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Posts posted by chrgrims

  1. Hi,

    I wonder about other peoples experience with itunes and lossless file formats. I dont want to have my collection in mp3 or aac, so i am trying to find the best way to use .wav for similar files with itunes. When i tried to use wave the first time, itunes did not want to add the files to the library. i have read some solutions for flac, but its not convenient (loading other programs etc).

    Do others have any ideas?

  2.  yes, i agree about your points. We are going to cha-am tomorrow, and then to bkk on saturday. plan is to go to mr balance in pantip. on this trip i am mostly interested in listening to different systems. if i buy something it will be speakers (i have an amp i can use until i buy something better later). an amp or receiver is easy to buy later. i have never been to pantip before. is it close to where the red shirts are now?

    also, i will bring my external hd with music (wave format and some flac). if someone wants to swap music, send me a PM (all styles including classical, jazz and electronica). i am not interested in MP3 though. i will probably stay in bkk 1 night, but not completely sure right now.

  3. i was planning to buy a conventional oven, but saw this thing. i dont live in a big city, so dont see the selection very often. fortunately i have mobile net and could check up a bit.

    the sharp healsio doesnt seem to be much sold in the west, but is popular in japan. a Japanese governmental agency voted it one of the 100 most innovative products for japan, dont remember what year, but not long ago.

    i am sad to see a subforum turning into what looks like the general forum: silly comments like use google and comments not related to the subject at hand. often it boils down to a disrespect for the person one is communicating with, or to be more precise: the person one thinks one communicates with. thanks to those who didnt fall into that trap though.

  4. Yes, i understand your perspective (as we have touched on in another thread).

    I do listen to all kinds of music, but the majority is not extreme hi-end productions. My plan is to have a tv on the porch. so, then the question is if i want 5.1 there or not. my plan now is yes, i will make it 5.1 there, over time. This will be the center for the family, for movies and sound. its the most comfortable place in the house, both because its close to the pool, but also because the porch is partly in shade in the afternoon, which makes it the place with the best temperature.

    I might add a listening room later, with only 2 channels, but this place will be 5.1.

    btw, i sent you a PM some time ago, in case you havent seen it.

  5. right now i have set my mind on the yamaha rx-v3900 av-receiver. I have always liked yamaha, and i used their keyboards and dsp's a lot when i made music. one thing i wonder about is upscaling to 1080. Does it look good? pretty amazing that the dsp can do that real time.

    onkyo also has some nice receivers, but they are known to get hot. so forget about onkyo receivers in thailand IMO. Denon has some nice ones too, so if anyone has some specific advice on those models, i am listening.

    those infinity speakers sound interesting, how much?

    that denon cd player looks really slick, thanks for the link.

  6. am guessing that your plasma is a 720p, and that you cant watch hd.

    Of course he can watch HD on a 720p screen, not the top of the range, but it will work.

    1080i or p will be better.

    If you can tell us the make/model number of the TV we can probably help you.

    his question was regarding truevision hd. this is a 1080 signal. so, he cant watch that with a 720 tv.

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