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Posts posted by Bosse137

  1. Just curious;how do you know that they are Swedish or Danish? Do they introduce themself? Or do you know them from before in which case I wonder why they all so suddenly turned against you.. Or do you do some kind of sterotyping,in the same way you think they do about you..? As I said,just curious...

  2. IF she actually is a mormon,chanses are,that her parents are mormons too.(Not necercerely,of course).In that case,I doubt that they want an abortion... I guess,that she might be pregnant,but with her (Thai ) boyfriend`s child! Now they think they have come up with an idea how to get somebody else to foot the bills.And perhaps not only you,but some additional blue-eyed farangs..Another thing;if you had unprotected sex (obviously),you better keep a close eye on your Willy,he might have cought something!Let us know what happens!

  3. Well,Ricardo,I did not feel offended by your earlier post.neither by this one.Actually,regarding what happened in Germany during the war,I agree with you,although I see it as a long stretch to compare to the "Thai-situation".I too admire those people who risked their lifes for a good cause;So,ok,if you want to compare people like Hitler or Stalin to Thaksin,well,then you have a point.Personally I think there are no similarity.Regarding the airport: Do you think "the managment" closed the airport for no reason;that they lost a heep of money every day just for fun?!The reason,as a remember it,was that it was impossible to work and to guaranti security,when the yellow masses occupied the airport.And threatened to take over other airports too(which I think they actually did..)How many biljons did this "wellcome to PM Somchai" cost the country and how many jobs were lost in the touristindustry.Also,what about tourists who missed appointments back home and so on;did the organisers give a dam_n about them? The obvious answer is no,they only cared about their own agenda and did it without any consequenses to themselves.Again;it`s the imbalance I am opposed to;I`m not trying to paint Thaksin in white,but perhaps in grey..

  4. rixaflex : I have been reading newspapers and watched the news every day for the 20 years I have lived in Thailand,but of course,it IS possible that there are details that I have forgotten,that`s true.But I don`t consider a coup a detail,so to me the big picture look the same.Regarding whether living in Isaan has had an impact on my thinking when it comes to Thaksin;well,perhaps somewhat,when I hear how much people appreciate him.Is there something wrong with that..? I understand the undertone,implicating that people here are stupid and hence that goes for me too..However,my thoughts on coups and closed airports are totally formed by myself,and that`s what I was writing about;comparing those acts to the acts of Thaksin and the consequenses of them. I also agree with the post that stated,that all this playing around with Thaksins (alledgedly) changed name seems very kindergartenlike.But,mai pen rai.

  5. I admit that my statement":overthrowing an elected goverment" seems to have been somewhat incorrect.My point,though,was that I see an imbalance between all the Thaksin-lashing on one hand,and the free pass for people who close airports and make coups,on the other hand.What I have learned from your posts doesn`t change my wiev on this. And I must add,that when one post compare peacetime Thailand and Thaksin to wartime Germany and Hitler (the "coupmakers"there was hanged,remember"),another post claims to have evidence that Thaksin ordered the killing of 3000 people (it used to be 2500..) and yet another post drags in Sweden`s coalition government into this,then I feel that it`s time to say goodnight for this time to those gentlemen:sweet dreams about future coups!!

  6. h90,thanks for the education! I might have missed something there,especially that EC has been found to have been bribed.But to correct one wrong (if indeed it was wrong..) with another,even bigger wrong...The PM the military clic put in charge was not even in an election at all (except within the top brass) and I would have thought,that to come to power through a coup is more illigal than anything else.Or?? If so,my point was,is,why do nobody make waves about THAT instead of going on about Taksin.By the way;here in Isaan most people still see him as the best PM they ever had!

  7. scorecard;you write,that although Thaksin is not the first to win an election by votebuying,"does it make it ok? No." How did you arrive to that conclusion,since you also says,that this is Thailand,we should not compare to western democracies and "what has this to do with western thinking".Actually,if you want to walk that line,recently it was reported,that in a poll,most Thai people found it ok with corrupt politicians as long as they did something good for the country...I guess it must have been your western thinking,that got you to that conclusion.And by the way:I didn`t compare thailand with western democraties,it would be laughable,;what I said was,that I was surprised that westerners could have the opinion,that repeted (is it 18 by now) coups should be applauded as a means to "bring the country forward" Forward to what,by the way? To a true democracy,which you expressed doubt about beeing a good thing...

  8. It`s the first time I hear,that Thaksin wasn`t democratelly elected.How DID he come to power,then? Through a coup,perhaps? If so,It seems to be no big deal to you,a coup is obviously o.k. if the military think it is apropriate.I am very surprised,that any Westerners can harbour this kind of thinking,but there you go;not much more to add,when that is the case.

  9. I´m not saying that Thaksin is a flawless person;how many Thai politicians are..? But where is the balance? Some people overthrow democrately elected government,damaging the county´s image and creating many problems.Others close an international airport,also damaging thailands reputation and costing billions and what happens to those people..? Nothing,absolutely nothing;they go on with their lives as if nothing has happened,even getting elected as partyleaders.Do I see a storm of critic about this? Do I have to gather,that what Thaksin did (what was it now again) was so much worse?Or could it be,that at the moment it is so much easier to pick on somebody who cant get back at you...`Personally I don`t care who did what and why;as I said,it`s the balance I find scewed.

  10. On bicycle from Chumpae to Chiang Mai,about 100 km/day.Planned route:Nr.12 to LomSak and Phisanulok,then nr.11 via Den Chai for the rest of the way.Wanted:suggestions where I can spend the nights where there is no city in reach; I mean guesthouse,hotel or resort.Tried before in the "travel" forum,but no respons.Any other info regarding the planned route would also be welcome.

  11. Some years ago,it was THE thing to do here in Isaan,where I live.Actually looked into it myself,but never got started for different reasons.Lots of people started doing this,but after less than a year,everybody stopped.Not sure of the reason,except that it didn´t live up to people´s expectations...By the way,I agree with others,that just giving money to "family" to invest,is usually lost money..

  12. I will tell what happened to me in Bankok bank some months ago;as an info to others.I did fill in all the forms,the bank took copies of my passport and so on.When time past by without hearing from them,I went to the bank and ask them if there were any problems.Yes,the number of my passport did not match up with the one that I had when I opened the account some 15 years ago...Well,I explained to them that after 10 years,in my country,you have to get a new passport,which,if they had checked the copies,would have been clear to them.(Transfered by immigration-stamp).I also showed them the old passport and everything was fine.Some time later,I wanted to connect one more "old" account to "i-banking" and this time I reminded them of what had happened last time,and had them to submit a copy of the old passport.BUT,since TIT,everything was repeted,they had the same problem about my passport number!! Eventually it was sorted out again,after many missunderstandings;among other things they wanted me to fill in a form about having lost my password,which I refused. So,if you folks,who have accounts older than your latest passport;better bring it along and show them!

  13. A week ago I bought Samsung N140 netbook. Not until today did I notice the small text under the sign "Window 7" which says "Starter". Obviously,I don´t know much about computers; I myself could be called a "starter"..Can anyone tell me,what is meant by "starter"; I guess it means that it is not the real thing,the full version,which I thought it was, when I bought it.Some advice what to do if that in fact is the case? Some way to get to the full version using the starter?

  14. Hi ! Am planning my yearly bicycletour,this time Chumpae-Chiang Mai.My only concern is to find places to spend the nights;hotels or "lisorts" (resorts).In the cities;no problem,but in between.. If you have some knowledge to share with me,I would appreciate it! Route,in short:Lom Sak-Phitsanolok-Uttaradit-Den Chai (my greatest concern)-Lampang-Lamphun-Chiang Mai.Normaly I cycle about 100 km/day,but depending on location of where I can spend the night,it can of course be more (or less).Usually the cost is between350-800Baht/night.Could be more,if there is no choice....I´m NOT looking for any freebes,just advice would be very welcome! Oh,by the way;I plan to go very soon,,

  15. For about 15 years ago,when I lived in Pattaya,my MC was stolen. I parked on "the Golden mile",went into a bar to look for somebody and was out again in 3-4 minutes. My MC was gone,the MC-taxis,who had there stand where i had parked it,had not seen anything,a policepickup with some MC´s on it,had just passed by,the policeboth did not want to act,I had to file a report.Some time later it was in the news: a band of policemen was found out to be behind most of the thefts!!So it´s nice to read that they now try to catch the thieves although I can not but wonder why it was´t succesful....

  16. Hi ! I´m watching live programs from Sweden on my laptop;quality so and so..( TOT).Sometimes I go for a tour with my bicycle for a week or two and would like to bring a computer along. I bring my things in sadelbags;the kind you see the postman has,and I guess it is no good for a laptop,even if I try to shelter it. So what about a notebook;do you think it could receive the forementioned sorts of programs?

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