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Posts posted by Bosse137

  1. Once I wanted to buy isolationrolls and I was not sure of their wieght and volum,so I asked the attendent "How many can I put on my pick-up truck`? "Up to you" he answered.Another time I was pondering which of two machines I should buy. They looked exactly the same,but one was more expensive,so I guessed it had something,that the cheaper one did not have,so I asked:"What´s the differens between them" Answer :" The price".When I was a newcomer,I lived in Pattaya and bought a washingmachin "With guarantie".It failed almost at once ,so I went back to the shop (Night and Day,before it collapsed).I asked to talk to the man who sold the machin to me (I had his card)."Not here",they said."OK,I will come back tomorrow",I said.Next day,the same conversation,and I started to feel some irritation.The third day;the same again.Very agitated,I asked them,"when will he be here then" " He does not work here anymore",was the baffling answer!´ Other times,people,(especially my wife)fail to give me some important information about something,resulting in me making a mistake of some sort.When I ask why I was not told about that important thing,the answer is:" You didn´t ask". OK,I could go on,but enough.Anyway,when thinking of these instances in retrospect,they are rather fanny! Bye!

  2. In mid-june it is time once again for my one year extension of my non immigrant visa "o". My passport is valid until jan.2011,which means,that if I get a one year ext.,the passport expires BEFORE one year has past.My qestion:If I do not have a new passport before i ask for extension,do I not get any ext. at all or do I get one only until jan.2011 or do I get a "normal" one year ext.? Another thing;I stay here as "retired" (67 years old).Do I need any referens to a Thai citicen or is "retired"enough? (Change of circumstances...)Thankful for input!

  3. Seems to me,that everybody suffers from some form of tunnelvision;only focusing on the amount,while the op was upset,not for the 2 baht, but over the way that the clerk,without even asking permission,handled his change and after that ignored him.Of course he,and most of us,can live without change of 2 baht.Or 20 baht.Indeed,I think we can survive to not get any change back on 500 baht....But that is not the subject here;the subject is,wether it is correct for a salesperson to decide for you what to do with your money,regardless of what the amount is.

  4. Happy you brought it up! Chumpae/Phukeu, 8 days now! Sometimes it works,sometimes not.Usually its dead between 16-19.Nothing unusual,though;been problems for a long time...O,k.;I can to some extent accept that there are problems,after all it is a new thing in my area.What I have more difficulty to accept is,that although I do not get the service,I still have to pay full price.Not for the money,it¨s not that big amount,but the principal.And also,they are very slow to respond if a line been knocked down or something like that. I have asked TOT in the local office,but get no answer.I wrote to the headoffice,with the same (lack of) result. What do you guys think;if I want to end my subsciption and refuse to pay for this month,what will happen? Would they sue me?

  5. JMS: I don´t want to go into specifics since it is personal.But I can tell you this much;if not for her,my money would have been gone long ago!!Instead we have house,car and 50 rai of rubbertrees,all due to her;she´s a workaholic!! And I try to keep in step with her as good as I can.But she does not demand it, I go where I want,when I want and no problems whatsoever.To the cynics:No,she is NOT in the entertainment business,she works our land...By the way,no sick buffalos or cousins or any other familyrelated problems.That´s why I said,that she is the best woman I ever met!!

  6. Craight3365: I think you can now fully agree with me,when I tell you,that "right and moral" was meant as irony;that is,meaning the opposite.....There is of course no such things,when two people want to be together,for whatever reason,that is their decisions and nobody´s business...

  7. With the usual exceptions to the rule,this is the simple truth.Most of us,at least those of us who live here,are not exactly spring-chickens any more.We could certainly have found some woman in our own agegroup back home,someone who could love us and who would be worthy of beeing loved.I mean,honestly!!That would have been the "right" and "moral" thing to do,right,gentlemen..But that was not what we wanted,not what we was looking for;we wanted something younger,something to spice up our lives.The women here,for their part,could easily found a Thai man in their agegroup back in their hometown/village,but then they would,in most cases,have to be content with a life in poverty and often,rather hard labour.And that is not what they want.(who can blame them..) So they go to the hotspots to look for- love?? Are you kidding me;they look for someone,who can give them what they want;love or no love.And we oldtimers,we are happy to give them what they want and at the same time,we get what we were looking for!Sometimes we get burned in the process and we complain of the girls not really loving us for real,how they "use us" and so on.Well,that´s the risk we have to take,when playing with fire.And finally,some of us,on both sides,get lucky,and find a "real" partner.I´m on my 17th year with my woman,the best I ever had.It took some "trial and error",though,before that happened....

  8. "Fresh bargirl".That reminds me of,when I lived in Pattaya many years ago and I had four friends from my homecountry coming there for hollyday.One of them was new to the scen;it was his first time in Thailand.He went out alone in the evening and next day, at breakfast, we was curious to know,what he had experienced."Oh,I was very lucky" he told us,"I met a girl in a bar and...." Ok,we said,that´s not so unusual. "But this one was different",he said,"she told me,that she just got off the bus". A lot of laughter and years later,he himself laughed at what he had said. "Just got off the bus" became a household-expession amongst us,and still is.End of story.

  9. Hello Mr.Hippo! I have a mountainbike,which I modified a bit,so I can carry things with me.Longest tour in one day:170 km.;6 am-6pm.Could you please tell me,what a hybrid bike is?! Perhaps it´s something for me?I like to go on weeklong tours,so I need bikes,that can carry things. By the way,where do you live?

  10. On the subject of Thai women,although a bit beside the logic discussion: Is it only here in Isaan,that it is the women who make most of the decissions concerning familyaffairs in general and economic affairs in particular? For instance,two young people want to get married.The women in the two families "sit and talk together" and work out a deal concerning how much has to be paid and all the other details.Then they might,or might not,go home and tell their husbands and ask:"What do you think?" in a tone that says,that it is already decieded....Or if a family wants to borrow money,who comes to you about that:the woman.Or some land is going to be sold or bought;same thing. I say this in appreciation of the women,who in many ways are the backboones in the society,at least here in Isaan.Logic or no logic......

  11. As the original poster on this subject,I have a confession to make,partly inspired by the post of latindancer:There a some things,where my Thai wife of 17 years,has taught ME some kind of logic.Or perhaps one should call it everyday wisdom,kind of pragmatism.I already mentioned one such example (asking questions in shops),but there a many other:Don´t be angry about corrupt policemen or politicians,"because you can´t change it and if you go on,you never have a happy life".The same goes for some religious things,that I better not mention here,but where I have learnt to apply the same "live and let live"mentality.And a lot of other things;loud music all through the night,people who through things along the roads and so on..It still irritates me,and I still think it is wrong,but I have to tolarate it,with my wife´s advice in mind.After all,and that has to be stressed here;there are SO many benefits and nice things to experience here in this country,which,at least for me,far,far outweigh the less positiv ones!!Finally;about getting old;that is the reason,in my case,that I can adjust to these things;if I were young,I would be to hotheaded to do that....Perhaps,to avoid some missunderstanding;in my book,to tolerate is not equal to accept,which I don´t;it is just to learn to live with what you can not do anything about.

  12. By the way,there are some other variations when it comes to ladies and talking; I drive my car,my wife and 2 other women is also in the car,having a lengthy chat,all talking at the same time.I wait patiently,as I learned to do, growing up in my country,for a chance to say something.In a rare moment of silence,I jump in and start to talk,but that seems to be the signal for the others to resume their chat,and they just interupt me in midsentence.Then I think to myself;well,if they can do so;I can do also,and I try to make myself heard,but to no avail.Later I ask my wife,why she wouldn´t listen,when I said something and her answer is:"How can I listen to two people at the same time"...Another one: We go to a shop to buy something,and I tell her to ask the salesperson something regarding the object I want to buy.They engage in a long conversation,I wait.And wait..Finally I say " Well...!! " "What",she says. " About my question;what is the answer?"- " I haven´t got an answer yet",she would tell me.When finally I manage to get some form of information,more often than not,it is not about what I actually asked about.. So I tell her that and I add"Why is it so difficult to get a simple answer on a simple question?"- Then she will look at me,as if I was the most stupid person on earth,and in a sudden outburst of logic,she will say "Why do you go on and ask people in the shops,when you know already,that they don´t know anything!" That makes me shut-up for the time beeing.....

  13. I have a great wife! But there is one thing,that is not so great;when we have a discussion.For instance,we can have a chat about Mr A and then she can say "I don´t know why he went out of the country",and then I might say" But I just saw him this morning" "Who"? "Mr A of course!" " I´m not talking about Mr A;I talk about Mr B! I think you must know,that Mr A did not get out of the country;how can you come up with such an idea"!? She starts to be irritated.. " But we were talking about Mr A,and then you said,," I try to say." That´s why I don´t want to talk to you" she will say "But,but..." " Now I don´t want to talk any more,I´m tired enough!" And that´s the end of the conversation for that time. This is just an example.Did you guys have some similar experiences? I guess you have;would be fun to share some of them.. OBS! I take most of this in a joking way; it´s not really a problem.And to be honest;I have had similar experiences in my homecountry,although not to the same level...

  14. Guemlum,I can see,that you are a guy,who likes to paint with BROAD strokes.You recognise the tone of Swedes and Danes,you say;what about Norwegians,they have a very similar sound.Also,initially you painted a picture of "so many","happening a lot" assults,but in the latest post,you state that the actual number is three.Although one might argue,that one is too many,it does not add up to the impression you gave in your first post.If three is the number,one of which is a Swede,it means that there must be one Dane plus one more of either nationality (or perhaps a Norwegian....),How does that correlate with "The perpetraters are always Swedish or Danish",Although tecnically true,it defies the picture,that a lot of people from those nations are roaming the bars in Nong Kay,looking for people to get into fights with..!!I mean,that must have been the point you wanted to make by saying what you said.Broad generalisation,almost of the same sort,that you think you are a victim of (shaved head,stocky built...).I really believe,that Swedes and Danes are neither worse,nor better,than people from other nationalities,and that includes even English people,who has a reputation,which,as I said,I don´t believe is accurate....

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