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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Don't introduce logic and thought - the Daily Mail said bendy bananas are banned so it must be so!! Damn faceless EU bureaucrats! Again I would urge anyone to Google "Stewart Lee Brexit" as he sums it up perfectly - including the bananas. He sees both sides. I could get in to trouble for posting the link as it contains some language. 4 minute clip, please Google it everyone.
  2. Ok then, that showed me! Well done.
  3. Imagine 0% means nothing has been built, and 100% means it is finished, then try and imagine what 5% means.
  4. "Faceless bureaucrats" - top marks for the meaningless cliche. They were not "stupid rules" and they were not made without our approval, we could block any rule we liked. The whole myth about bendy bananas was just nonsense drummed up by the Daily Mail. The rule was merely a grading system for quality of bananas so you knew if you were getting grade 1, 2, or 3 when you ordered as a wholesaler. What is the problem with that? Should anyone be allowed to sell low quality produce as top priced Class A merchandise? Shouldn't we have grading systems for quality of fresh produce? Why are you against consumer protection? Bananas of all shapes and sizes were free to be sold and traded anywhere in the EU. Likewise the whole Daily Mail "they are telling us how powerful our vacuum cleaners can be" outrage. This was about electricity consumption and making consumer goods more efficient, and the vacuum cleaner manufacturers were in favour. Similar legislation made our fridges and freezers 30% more energy efficient. Again, what is wrong with that? It seems anti EU people jump on any single issue raised by the Daily Mail without doing a jot of research to see if there is any truth to it. And then they throw in "EU dictat" or "faceless bureaucrats" to make themselves feel better. Try harder.
  5. Complete lie, nothing was going to waste. The banana rule was only a classification of grades of quality, nothing more. You Brexiteers certainly do like to make up nonsense to support your views. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/may/11/boris-johnson-launches-the-vote-leave-battlebus-in-cornwall
  6. True Visions #606.
  7. Not sure when the last time you went to the cinema but nobody stands for the anthem anymore (maybe 15% of people do). Times are changing....
  8. Bobby's Arms.
  9. Lucifer.
  10. That striker seems familiar - he definitely rings a bell.
  11. Oh, I am guessing you didn't watch the video then.
  12. Stewart Lee really summed up perfectly why you can't generalise about who voted which way as it was complex. I won't post the video here as there is some colourful language in it, but search YouTube for "Stewart Lee Brexit" and watch for yourself. He may be liberal leaning but he hits the nail on the head and I don't think either side can argue with his reasoning.
  13. So you can't then. The favourite refrain of Brexiteers when asked a logical question or to give a fact: "We won, get over it". Never answering the question...
  14. What are you talking about? What relevance does some obscure American case have from 100+ years ago? So this guys didn't rape anyone because of Crippen?? Pathetic efforts to defend a convicted rapist who fled justice. Really pathetic.
  15. Yawn. How about the odious champion of Brexit - Farage - saying that if they lose 52-48 there should be a second referendum. He changed his mind pretty quickly. Seems Brexiteers are not fond of democracy either (unless of course it goes in their favour). https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/nigel-farage-wants-second-referendum-7985017
  16. Eh?? Of course he had the opportunity to defend himself, that's what a court case is. However he decided to flee rather than attempt to defend himself in court. So you suggest people shouldn't be convicted if they flee?
  17. Wow, it's like Volkswagen Dieselgate scandal all over again. Except electric. And miniscule. MJCM will go down in history for this discovery!!
  18. I'm definitely going to go and have a look, it looks amazing. 800km range according to this article: https://www.licarco.com/hozon-neta-s I wonder how much it'll cost.
  19. I don't think any EV maker has claimed there are no fossil fuels used anywhere in the manufacture or transport, what a ridiculous thing to say. If there is a net reduction in fossil fuel burning overall with a switch to EVs then things are better. No one is saying it's an overnight switch to zero.
  20. Not being checked but often get asked. I was asked when checking in in Singapore on Friday if I was fully vaccinated. "Yes". They didn't ask to see proof. I have been asked this prior to most flights. So although it is not necessary to be vaccinated I always have my vaccination certificate with me just in case. You won't be asked on arrival. Masks are not required. On most flights I have been on it is 70-30 masked vs unmasked. But it is up to you. Likewise in the airport. No need for insurance. You will not be asked for it. Yes, although it is supposedly very busy as there are not enough taxis, so expect a queue. I haven't checked it myself as I always take the train. If you want piece of mind after a long flight book a car and have it waiting.
  21. I find this ridiculous. Someone got questioned by a female IO (probably because questions needed to be asked), so therefore avoid female IOs. My friend once got asked if he had an onwards journey booked by a male IO who wore glasses. So my advice to all of you is to avoid IOs that wear glasses.
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