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Posts posted by bubblegum

  1. At first jaksat service is good, but give it time and then service drops off. They picked up a box of mine at least a year ago and it has never been returned,and in fact I saw the principal 3 weeks ago and advised him of this and all I got was, "I'll ask my staff". Repeated messages have gone unanswered and the dreambox is still MIA. I would have saved a ton of dough if I would have just gone with UBC years ago

    Called them (Jaksat) and HD Rider's contact last week. Jaksat giuy told me he was in Krabi so could not give any information now ??, but send an email and I'll get back to you. I sent an email but they never got back to me. Mel, the other guy, was quick and informative, so easy choice.

    So who is Mel?

  2. IMO you come across as being envious of a guy who's making a good earn doing a specialist job. I could be wrong, but why all the venom toward someone who seems to be doing a good job.

    You couldn't be more wrong. I am retired. I have nothing to be envious of in respect of anyone who is still working as I have more money in the bank than I could ever spend.

    Anyone looking at my posts would know that the same venom is regularly directed at all rip-offs, both inside and outside Thailand. I dont like rip-off merchants and crooks. That's all.

    Oh, and I did the same job for umpteen years and I know that it requires no particular skill, just some experience and knowledge that anyone could acquire should they wish to.

    To charge European rates for a job done in Thailand is simply a rip-off, as costs are so much lower here. As mentioned by others, PC shops here will do the task for a for hundred Baht, which would be correct. As in Europe, some of them work well, some dont, but the good ones are there for anyone who cares to look.

    The comment about doing it twice a year or charging extra indicate clearly to anyone with a minimum of relevant knowledge that the chap is milking it.

    But, as I said, if the Phuket pigeons are happy being plucked then that's not my problem. I have cast a little light on a murky practice and that is enough.

    So you have more money in the bank than you can spend... let me see 50-- euro for cleaning a PC, Working day in Europe 8 hours, traveling in between makes it a maximum of 5 computers per day. 20 days a month times 250- euro is a income of 5.000-- euro a month before taxes an costs. Hmmmm you don't spend a lot do you?

    You also mentioned that costs are so much lower here, what costs??? It is mostly time/labour, no expencive tools needed.

    Back in the eighty's a costumer once asked me to specify an invoice of mine. I charged him 1.000-- for fixing his network, was done in 5 minutes.

    The specifecation of the invoice was 5 dollars labour and 995-- dollars for knowing how to fix your problem.

    I guess I'm a scam artist.

  3. Every time i post a lot of words get underlined like my spalling is off. Like in Word.But the words "if" an "it" get the same treatment, is my English so far off after all these years or are you off?I'm very sure that "very sure that" is spelled correctly???But it is underlined???

  4. Interesting read this is. Learned a lot.

    I have been in real estate myself for thirty odd years, even have a Masters decree (yes such a thing actually exists) and have decided NOT to get involved at all in Phuket real estate.

    It is a bit too much Wild Wild West, not my cup of thee.

    I'm very happy renting for an absurt low price.

    Have to agree (partly) with HD. See your 30 year lease as rent paid up front and you'll be allright. The comment about rental prices going up I do not agree with, well at least not in the short term. As there is so much on offer I do not see a price influx coming soon. I'm paying the same rent as I did 4 years ago and so are my neighbours, the landlord is just happy to have us paying our rent month on month in time.

  5. A couple of years ago a man helped me fix my leg by healing massage. At the time I could not bend my knee anymore. The massage hurt like hell but it was woth it. At the time he was situated on the road opposite Nikita's (were SP supermarket is) but he's gone. Anybody know where he went or some other real good place? In a earlier threat I read something about a Canadian man with a shop called Tranquilaty or something, he is/was supposed to be at Sai Yuan but I have not found him.

    I've got the same problem with my leg again, hurts from the bottem to the ankle.

  6. Put it another way...if somebody ended up going home after say 15-20 years living in bkk they would naturally be asked by folk back home, who may look up to this individual as someone who is well travelled and adventurous....'so John, where have you been in Asia over the last 18 years, what is it like?' 'Erh, I only wen to Bangkok'

    I couldn't imagine going home after all those years and meeting people who have visited more parts of Thailand and Asia than you have whilst on their holidays. IMO that would be very embarrassing and make the individual concerned look extremely ignorant.

    I think that type of individual would feel very ignorant and know that he has largely wasted his 18 years in Asia by just stagnating in Bangkok drinking his liver away.

    The main reason for this of course is quite simply laziness and being a tight wad.

    Some people have +something while others have _. It is about their eyesight.

    So some look at a place through a microscope and other take the big vieuw.

    What is better?

  7. I'm not as positive as the others. Lets look at your budget; When you have no work you have 39.000-- bath.

    Housing (incl. TV, electric, water, internet) would be at least 10.000-- a month. Transportation about 4.000,-- (bike rent, gazoline) at least.

    Leaves you with 25.000-- a month or just over 800-- per day.

    I guess one could manage but don't smoke or drink too much.

  8. Have you heard about what happened in Chiang Mai recently? Immigration police arrested lots of musicians

    Yeah for playing in bars and getting paid for it, not because they jamed in a private room now. Did they?

  9. Which ones are the 2 "winners" from your point of view??

    The site by Siam Real Estate and the on by Welda (or something like that) give ample info for a first impression.

  10. Been sick and stuck at home my boredom drew me to the internet. Before I retired I owned a real estate compagny for over 20 years, thank god this was before internet !

    Looking at site found by googling "phuket long term rentals" I was utterly amazed how bad 90 % of these sites function. Barely readable letters, faulty search machines, even a site that does not even list most of the prices!

    For the last 5 years I've been amazed by the lack of knowlegde of real estate matters by these "agents" but the fact that they can not put up a half decent website leaves me utterly flabbergasted.

    To be onest , I found (only) 2 good sites .

    O.K. back to bed.

  11. Deep Bar is the blue bar jap.gif

    Freebird bar full of Thais now & up for sale @ 3.2 mill Baht

    The original Freebird bar is not 'full of Thais', it's the regular haunt of many ex-pats of various nationalities. Always a good night there.

    The New Freebird is next door, has live music most nights (Thai band) and has a mix of Thai and farang punters. This is the one that's up for sale.

    It was a regular from the bar that told me & I also saw it advertised, but from memory I cannot remember the particular details of which bar -It just said Freebird bar.

    I apologise if I gave wrong info, but Rawai rumours I suppose jap.gif

    It's true, FreeBird original is only the outside bar with the massage and pool table area. Next door is "FreeBird ïnside" and the Freebird restaurant. Used to be and mexican? eathouse.

    As advertised, the "Inside freeBird and Restaurant are for sale.

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