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Posts posted by Bosse137

  1. James,I have never seen anybody,when the cup is full,just toss the content to the ground and "let it dry". On the contrary,here everybody do their best to keep it as wet as possible,either by putting it back into the cup after given chemikals to the latest latex,or by keeping it in sacks in water. Wether that works or not,I am not sure,but nobody leave anything to dry willingly.In my district does nobody buy dry cup lump (or whatever it is called).There is an auktion and the highest bidder buys the whole lot.Happens every week,and works fine.More than 20000kg each time.More later in the season.Another thing:why so much talk about taking care of weed and giving fertiliser? A couple of times each season,no big deal,and anybody can do that.In my case,we,my wife and I,take care of it ourselves....

  2. Bosse,

    It seems to me that profit sharing is the only way to go as far as being a foreigner here. I've left my brother-in-law in charge of all my farms for the past 7 years and he's done a great job. Yes, he is very trustworthy... This has included jobbing out all our farm machinery (close to 20 yrs. now...)... They're all well maintained and as busy as feasibly possible.

    Next year, when tapping starts, he'll get exactly 50% profit - tho' first year won't be too much. My brother-in-law has hired permanently 6 or 7 villagers to tap our plantations and after they have had a trial period under the supervision of a well-experienced tapper (govt. supplied for free BTW), they will be on payroll but not for only tapping. We will share the cost of the tappers, tools/lights/cups, etc., fuel costs, machinery, etc. in other words, everything.

    Interesting,scotbeve.As I said,up to each to pay what he wants,and as long as you are happy with the arrangement,that`s great!Although I must say,that being a foreigner has nothing to do with it.In my neck of woods,I am the only foreigner here,and I am also the only one who not pay 40-50 %..Everybody else,Thai,does.When I ask them why,they say,that is what has always been paid and also,otherwise nobody will work for them.OK,always been paid;of course,till a few years ago,when the price was 15-20 baht/kilo,it made sence.But now,at 70/80,it does not.And will not work? snick-snack,not true.I have more than a few,who wants to work for me.I pay 500 Baht for cutting AND giving chemikal in the cup.That is not a bad pay for a days work..

  3. Two things: 1. I have read,that although fertilises are nesecery and importent for the trees,and therefore also for the output of liquid,they do not,in the short perspectiv,enhance the production of it.Is this correct? Like if you give fertilisers to strawberries,the leaves will benefit,but less fruit. 2. Why do people pay 200 baht/hour to tappers?! I have 800 trees and the tapper cuts them in 6 hours.If I paid 40-50%,he would get about 1600-2000 baht. Now,I have done some cutting myself,and I found it to be not so hard work and working nighttime,when there is no burning sunshine but cool weather,is different from,let`s say,planting rice or cutting sugarcain,,something that pays far less.OK,you can say,that cutting rubber takes more skill then planting rice,but whatever work you compare to,rubbercutting pays a lot more.By the way,when I say "not so hard work",I can add,that I am 68 years old with no previous experience of this work,so my point is,if I do not find it hard,why would a younger ,experienced person do that...

    I better correct myself before somebody else does it;It`s more like 300 Baht/hour.And the six hours is the time I need for the work.My stepson does it in 3 hours,which would amount to 600Baht/hour! Another thing,the percent is on the selligprice.I do not no of any other labourwork,where this is the case (I could be wrong).If you harvest corn,rice,sugarcain,whatever,you do not get paid depending on the sellingprice.About quantity,reasonably skilled tappers will have about the same amount in kilos.In other words,wether the selling price is high or low,the work is exactly the same and should therefore be paid the same amount.Some people pay per tree,eg 50 satang/tree,which is more logic.But of course,up to anyone to pay what he wants,I`m just curious as to why.... By the way,sorry for the tripple-post...

  4. The answer to why farmers go on with cup-rubber for about half the price is,that making sheets takes away appr.half the weight,which means,the final revenu will be the same,but making sheets takes a lot of more work plus the problem with storing them.

  5. The answer to why farmers go on with cup-rubber for about half the price is,that making sheets takes away appr.half the weight,which means,the final revenu will be the same,but making sheets takes a lot of more work plus the problem with storing them.

  6. The answer to why farmers go on with cup-rubber for about half the price is,that making sheets takes away appr.half the weight,which means,the final revenu will be the same,but making sheets takes a lot of more work plus the problem with storing them.

  7. Two things: 1. I have read,that although fertilises are nesecery and importent for the trees,and therefore also for the output of liquid,they do not,in the short perspectiv,enhance the production of it.Is this correct? Like if you give fertilisers to strawberries,the leaves will benefit,but less fruit. 2. Why do people pay 200 baht/hour to tappers?! I have 800 trees and the tapper cuts them in 6 hours.If I paid 40-50%,he would get about 1600-2000 baht. Now,I have done some cutting myself,and I found it to be not so hard work and working nighttime,when there is no burning sunshine but cool weather,is different from,let`s say,planting rice or cutting sugarcain,,something that pays far less.OK,you can say,that cutting rubber takes more skill then planting rice,but whatever work you compare to,rubbercutting pays a lot more.By the way,when I say "not so hard work",I can add,that I am 68 years old with no previous experience of this work,so my point is,if I do not find it hard,why would a younger ,experienced person do that...

  8. What I found confusing is,that in OP`s first post,he said,that the gf DECIDED to stop working and go home...Firstly,if she was so totaly devoted to and under her mothers control,how could she decide something like that! And secondly,in real life,if it actually could happen,the mother would know in a day,that the daughter in fact not went home! And how could the daughter have money for the trip,if not from the mother.AND,how could the mother know,where the daughter actually lived..And,..and..,the list goes on!Of course they all knew,that the young man has plenty of money(or at least belived so),and also,that he has no experience.That is why they let it go on,until finaly they wanted to cash in.I live in an Isaan village,18 years already, and I know the many stories.I also lived many years in Pattaya,and got some valuable lessons there.So I can say,that it all smells fishy...l

  9. The current policy is up to 15 days before. Website does not get changed often.


    Thanks lopburi3 ! Still,can not be certain.Like when I went for my yearly extension some years back;I got there the exakt day the visa expired,and was met with an angry officer,telling me,that I should have come a week earlier.OK,next year I did that,and this time,the officer stared at me and said"What are you doing here today;you have to wait till the same day as the visa expires"!! Oh,well...

  10. That's why you are not allowed to take your mobile (with camera) when you cast your vote. The mobiles were used to make a "proof photo" of the ballot when cashing in on the vote-buyer.

    Where I live,it`s not so complicated.Campaignworkers go from house to house and give the money against a promise to vote for their candidate.No checking,whether the receiving person actually votes as promised,something that would be very tricky to do.And yes,sorry to say,that is how stupid people are....! They know,that the candidate in question is dishonest,that he will recoup his "investment" later,but they themselves want to be honest and vote as they promised! If only some organisation or political party would try to make people to accept the bribe but then vote for somebody,who NOT try to bribe them,then this practise would end abrubtly.The maffiatypes would loose a lot of money for nothing,not get elected.Now,why then does this not happen;that nobody try to enlighten the public (about the obvious)?Could it be,that they all practice this method and don`t want see an end to it.After all,it does not take a genius to figure this out..But after 20 years here,I don`t give a dam_n,you can not change anything in this country,just go with the flow and enjoy what is good.Try to make a contribution,and you end up in a sillyward.!

  11. I forgot to say:The law in many countries overide testament;you are not allowed to testament everything away.Perhaps in Thailand,it can be done,I think so,but certainly not with assets,that stay in the homecountry and probably not with assets,wherever they are,if they are known to the authorities in the home country

  12. One aspect nobody mentioned,when talking about wifes (or gf) withdrawing money after husbands/bf death;if he has children/family in his homecountry,isn`t it illigal to withdraw money,which,by law,rightfully is part of their inheritance??! Whether the money is in joint account or not,wether they are in Thai bank or foreign bank.Related qestion:Do wife/gf have any obligation to report the death to the deceased family in his country? I guess it could spell big trouble

    if she not reports and just go on using the money and later,the family finds out about it...

  13. Congratulations You guys ARE growing.:D

    Yeah,great...! That`s what I was thinking,no need to go all the way to Khon Kaen any moore..Well,as it turned out,some of the things I wanted was sold out,others they did not have in their sortiment,eg,Kavli crispbread and Hahne musli.To their credit,they did respond to my e-mail about this,and explained,that this is a small store,which can not have all the sortiment,that the bigger one´s have.OK,fair enough,but fact is,that this outlet has almost nothing for "farangs",nothing that you can´t already buy in other places in Chumpae.So,very disapointing,expected too much I guess....

  14. I have had the denguefever twice.From what I heard,the 4 strains a "paired" two and two when it comes to immunity,meaning that if you get one of the strins of one pair,you are immun to the other one in the same pair.Which,if true,should mean,that I now have total immunity.Don`t know if that information is correct,so I join "orang37" in asking,if somebody has the correct answer.

  15. Perhaps I have lived here for too long,anyway,I don`t see any baffling with pepsi in a bag..The reason for this phenomena,I`m told,is, that the bottle is expensive.So,if it is a "on the go" buy,the customer don`t want to pay for the bottle,or bring it back,and the vendor don`t trust the buyer to do so.The solution:Put it in a plasticbag (like they do with everything else...)

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