"Faceless bureaucrats" - top marks for the meaningless cliche.
They were not "stupid rules" and they were not made without our approval, we could block any rule we liked. The whole myth about bendy bananas was just nonsense drummed up by the Daily Mail. The rule was merely a grading system for quality of bananas so you knew if you were getting grade 1, 2, or 3 when you ordered as a wholesaler. What is the problem with that? Should anyone be allowed to sell low quality produce as top priced Class A merchandise? Shouldn't we have grading systems for quality of fresh produce? Why are you against consumer protection? Bananas of all shapes and sizes were free to be sold and traded anywhere in the EU.
Likewise the whole Daily Mail "they are telling us how powerful our vacuum cleaners can be" outrage. This was about electricity consumption and making consumer goods more efficient, and the vacuum cleaner manufacturers were in favour. Similar legislation made our fridges and freezers 30% more energy efficient. Again, what is wrong with that?
It seems anti EU people jump on any single issue raised by the Daily Mail without doing a jot of research to see if there is any truth to it. And then they throw in "EU dictat" or "faceless bureaucrats" to make themselves feel better.
Try harder.