditions & buy real insurance from international based companies (aka: Not Thai insurance companies) I guess I know everything about this case that was reported as I read the article. Do you perhaps know something we don't? Are you trying to claim he had insurance but insurance didn't pay? Or are you just crying crocodile tears because you can relate & use that "insurance don't pay" as an excuse for you yourself not having any? In any case if your sincerely concerned hit the go fund me page with a nice donation ????
  5. Level up the thinking a bit in my post I said "Lastly I do also have sympathy for Thailand too that has 70 million of its own barely able to afford hospitalization" The nurses & doctors do not work for free on anyone Period! Not here in Thailand on the 30 baht scheme...Not in the USA on Medicare.... Not in the UK on NHS Guess where that pay in Thailand comes from? Taxpayers that can barely afford hospitalization Ultimately not you in Thailand
  6. Oh come on! Open a dictionary as your definition of "had it covered" is faulty He was living in Thailand without insurance period that is not covered & "planning" to move is not any closer to "having it covered"
  7. Dont roll the dice if you cant pay the price...Plan ahead it is a get it your dang self service life ???? But please feel free to contact the family in the article & help pay the bill & good on you ????
  8. Come on he either self insures (Has a large account $$$ dedicated to that) Or he is flying on fumes, wing & a prayer Yes of course none expect to suddenly be ill or have their house burn down or have a car smash into theirs Which is why they buy insurance
  9. Yeah your right I should re-phrase that...Because I do have sympathy for this mans family as now they suffer with his poor choices I do have sympathy for the expats that could eventually be affected by folks like this too because since years ago when it started getting popular to post these pleas for $$ it gets ever closer that Thailand will add mandatory coverage thru long term visa renewals Which will screw those actually self insuring with a real account dedicated to that Lastly I do also have sympathy for Thailand too that has 70 million of its own barely able to afford hospitalization now also burdened by expats "choosing to die" uninsured in Thailand or worse yet laying unconscious & their unfortunate families abroad trying to cope with the mounting bills ultimately leaving Thailand unpaid
  10. I am guessing this is one of those "I self insure" guys who always post here Or the type that always say well if something bad happens I can just fly home & get treated for free Sorry 0 Sympathy????
  11. It is funny how so many seem to think a Nuclear war between the likes of Russia & the USA is survivable by nearly anyone at all or what the world that is left afterwards would look like. Not to mention all the expats in Thailand without SS ???? That aside & as to stealing lands or nuclear usage there is one glaring fault in all this USA high ground BS One who was it that overthrew a monarchy & stole lands to then create the 50th State of the USA? Two who was the only country in the history of this world that used a nuclear bomb on not a military but civilian target ?
  12. Not only is he right back & pounding his big commissions truthfully he never left
  13. Exactly & meanwhile poor old Thai citizens in villages get a whopping 500 baht a month SS ????
  14. I don't think I wasted my life because I always knew home base had to be safe by the time I was 60 Also I always knew I should work to live & not live to work. As a contractor I had plenty of time off between jobs... I retired at 55 moved to Thailand & liked it a lot but left after 6 years Now we are still happy & live a nice life but at times feel I am wanting more & miss some things from Thailand too, Covid made it hard because it seemed we were all wasting time for 3 years with no trips to Thailand or anywhere for that matter Now we will return to Thailand in a few weeks for our usual 3 month a year stay & we will have an extra hard look at where we want to spend the majority of our "remaining" time
  15. So they are in fact basically agreeing his time in office from 2014 till 2017 was illegal? Never Happened?? Didn't count???
  16. It is kind of funny to consider the possibilities but, If anyone has ever dabbled in Astronomy & looked thru telescopes at even just "Our" galaxy we would have to say that to then say no such thing as UFO's other life etc would be akin to walking on a beach & picking up a single grain of sand & saying this is the only sand that has life on it on this whole beach Now consider the many more Galaxies that we can see & know about not to mention those we cannot see or as yet anyway Lastly the proof of life etc...As other have said how do we know we did not see already & just never considered it to be? or better yet why do we assume all life is in "our" form or likeness? There are all kinds of microscopic life around us & we accept that ..Who knows if we are not microscopic to something much bigger than ourselves????? Anyway just a interesting thing to wonder about eh?
  17. That is what one hippie said to the other when they ran out of LSD at a Grateful Dead Concert..."These guys really suck" ????
  18. That works well in Vegas (free stay & food vouchers) & I have taken them up on it in the past
  19. They already do have a fee at least it shows on a recent ticket I bought a month ago So I guess they are actually raising it ? Or maybe these are all just Ana airlines fees? That last one is 743 baht for Thailand Passenger Service Charge
  20. mania


    Stick with Arabica but if your making milk based drinks you need a dark roast to cut thru the milk Light or medium roasts are good for straight coffee/espresso/americano/pour over etc
  21. You must only know rich addicts that have $$$ for their habit. Because the poor ones know no limit to how low they will go to get a fix
  22. If this is not a problem for you go this way! Mainly because it is also a heap easier/less hassle than than the based on marriage route even if you can get by with your partnership version. For health insurance I have had great luck with AA Insurance Brokers They will quote both Thai based & International based packages
  23. Yes for sure & one thing about removable dentures either partial or full upper what is important is have a good dentist take the time to fit them perfectly! I had a lower partial done in CM & never wore it for two years because it was just not comfortable Then I met a dentist in the country who asked about it & I showed her. She said oh yes & started fitting it & to this day I wear it all the time as it is perfect!
  24. While I agree many things made in Thailand or "For Thai market" in China is very low quality I do not limit this condition to just those things. I have had high quality leather dress shoes made in Europe just fall apart in a shoe cupboard after a year or two in Thailand. I mean I went to pick them up & the uppers just came off the soles I think it is just the insane heat & humidity that destroys many things things in Thailand
  25. Yes for sure there are some good ones out there but, Again why did you only find one after being pre diabetic What I am saying is sadly our systems don't do enough up front to educate & of course free will being free many folks don't ever try to improve themselves till it is nearly too late Which is why I said
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