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Posts posted by chrgrims

  1. it looks like jon is right, the dish is directed to asiasat 3. Today the installation guy is coming to redirect it 78,5e.

    I have looked into receivers and i might buy this dreambox


    its not too complicated, and it can use the viaccess card, i think. later i might get a second dish and a second receiver with HD.

    i think the dish we have now a dynasat dish (whatever that means), and its of the non-solid kind.

    I am also trying to find a forum that is dedicated to thai sat tv, where i can read up on some basic technology.

  2. Backgroud:

    UBC is expensive. TV via satellite dish is cheap. My old man wants nordic channels when he visits (i do too, but i like to use him as an excuse). These channels are not available on cable systems. Our internet is not fast and there are no ISP's in this area that provide a fast reliable internet that is good for streaming tv.

    So, with this our adventure into the satellite tv world has begun. I say adventure, because the marked in this area is filled with different dishes, receivers, decoders and other technologies.

    Goal: Get a lot of european and asian channels cheap. Get some nordic channels (i think my dad would pay me 1 million baht if i can get Norwegian TV here :) ). At this point the latter seems unlikely to happen, as no systems or satellites that i know of have Norweigan channels. But a swedish channel called SVT world is on the thaicom 5 satellite, and is possible to get.

    An investment is necessary in the beginning, but the cost over the years will be very low compared to UBC. We want an easy system that the kids can use. This means we might get several dishes pointing in different directions so that we can avoid a big motorized dish (the satellites for the asian and european channels are not in the same area of the sky).

    Progress so far:

    Our first stop was the local store in Petchabun. He adviced to get a 180cm dish, to be able to get the thaicom 5 satellite. The receiver is from Samart, dsr-111 is the model name. I am not sure what the brand of the dish is, but i will find out and post an update. The diameter is 180cm. The technology is DVB, digital video broadcasting. Right now i am getting very good picture quality, but the channel selection is bad. Bloomberg, french tv5 and DW are the most interesting channels. But it looks like the system can get all the thaicom 2-5 satellites, and the channel list has a lot of goodies (currently scrambled) like eurosport. But no nordic channels. Cost for this system, including installation, was 5000 baht.

    The next step is to find out how i can unlock the scrambled channels (eurosport etc) and find out what i need to get the nordic channels. i have located several distributors of the card that is necessary to get the SVT world channel. but i dont know (yet) what receiver i need, one works with this dish.

    Further down the road i will look into HD satellite broadcasting. i have a samsung 42" plasma, 720p resolution, so i will try to find good channels for this resolution.

    I will post updates as this project develops, and i certainly appreciate any advice on the way.

  3. are you talking about kan in korat? there are a few very nice farang restaurants in korat. dont remember the names right now, but let me know, and i can find them.

    on another note, i also appreciate quality western food, but i would advice to not try to find a french 3 star michelin restaurant here. it will just lead to disappointment. bangkok yes, central thailand no.

    i really miss good bread too. i dont really know where to get it :)

    take care, chr

  4. any tips on preventing algea/fungus is welcome! remember, its a pool with an swg, so we will have salt on the deck around. will probably put some manually too, because we got advice that salt can keep plants away.

    I dunno about here in Thailand chrgrims, there are some good products on the market, you probably need to have a look at homepro or something like that. You only need to be careful with what cleaner you use around the pool, to keep it hosing away from the pool so the substance doesnt end up in the water. I use to use a good product back home, but its name escapes me for now....I will post when or if I remember.

    A good pressure cleaner probably wouldnt go astray.

    yes, seems like good advice. Today we put salt on the deck around the pool to prevent plants from growing up around the stones. I will let you know if this does the trick.

    also, we just made a shower of the si la laeng, it looks awesome, picture below.

    on another note, i am very happy with this pool, its really been a great experience thus far. yes, tiles and thick concrete is more expensive. But it brings stability, longevity and low cost long term.


  5. Its on this morning, but seems slow, and many sites will not load.

    I understand about maintenance, but they should have a way of notifying users.

    Most companies manage to do maintenance during the night when few users are on, noit starting in the middle of the working day.

    same for me. something is wrong, cant be maintenance/upgrade taking this long.

  6. it died here too. back on now. not sure how this can be a "too many subscribers failure". the system use radio signals to the local towers, so it would have to be a central line that is too small...maybe some of the more tech savvy guys can fill us in. in the meantime i will believe its maintenance.

  7. thats great news about the immigration office. fortunately i am not due another visit until spring, but its still great to not get that long drive.

    I have never been to battle horse, i dont play golf. but if there is a cafe or bar there i am certainly up for a lunch or something. Have you guys checked out the baan pee restaurant that have huge prawns and is situated close to a small lake? that must be the most charming place to eat in whole petchabun.

    btw, when u go to this new farang food shop, dont expect too much. they dont have that much, but what they have is nice. And its not overpriced (i was half suspecting it to be highly overpriced).

  8. Hi,

    I want Norwegian tv channels here in petchabun. Can someone help me with finding the right solution? i guess i need to buy a big dish?

    Getting them on the net isnt really an option, because our net is CAT cdma. its nice, but not big enough for tv. TOT might have a big enough connection but they drop out very often here, especially in the most important time for tv, the weekend. as far as i know, there are not other ISP's here.

    thanks in advance,


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