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josephbloggs last won the day on February 7 2018

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  1. So he did erroneously think Spain is a BRICS member then. Or have you convinced yourself he didn't even though he says it and then condescendingly talks down to the reporter.
  2. Yes, he was also in mental decline. Like I said before America is one hell of a screwed up country. A laughing stock to the rest of the world.
  3. I agree with criticism of Lammy. But only because he is now being a sycophant (for the sake of our position as the lapdog). He got it right the first time and should have stuck to it.
  4. The link is not good enough because it doesn't show the same meaning as what was claimed. Not even close, not by a million miles. Try harder. (It doesn't matter how hard you try, you know and I know there is no videos of her admitting to deliberately undermanning the capitol so that morons would riot and invade it as that is the "result" she wanted, the "result" she needed)
  5. Trump never forgets. Are you for real? Everyone knows his memory is in decline and has been for a long time.
  6. Sorry pal, maybe you didn't read the thread. The poster said she admitted to "deliberately under manning the capitol security that day, to get the exact result that they got. She wanted it to happen. She needed it to happen." Still waiting for that video. The one you shared in no way supports that ridiculous claim.
  7. So can anyone share the link of this confession? And should I start calling you random names of other posters too? Would that be fun?
  8. You make a claim. You are supposed to back it up. Don't tell me to go looking on conspiracy websites for it. You said there is a video where she confesses to it. Post it. Simple. One little link would shut down the argument, no?
  9. Ok. You just forgot to post a link to this confession. Got it.
  10. Wow, just wow. So it was all a conspiracy theory to make the morons riot and invade the Capitol. And to think there are people who actually believe that and that they walk amongst us. Scary.
  11. America is one hell of a screwed up country.
  12. Nobody calls people who want an end to murderous terrorism "far right". The far right get called "far right". I am considered to the left but guess what, I would like an end to murderous terrorism too! Just another of your dreamt up fantasies to stroke your imagined grievance.
  13. Brilliant commentary, spot on. Would love to hear what some of his supporters on here think. See if they can respond without using the words "woke" or "lefty".

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