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  1. Most alcoholics probably started with a glass of shandy. Ban shandy! Some of them had a glass of cider first. Ban cider!! Damn gateway drinks....
  2. Never been a fan of Mandelson but you can't argue that what he said is wrong in any way. The UK has been America's nodding little lapdog for too long so it's nice we now have a leader who won't just roll over to have his tummy tickled.
  3. Most Thais don't. But yeah, just greed. Yawn. If you mean commercially, it is common everywhere. Indonesia, UAE, Christmas is all the rage in the department stores. Damn Indonesian and UAE greed....
  4. Fair enough. I look forward to his return. (Never thought I'd say that)
  5. Sigh. My point was that the posters such as @JonnyF who have refused to participate in this thread (wonder why?) have polluted numerous threads saying these people are not being charged because they are Muslim/brown and "two tier Kier" blah blah blah whilst white Southport rioters were charged. Apples and oranges. It was explained to them many times that the case was under investigation and was complicated by the fact there were complaints against the police of excessive force as there is CCTV of an officer stamping on one of the offenders heads. The fact is the investigation is now complete, the police have been cleared and charges have been filed against the Muslim people which @JonnyF and others said would never happen because the police force and UK justice is biased against white people. I'm sure they'll be along soon to apologise and acknowledge they were wrong. Any minute.
  6. Really, you're offended by it? I am just saying what the people who make these claims are too scared to say - they use dehumanising terms like "immigrants" when we all know they mean "brown people" as white immigrants don't seem to bother them. I also find it amusing that the right wing are so easily triggered by hurty words.
  7. Ok, so you completely missed my main point - instead nitpicking over nomenclature. Never mind, I can't be bothered.
  8. And reported in the main stream media (which was, supposedly, biased and told not to report bad stuff from brown people). Did you have a point?
  9. Ah, so the investigation is complete (made more difficult because of the complaints over the police use of force when one of them stamped on the head of one of the accused) and now charges are being pressed and the police complaint dismissed. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c627e37v21eo Pretty much that is how the justice system works and is supposed to work, all good. Where's @JonnyF??
  10. Fair enough it is beneath the dash but from the picture is looks like right next to the pedals so not somewhere I want an exposed bolt. Having said that I had never looked down there on any car I have owned, maybe I will check tomorrow beneath the floor mats - maybe it is common.
  11. I'm a big BYD fan and when I get round to changing my car I'll probably go for a BYD, but I think saying just get an acorn nut is not the right answer. No car should have protruding bolts so close to your feet - BYD need to do better. They should be installing the nuts, not the customer.
  12. Hilarious. Must have taken you ages to come up with that.
  13. I have better things to do than argue about nothing for absolutely no reason. Bye bye.
  14. What the Hell are you talking about and why the attack? Why would I lie about something so trivial?? The article I shared was for the route and was correct at the time of publishing nearly 12 freaking years ago! Thailand was confirmed to have a slot on the 2015 calendar by Bernie Ecclestone himself. Good enough for you? What is your problem exactly? https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Global/Issues/2012/12/20/Events-and-Attractions/Bangkok-GP.aspx And if anyone is interested this was the approved circuit on Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?msa=0&mid=1l7qC8cFD0dMJz_7wp4uyUiFLVrc&ll=13.755163157151644%2C100.497163&z=15

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