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Posts posted by bubblegum

  1. Anything by Umberto Eco is a grat read. So are the books by John Irving and Wilburn Smith. Not your typical crime/ investegation stuff but a change in style might be to your liking.

  2. I like cooking Indonesian food and have been ordering herbs an so on from abroad a lot. Recently I found many thing avalable in Thailand, even a form of Ketjap Manis (sweet soy). It is sold at Tesco Lotus under the brand name "Nguan Chiang", a bottle with a orange/yellow lable with the logo of a steamship.

    What I still haven't found is ketoembar, grounded coriander seeds, anyone seen this spice?

  3. Wondering why you closed the topic about love aid for Japan. As a mod you can delete posts that do name calling so no harm is done?

    I for one would like some clarifications on the whole love aid thing. It was cancelled or posponed? Is their going to be a concerd or not?

    Where people cashing in on it (illegal)?

    I'm sorry to say that as a mod you seem to take sides where you should not, I hope I'm wrong about this.

  4. Shoarma herbs they use in Holland:

    2 table spoons yellow curry

    2 table spoons spicy paprika powder

    1 table spoon chinnamon

    1 thee spoon black pepper

    1/2 thee spoon nutmeg

    1/2 thee spoon cloves

    little salt

    Hot sauce is basically peppers and salt

    Garlic sauce:





    bit of yogurt

  5. Why do you people allways have to get "it on" with each other. Forget your pointles arguments, the nitty gritty posting reading and give information ! Thats all the OP is asking. NOT how your cashflow is like or whatever you feel is a CC secured or insecured.

    Just give the details and stick to that for once !!!!

  6. The owner of the "3 monkey bar" who also works for a diving compagny is collecting this for the people who are badly affected by the floodings.

    From what I heard it is the diving compagny doing the actual collection. They have been asked to do this since afther the tjunami they did a similair thing with success.

    Sorry I don't know all the details but what I know is that you can clean out your closets and bring your stuff to the 3 monkey bar. They are on Wiset Road, coming from Chalong past the shell museum, past the 7/11, on your left hand. Opposite from the car wash.

    Pardon my English.

  7. It is ONLY the "notaris" who deals with the inheretance AND the tax office. Call any notary office in the town the deciesed lived and they will be able to tell you which notaris is doing the work. He will know the decieced was married since it is his job to find any spouses.

    The notaris will pay the tax office and whatever sum is left will go to the widower.

  8. Renewed friendship, a pleasant surprise and drama.

    Nai Harn lake is usually out of my normal route but last Saturday I decided to have a look at the bikes on the island. Before going in and drinking on an empty stomach I poped in at "Los Amigo's". It must have been more than a year since my last visit and I'm not a Mexican cuisine lover. I did remember that last time the food was good and to my delight so it was this time around. I find it a good thing when restaurants keep the standard year in year out so thank you "Los Amigo's".

    A pleasant surprise came the other night at "Siam Cottage". I have been looking for a replacement of "Kitchen Grill" ever since it was sold and now it isn't even open at all. "Siam Cottage" gives you honest simple food for a very fair price. The kitchen is clean and the chef did an amazing job with the Thai T-bone. As you all know, a Thai T-bone is cut way to thin and to actually grill it medium rare is a task beyond the capacity of most cooks. This one was perfect. Whilst checking the kitchen I saw a pork chop being prepared for another guest and this will be my next order. T-bone and a glass of red wine under 500 bath. "Siam Cottage" is near the Muah Thai gym one the connecting road between Viset and Sai Juan.

    Drama I would call the restaurant on Sai Juan but the owners call it "Le Bistro". A fancy menu all in French promised jummy jummy and the price tag was accordingly. Was a load of rubbish ! Mash potato prepared with water ? Cold tuty fruty of veggies and a piece of lamb tougher than the sole of my boots.

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