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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 1 hour ago, Mark mark said:

    Some have noted that this is almost a Year old Story, ? ... But just breaking now ? .... Maybe it has been put in as a balance to the Total Callous and mental, Thai bastard that Just raped and killed the German Woman, .... like there are Bad Apples, in every barrel if you just wait around for them to surface ! ... ?

    Yes, the Sun newspaper in the UK decided to publish this recently to balance the rape and murder of the poor German woman.  Because the Sun wants to let us all know there are bad apples in every barrel.


    Do you realise how ridiculous that statement is?  Some people on this forum just love to see conspiracy theories everywhere, now matter how nonsensical.  

    • Like 2
  2. On 4/7/2019 at 1:19 AM, Bang Bang said:


    You and I are very alike. Or, at least we were till about a year ago. I moved from employment as an archivist at a well-known museum in Chicago to semi-retired existence in Bangkok a decade ago expressly for the city's culture, boundless greenery and, of course, warmer weather, immersing my days in galleries and bookstores with the occasional interlude of an hour's stroll in a city park, ending invariably in a snack of fruits from a street stall as not much else of the fare from the alfresco eateries appeals to my vegan leanings.


    Then, one afternoon late last year upended my life. I was sheltering under a tree in Lumpini Park from a sudden cloudburst when I found myself in the company of a tall and decidedly attractive woman similarly seeking refuge from the rain. The gusts squeezed us closer and closer causing, I am ashamed to say, myself to become sexually, rather than intellectually, aroused. I tried desperately to distract myself with recollecting della Griva's deranged ruminations from Umberto Eco's Island of the Day Before. But it was futile.


    As the storm subsided my companion, by then we had each other's names, wondered if she might not change into something drier at my place. Nearly shaking with unfamiliar desires I assented in a hoarse whisper. We were barely in my apartment a couple of sois away when she stripped off, as if with one pass of her hands, to reveal plump breasts unusual for a Thai woman, and even more unusually for any woman, a fully erect cock.


    I nearly fainted from shock, in fact, saving myself from falling by grasping a cabinet filled with my treasured collection of pre-Columbian artifacts, gathered through numerous peregrinations within Central America, almost toppling the priceless lot.


    I tried weakly to defend myself from this devilish half-woman as she threw me onto the divan, turned me over and had her way. I screamed and screamed, but again I am ashamed to say, in a low voice and from pleasure rather than distress.


    Since then my life has turned 180 degrees. I have not been inside a museum or a bookstore nor attended a play in the past year. I prowl the streets at night seeking out these tantalizing sexual hybrids, spending almost all of my meager monthly pension money to be with them, snatching what little shuteye I can manage during the day and eating out of the refrigerator at 7-11s.


    I pray as you search fresher pastures for stimulation that you do not encounter the fiendish lure of these sirens, for you might succumb as I did to their promise of mindless gratification. 



    Ha ha, possibly the best reply I have ever read here!  Well done sir.


    3 hours ago, DaRoadrunner said:

    The problem with telling a woman NOT to do something is that it just makes her more determined to do it!


    A friend said he thought of writing a book about this place but realized that no one would believe it.


    Guess she'll find out soon enough.

    How utterly patronising of you.  Not to mention chauvinistic.  Appalling.

  4. 6 hours ago, rascalman said:

    Just d no not or will not go until beef comes. Their loss. 

    Yep, I'm sure they're crying into their bank books about the loss.

  5. Quote


    Does anyone know of a decent car rental place in Bangkok?  Would like to rent an economy size car for a month or so?

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    I have always had good results renting with these guys:  https://www.thairentacar.com/index.php/en/


    Never done a long term rental though, only a few days at a time.   But cars are good, price is good, and you can collect from the airport or from their office on Petchburi Road.


    I am sure there are lots of other options, but there's one for you.  Ignore the negative morons who say you shouldn't even come here.  Come here and have a great time, but if you haven't driven in Bangkok before be aware it is not for the faint hearted at all.

  6. 20 hours ago, Thainess said:

    Why on earth would you want to rent a car in Bangkok? I can't think of any good reason except if you wanted to leave Bangkok, which would be an extremely good decision. It's a dirty, smelly hole!

    That's really helpful.  Now run along and play somewhere else.

    • Like 2
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  7. 23 minutes ago, Artisi said:

    But it's ok, face isn't the governing concern for most foreigners. 

    Really?  It certainly seems like it's a big deal for you as you constantly need to point out how it was the foreigners who did everything, foreigners are better than Thais, nothing can happen without the foreigners etc etc.  Make sure the foreigners are credited with everything, but yeah, foreigners don't need face.  Yawn.

  8. 1 hour ago, Mainhattencitizen said:

    The Thais are still having problems with the fact that without the foreign help these kids would have never been rescued.

    No they are not, not at all.  The foreign help was widely referenced, widely lauded, they were given gifts, praise and all due credit.


    But you go ahead and enjoy life in your little dream world where none of the above happened.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 8 hours ago, FarangDoingHisThing69 said:

    T3. Women who decide that a short skirt, being irresponsibly drunk, and getting involved with random males is a good way for self preservation. Especially for an alone female. Like people who don’t check what Uber driver they were paired with, then get exploited by the person who obviously has bad intentions.

    This thread is depressing.


    But anyway, I'll bite.  Enlighten me, if it the fault of the victim if they get "exploited" by an Uber driver - raped?  Cheated? - what are these magical checks you can do?  Is there a rape rating that I've missed?

  10. 8 hours ago, fforest1 said:

    Well taco bell still has no beans at all... Zero...


    And I guess they will have beef burritos for at least 3 months....After that maybe no more beef?........


    There is also a doctorate. Exclusive "Beefy Cheesy Burrito" menu, which offers a special menu only for 3 months at the Siam Paragon Taco Bell branch. (From 4 April to 30 June this year)



    Man after months of being slamed with a zillion posts asking for beans and beef they just do not get it.......

    And people say Americans don't travel well.

    • Haha 1
  11. On 3/31/2019 at 1:18 PM, quadperfect said:

    This story pretty much sums up everything one needs to know about thailand.


    Yes, a woman stole a phone - that sums everything up about Thailand doesn't it.  


    Last week I was in the delightful coastal city of Pattaya and left my phone in a bar, only realising the next day.  I retraced my steps and got it back - someone at the bar found it and locked it away in the hope I would come back.  That pretty much sums up everything one needs to know about Thailand.


    (And it was a bar I'd never been to in my life - they didn't know me)

  12. 1 minute ago, ExpatDraco said:
    7 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:
    No particular reason (it is nothing mysterious) but I don't really want to put such personal information on here - it is not relevant to the thread.  Hope you understand.  

    The experience of the digital system has been the same for all our employees who've used it, regardless of job title or position.

    No worries, I just was curious in what field you or your company was operating. ????

    Ok, no problem, we are in the field of Post Production and Visual Effects - I don't mind saying that.  ????

    • Like 1
  13. 55 minutes ago, ExpatDraco said:
    2 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    So, what's the job? ????

    No particular reason (it is nothing mysterious) but I don't really want to put such personal information on here - it is not relevant to the thread.  Hope you understand.  

    The experience of the digital system has been the same for all our employees who've used it, regardless of job title or position.

  14. I should note also that all the submissions, supporting documents etc were all submitted online through the Single Window.  We never had to meet an officer or take a stack of paperwork anywhere (although there were still quite a lot of documents needed).


    During my time off working here I was working in Singapore.  I thought their process to get an Employment Pass was pretty slick, but this was just as good and much quicker.  In Singapore though once you get your employment pass (a credit card sized thing) you are automatically enrolled for the auto gates at Changi.  So still room for improvement on that front here, but a massive leap forward nonetheless.

    • Like 1
  15. 21 minutes ago, blackcab said:

    This is great stuff, and a step in the right direction. What I want to know is how is the rest of Thailand going to catch up? What happens when you want to:


    Open a bank account

    Apply for a driving license

    Get a postpaid mobile phone contract

    Access the services of a government department who require a copy of your work permit


    How do any of these people who always ask for a copy of your work permit deal with it? Do they expect you to photocopy your phone, or can you download a pdf of the work permit?


    If anyone has any experience of this, please let us know.

    Yeah, one step at a time for Thailand, but a great start.  I already have a bank account, a driving license, and a post paid mobile phone so can't answer that.  But from the single window (web portal that combines BOI, immigration, and DoE) you can download a PDF of the digital WP.  Not sure whether showing your phone would work, but it's easy to get a pdf.  The PDF also has a QR code on it so maybe banks etc can scan that code.


    I think this only applies to BOI companies at the moment but no doubt it will eventually permeate to everyone.

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