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Posts posted by Bosse137

  1. Dickfarang: You know of course best what the rules are in your country,regarding pension.I just want to caution you,that in my country,to my great surprise, when I checked it out,I found, that it is actually the opposit!! Reason:"The wife can have an income;from work or pension,which means your household have two incomes and you can get by on a lower pension". Just a friendly warning,probably different rules in different countrys though...

  2. Well, most of the "bar-girls" ARE "regular" girls... From my village I know of many girls,who go to look for a farang-husband,and the only way they know how,is to work in a bar for some time.Actually in the same way,that we farangs look for girls in the bars,because we do not know how else we can find one.By the way,the more,how to say,upscale girls,are normaly not so interested.At least not in some old fat farang.And why should they?!After that,they return to the village (or to the husband´s homecountry),and sometimes it works out,sometimes not,as with all other marriges.I know also from the many years I spent in Pattaya,and the many girls I got to know,that in most cases, they are "regular" girls.Albeit,there are ALSO lots of not so nice "ladies",and even with a trained eye,you can pick the wrong one...Kind of a lottery...And I just have to add(by experience) :So it is also in Farangland!!!

  3. If each part know what they want to get out of it and ALSO understands AND accept the others need,plus non of them have too inflated expections of the outcome,then it might very well work.In other words:more of a partnership than a romantic fantasi. My own experience:18 years with the same woman;the "best" I ever had. Good luck!!

  4. I read a lot of nice answers until I came to the next last one bu NHC.. His ideas reminded me very much of those,which Muslim extremists have:not to mingle with people of other faiths.(Mine is the only one correct). NHC, I think you would be better served by trying some of her faith,which is a faith of tolerans and understanding.By the way,I guess also the true christian faith is!!!So go with her,with an open mind;perhaps you can get some real peace of mind.

  5. Trying to make a very long story short,I have to exclude many details. This is posted as a warning! For some years I used,what I thought was a local office of one of the bigger companys in the market,to insure my car. One year,about 6 months after I had renewd my insurence,I recieved a letter from headoffice,telling me,that I did not have any insurence,since I had not paid for it!! I send the copy of my payment,but this was not valid,"must be from the headoffice". It turned out,that the office,where I had insured my car,was run by an "agent",who was not employed by the company... This agent had simply run away with all the money instead of sending them to headoffice.Why did they not tell me sooner,then? "Because we like to give the agents plenty of time to send in the money". In the meantime, I had been driving about every day for SIX months without any coverage!! After a lengthy period with many meetings,I was finally, thanks to help from some state agency,granted my insurence. It happened when there was about one week left on it. My arguring,that I should have a "new" one,starting at that day,fell on deaf ears.So ;; be careful out there,when it comes to "agents" !!

  6. I am not a teacher,but I live in a small Isaan village for 18 years already,so when it comes to mentality of most Thais, I do fully agree with what Scott and Xangsamhua state in their posts.The first years I tried to change some things,as I thought,for the better,but it became clear to me,that the only thing I "achieved",was to make a fool of my self..! So now I have learned to relax and care about my own business and let other people do the same,however tempting it might be sometimes to voice my opinion.Better shut up and go with the flow..

  7. I forgot to answer your second qestion: In my area,usually you pay 50% to the tappers to do ALL the work.At this price,they have to pay for half of the fertilizor,which are rather expensive. The price of rubber fluctuates ,for now it is about 60-70 Baht/kilo. I guess in a good plantation,if you tap 2 days and let the trees rest the third day, you get about600 kg/ month. BUT,and this is a BIG but,when the trees are wet,you can not tap them! So you will miss many days from rain.And the tree must rest in the offseason,another loss of tappingoppurtunity.Good luck! PS. I do not know about Your area;I can only tell you from MY area.

  8. I agree with the previous post;they were tapped too young.Anyway,to give you an ideá,where I live in NW,and not having chanot for the land,(we do not need it;nobody has),the price would be around 1 miljon-1.3 miljon.IF ! the trees were in good condition.My wife says also,that the trees will die or alternatively,not give good.I think you should wait for a better opportunity,if you want to step into this business...

  9. Thanks animatic. Actually,there were NO cables connected!! In addition all "breakers" were "of",and all contacts were out of their sockets.I can also add,that electricity went to the aircondition (throug 2 breakers) and I was already calculating the cost.However,nothing was damaged!? Ok. if this had been told by somebody else,I would have some funny comments about his status,was he drunk,did he dream and so on.But it did happen and I just wanted to tell it as a warning to others.I can`t imaging what would happen IF I had not taken all the precautions....

  10. A little bit beside the mainsubject,but I think it is worth mentioning: I have TOT´s "Thomsen"-box.Last night,with thunder over this area, the box was hit THREE times,although it was not,as was nothing else neither,connected.It flared up,jumped around and frighten the sh-t of me the first time (I happen to sit next to it in the dark). Strangly enough,it was not damaged!! Anybody have an explanation??

  11. Confusingly similar to Thaksin´s OTOP program..."New wine in old bottles".In "my" village,the only time they "worked" with the project,which they got money for,was when filmcameras and dignitaries came to visit;at these occasions,people dressed up,put on a show and,when the visitors were gone,they all went home.Until the next visit..Creative in a way,though..!

  12. "Community controlled".. Yeah,sounds good..And who,may I ask,controlls the communities..? From my experience,those in control enrich them self all the time with money meant for the community!! Like letting the fox guard the henhouse.How naive are you folks out there; did you just come here or do you all live in the cities.. On another,related note: Nobody forces farmers to sell their land! They do it for many reasons,mostly not related to wether the land is giving profit or not,but for financing a wedding,a funeral,a new car and so on. I know of Many such cases. Afterwards they complain,of course,of how they have been "taken advantage of".

  13. "..he is not castigated for being afghani per se.." Whom are you trying to kid! Just go back and have a second look at the posts,all talk about camels,sharialaw,stoning,muslims and so on..Perhaps starting to feel a bit uncomfortable by siding with the lynchmob,by which the man is already convicted without a chans to give his side of the story.Unless,of course,you consider a newspaperclip as evidence enough..But better late than never.By the way;I agree with the obvious; that the man acted foolishly.If that had been the target of all the degrading posts,I would not have felt particularly compelled to comment to this story...

  14. O.K.,animatic;I stand corrected;although it is a known fact,that there are Americans with "foreign" names,I agree,that this person probably IS an Afghan gentleman.Which of course makes him a fair target regardless of what kind of person he might be..! Or perhaps you,and the others,know him personaly? Anyway,I have to bend to the majority and say,that it is allright to treat some nationalities as dirt as long as WE farangs are respected.Respected for being so high above everybody else,that must inspire people here to love us,right! ( I am ironic,,incase someone not get it)

  15. "An Afghan coach" ;Do we know for sure,that it is an "afghan gentleman"?Does it not happen,that a team can have a coach from another country..? If it turns out,that he is from USA or Germany,do all the jokes fall flat then? My original point,which some seem to have missed,is that if farang complain over bad treatment,just because they are falangs,then they should not ridicule others,based solely on their origin! Am I wrong here?? And come on; nobody done a misstake when they first came here..!

  16. Geriatrickid;;How did you conduct the "trainig" in spotting the difference of ladyboys and others..??Did it take you long to come to your conclusion about ladyboys having a penis? How,actually,did you find it out,Perhaps by inviting some for a cup of coffey

    and an intimate chitt-chatt...If you think,that only Afghan coaches are the ones that fall for the ladyboytrick,then that must be a very bad occupation ,not so many costumers.And,bye the way,why all the training,if you never take anybody unknown to your room.Hippocrate comes to ones mind!

  17. I must say,that I am VERY surprised by all the degrading comments about the Afghan coach!! Is these the same people who continously complain about alledged Thai racismen??!! My guess is,that a coach in martial arts is a diciplined person,to whom something happened,that probably has happened to most of us before we learned the ropes.(although in a smaller scale..) By the way,and perhaps a little beside the point ; I have always been received with respect and friendliness in Thailand.(immigration an exception..) Not because who I am or because I throw money around,which I don´t, merely because I am a " Farang".. In sharp contrast to how I am "treated" in my own country ;just an old fart,that nobody takes notice of...

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