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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. Based on retirement is the easiest by far.
  2. No regulations is no regulation.
  3. The far right seem to have many contradictions I can't explain: Pro life but love guns --> mass shooting not gun problem but mental health --> cut mental health care fundings Hate EV"s and love Elon Musk Power should be a State level --> want Federal abortion ban I'm sure when thinking about this I can come up with more, the left are communist but also fascists for example. And then this Christian obsession. You see the main 2 fractions in Christianity, Catholic and Protestant don't really get along do they? Take a look at the long history of terrible violence in Northern Ireland.
  4. Maybe you're to young to remember 2008 China?
  5. He is good at taking credit others have done. That's about it.
  6. Yeah I know Thailand is in chaos.
  7. Quote is from wiki and fits. Pls. tell me what's not. Have you even bother to read the thing?
  8. Leninism (Russian: Ленинизм, Leninizm) is a political ideology developed by Russian Marxist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin that proposes the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat led by a revolutionary vanguard party as the political prelude to the establishment of communism. More or less Project 2025 instead of the democratic platform
  9. Aux contraire, not at al. Just don't like the condescending tone in the remarks about a typo. He knew what was meant but needed to have some "fun" with his post. That's all. Also I edited my post because I did not realize the deleted word was a "forbidden" one.
  10. Some people with half a brain might deduct a typo. BTW feel better now that you tried to be smart?
  11. Disney argues wrongful death suit should be tossed because plaintiff signed up for Disney+ trial | AP News
  12. Can swing but not receive, just like their cult leader. Schoolyard bullies is all they are.
  13. See how easy MAGA can be bought and how despicable they are !
  14. Why would I read anything @riclag posts? Its just pure misinformation by the Kremlin's playbook.
  15. Suzyyyyyyyy, don't you miss me? Why did you block me? I thought you really like me, love ya xxx
  16. Having AI do your bidding does not make your case any stronger. In fact it makes you look like what you are; a troll
  17. Dont know a thing about war, the military and such but didn't this guy who had his merchant army do the same and basically made it to Moscow?
  18. Feeling uncomfortable comrade?
  19. How can they not be, in your eyes? Let's be clear you have no vision, no job, no live, no love, no house, no money, no education, no humour, no partner, no friends (not even pets), no brain, no looks! In short you're a nobody!
  20. @riclag Is posting his ? ( so many) unproven propaganda without even reading the links he provides. He just ask AI gimme some links to prove my point and then he throws them on the forum. Sometimes he just copy/past without changing the letter type or fond. So please people why are we even here responding to this agonizer? He's just trolling like all his mates do. Notice that at times they make a mistake in showing (just a little bit) a whim of how they live and when you corner them they stop responding to your posts. Or when asked for real facts they/he/she will do their best to change the topic, along with their troll friends. Stop giving them oxygen, let them be and stew in their own hate for a normal society. So I'm signing of on this and I hope some of you will do the same thing. If we all do they will post among themselves for a while and soon after disappear.
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