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Posts posted by Bosse137

  1. rockyysdt,

    I have read many of your posts.

    I know that you take buddhism seriously.

    But you are an exception, most buddhists don't.

    And your interpretation of buddhism is an exception too.

    And on top of that,in my opinion, we should NOT care for the poor...... we should change society, so that there are NO poor.

    Is there room for that in your interpretation of buddhism?

    Your last sentence conteins conflicting arguments.Why should we care about changening the society so there are no poor people,if,as you also said,we should not care about the poor...?
    We should not have to care about the poor, because there should be no poor.

    Our priority should be to erase poverty, not to help the poor.

    Socialism <<<>>> paternalism

    "Erase poverty".Sounds great,why didn`t I think of that! Perhaps you can also tell me HOW ?? I mean,in practical ways,not just in grand expessions..And until that is completed,just let the poor fend for themselves..Never mind if millions of children die of malnutrision and dicieses as long as we have our eys on the final goal;no poverty.Guess you are not a poor person youself,right?

  2. rockyysdt,

    I have read many of your posts.

    I know that you take buddhism seriously.

    But you are an exception, most buddhists don't.

    And your interpretation of buddhism is an exception too.

    And on top of that,in my opinion, we should NOT care for the poor...... we should change society, so that there are NO poor.

    Is there room for that in your interpretation of buddhism?

    Your last sentence conteins conflicting arguments.Why should we care about changening the society so there are no poor people,if,as you also said,we should not care about the poor...?

  3. About the right to refuse customers,back in Pattaya about 20 years ago,I was surprised to see on the wall in one restaurant,following announcement under a "picture" of a pigs head: "No arabs to sit here" Also in Marine disco,no arabs were allowed to enter! I do not have a personal comment to these acts,except that I was,as I said,surprised that this could be legal...

    not the same case at all - in this thread we are talking about the right to ban individual customers, not about discriminatory policies, which are different thing

    The OP`s question is:"Can you be legally banned from eating in a restaurant" I told about how some people were banned from eating in a restaurant.I would argue,that arabs are individuals too,if that is the krux of the matter.From what some people have said,it seems that the owner,or his representativ,can ban whoever they want,arab or not arab,and presumedly without the need to explain the reason for it.

  4. Actually,I never understood why some people feel the need to put a lable on them self (and others)! We are what we are,with or without a stamp on the forehead.To me,religions are rubbish.As I do not regard Buddhism as a religion but more like a philosophy, I can symphatise with most of it`s "teachings".But that is as far as it goes...By the way,I have no problem with "religious"people of any sort,as long as they not see as their mission to kill others or act as if they are the creem of the earth.

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  5. As my wife use to say when I complain about something "What can we do?" I have lived here for 20 years and know about dry season and rainseason,no surprises.Yes,I would like to arrange the climat to be different,but it is out of my ability,so I have learned to accept it.If I had not,I would been out of here a long time ago....

  6. As somebody says,depends on the underground. If stone,it takes time and will cost a lot! If no stones,you can drill it you self! 10 years ago people spent 2 months,day and night,to drill 55 meter thrue stone.Cost:40.000 baht ! exellent water,up to date always giving what ever I ask for,among other things filling my 100 qubik meter pool !!Today it would cost 200000 baht....

  7. Dogs,cats and now rabbits.Hey,aren`t we missing something here? What about rats,white mice and hamsters? Do they characterise their owners as well? If so,how?? Cheesy little things...

    Remember the Marx brothers movie "Are you a man or a mouse?- Put a bit of cheese on the floor and you`ll find out"

  8. Lots of sterotypes here.Like that the type of dog characteries the owner.In my case,I am not a big guy,not agressive,no tatoos,do not feel inferior,am not afraid of "russians and gays".But I am 69 years old,my house stay in a lonely place outside tha village,people think I am wealthy.So in my situation,what kind of dog would you choose;a poodle or a rotweiler? IF I had been a Mike Tyson type of guy,I might have choosen the poodle....

    • Like 1
  9. Why pick on Buddhism?

    I do not see anybody PICK ON buddhism.On the contrary,posters seem to wish,that people learned more about it and understood it better.Reason:because it would be worth the effort..

    I wish they learnt more about, math, science, history, geography, etc. in schools and university, but they don't know shit about any subject you care to name.

    I repeat, why pick on Buddhism?

    And I repeat;Nobody is picking on Buddhism,but if that is how you read it,well,never mind...
    • Like 1
  10. Good replies I think.I would like to add,that any understanding of something abstract is not their cup of tea...Easier to go with the flow;just do what others do and don`t bother your brain about the reason for doing so...As someone indicated,that goes for many people over the world.Bye the way,I agree with the OP,that buddhismen is a philosophy,not a religion,but is treated as the latter.

  11. OK,ok,some of you have had the luck never to been demanded to give a bribe to a cop I can not dispute that.But do not jump to the conclusion that others haven`t or that everybody who has to pay is a person,who doesn`t follow the rules!! Just a couple of days ago I was stopped with my new car.The cop did not accuse me of anything,didn`t even ask to see my DL or anything else.What he did was to put his hand inside the car and demanded 100 baht..!Happened many times in my 20 years here,so do not give us the crap,that the polis in Thailand is just looking for the bad guys.They ARE the bad guys!! Rotten to the core,corrupted inside out,from top to bottom and back.Actually this was stated not long ago in a survey done to check state agencis and such,where they took the top spot.Of course,it was not formulated the way I did it.Add to this,that they themselves do not care about traffic rules when they drive,Or any other rules for that matter...My view on how to handle this is,I do not accept it,but I have to live with it...Take the bad with the good in this country. You know,"what you can not change.."

    How many policemen were there at this stop?

    If only one or maybe two then don't stop because it is most likely not an official stop.

    On many long drives around the country you will see one police officer waving people in to the side of the road. The other officer then tells you that you were speeding and ask for 100 Baht. That is not a legal stop, it is a money maker for the police.

    I used to stop at those until I got wise to the trick many years ago. Now I keep on driving.

    Stops at toll booths are usually a different matter altogether and you are taken over to a table where you pay the same fine as Thai people pay. They show you the photo - if for a speeding offence.

    Where there are cones in the road is also an official stop. Show the licence and away you go.

    I have not yet seen an illegal stop here in Pattaya. Soi Khao Talo, for example, has about 6 officers on duty and they all give out proper paperwork unless you can negotiate differently. Yet if you do have the correct licence they look at it and wave you on.

    There were more than 10 cops AND cones...Highway police are two people,without cones,do you ignore them?
  12. OK,ok,some of you have had the luck never to been demanded to give a bribe to a cop I can not dispute that.But do not jump to the conclusion that others haven`t or that everybody who has to pay is a person,who doesn`t follow the rules!! Just a couple of days ago I was stopped with my new car.The cop did not accuse me of anything,didn`t even ask to see my DL or anything else.What he did was to put his hand inside the car and demanded 100 baht..!Happened many times in my 20 years here,so do not give us the crap,that the polis in Thailand is just looking for the bad guys.They ARE the bad guys!! Rotten to the core,corrupted inside out,from top to bottom and back.Actually this was stated not long ago in a survey done to check state agencis and such,where they took the top spot.Of course,it was not formulated the way I did it.Add to this,that they themselves do not care about traffic rules when they drive,Or any other rules for that matter...My view on how to handle this is,I do not accept it,but I have to live with it...Take the bad with the good in this country. You know,"what you can not change.."

    Okay, so a cop flags you down, cannot find any traffic violation and asks for 100 Baht.

    Why do you give him the money?

    Because he hasn't leaned the "Raro" way of dealing with the local police!!! laugh.png

    and that would be?? RIGHT!

    I told a cop already that I indeed pay taxes and that his salary is paid from those taxes and that I see no point in paying him again.

    Saw your post just now.Good idea perhaps,to make him totally confused!! I am sure he didn`t understand the meaning of what you told him.In addition to that,you got a chance to feel proud of your self.1-0 to you. Perhaps he has some kind of answer if you meet again and can even the score...
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  13. OK,ok,some of you have had the luck never to been demanded to give a bribe to a cop I can not dispute that.But do not jump to the conclusion that others haven`t or that everybody who has to pay is a person,who doesn`t follow the rules!! Just a couple of days ago I was stopped with my new car.The cop did not accuse me of anything,didn`t even ask to see my DL or anything else.What he did was to put his hand inside the car and demanded 100 baht..!Happened many times in my 20 years here,so do not give us the crap,that the polis in Thailand is just looking for the bad guys.They ARE the bad guys!! Rotten to the core,corrupted inside out,from top to bottom and back.Actually this was stated not long ago in a survey done to check state agencis and such,where they took the top spot.Of course,it was not formulated the way I did it.Add to this,that they themselves do not care about traffic rules when they drive,Or any other rules for that matter...My view on how to handle this is,I do not accept it,but I have to live with it...Take the bad with the good in this country. You know,"what you can not change.."

    Okay, so a cop flags you down, cannot find any traffic violation and asks for 100 Baht.

    Why do you give him the money?

    First;he did not search for any violation,as i think is evident from my post.He did not bother even to try to mask what he was after.Secondly; I did not say,whether I actually gave him the money or not.Third; To judge from the many posts you have written,I have to belive that you have lived here a long time,Therefor it surprises me,that you obviously haven`t heard of what can happen if you ignore a cop,who perhaps has waken up on the wrong side that day.Perhaps he happens to find a bag with ya ba in your lap...Or takes out the handcufs and dangle with them in your face (happened to me)Or even worse,he has to shoot you,since you tried to grab his gun...Of course,I could tell myself,that things like that only happens to others,nobody would dare to do it to me.. I really hope,that your bravery will not be something you will never have a chance to demonstrate here on TV again !
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  14. Hallo glegolo! See my post (11),where I already told you,and others,that it might not be that easy! Happy though to hear,that some amphur have people who can understand English.Do you think I can use them also,although I do not live in your area? Still,my "jangwat" is Chayaphum,so perhaps?? Would save me a trip to Pattaya!Bye the way,allt väl?

  15. As lopburi3 says,many times difficult to have officials put their name/stamps on something.Tried it in my area..They wanted a written translation,my life story and one week to study the whole thing.... Another thing,those forms have to be the originals and are send out at a certain time of year;nothing to do with your birthday. Could be different rules in different countrys though.

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