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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 17 hours ago, scoutman360 said:

    There is a pizza joint on Suk Soi 8, first sub soi on the right, getting rave reviews. But finding true Chicago style will be a challenge. Pizza in Thailand is more about looking pretty rather than a buffet of meat and cheese in your mouth. I am a Roundtable fan, myself. Buckets of cheese please.

    Pizza Mania is very good though. Worth ordering from. 

    • Like 1
  2. 21 hours ago, elzach said:

    No offense, but "never been scammed" is a big statement. Either a) you've been "scammed" wittingly (i.e. willingly paying "farang" prices etc.) and gave up thinking about it or b) you haven't realized yet that pretty much everything you spend money on (except your grocery shopping and restaurants) is over what a Thai would pay for the exact same thing (from rent to your bike to a used laptop).


    I think the other poster is comparing Thailand with Japan, and of course that is an "unfortunate" comparison, given that no country in Asia can compare with Japan.

    I totally disagree.  Dual pricing at national parks irks me but it's not a big deal.  


    And I don't know what happens to you but I pay the same as a Thai in 95% of situations, without a shadow of a doubt. Yes, tourists will be charged more than a Thai in places like Patpong for a fake bag because they don't know the value, those sellers are very canny, and that is the nature of commerce - the value of an item is what someone is willing to pay for it.  No different to a street stall in London.  I guarantee you if I go to that same market and negotiate in Thai, I will always get it for the same, or less, than my wife would be able to.

  3. 21 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

    Well I spend about 4 years in Thailand I got broken in to twice had my accommodation burned down got bitten by soi dogs so I am just unlucky then, I lived in Australia for 45 years and never had any problems 

    Well yeah, that's unlucky.  I have lived in several houses and never been broken it to (although I know people that have).  Soi dogs are an issue, undoubtedly, I wish Thailand could deal with that problem.


    I just don't have a negative attitude about me and don't encounter the constant "scams" that some people on here think are all around them.  If you go around thinking everyone is out to get you and thinking every Thai is a greedy crook who hates you then it's no surprise that you don't feel accepted.  (Not "you" as in you personally, just several people in this thread and others).


    Why did someone burn your accommodation down?

  4. 29 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    Well surely you went through with her didnt you ?

    I have always gone through the Thai gate with the wife, stay together (as we were instructed along time ago)

    How does that work with the auto gates?  Pretty sure there are no manned Thai gates any more.

  5. 2 hours ago, luk AJ said:

    Terminal 2 building?? The steel construction is already erected. It looks like a copy of terminal1.
    Maybe the article refers to Terminal 3?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    No, that's a satellite concourse connected by an underground people mover to the main terminal - it is not a new terminal in its own right.

    The article is about terminal 2 which would be a whole new terminal with its own separate entrance, check-in, immigration etc.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Ramdas said:

    You’re either new to Thailand or just being naive..Luckily there are plenty of news and forums in Thai visa to educate yourself on Thai people’s behaviour towards foreigners.

    They commit crimes on a daily basis such as killing people whether on roads accidents armed with knives or guns and in the sea and always getting away with it since their police let them do whatever they want including ripping people of and misleading similarly to this episode, I really feel sorry for that Japanese woman since Japan is the opposite of this lawless biased country.

    You will soon find out !


    Thanks for your insight.  Been here nearly 24 years thank you and I have never been scammed by a Thai, never been disrespected by a Thai, and I haven't been murdered by one in the sea.  


    It seem these terrible things only happen to a certain group of people on this forum who go around the country complaining, treating people disrespectfully, looking down on the Thais, making no effort to learn the language, hanging around exclusively with prostitutes, and generally being arsey and disdainful.    I think that is no coincidence.

    Obviously you think I've just been lucky.

    • Confused 2
  7. 18 hours ago, Ramdas said:

    It’s a known reality that as long as you’re Thai you’re pretty much allowed to do whatever you want in the land of deception since they’re immune/protected by their own people and the police about no matter what crime they’ve committed ! Simply disgraceful ????????‍♂️ Scary ????

    Er, he didn't commit a crime. 


    And how do you explain the several hundred thousand Thai people in jail if thais are just allowed to do whatever they like as they are protected by their own people and police? 


    The "land of deception" sounds a very scary place indeed.  Are you related to Fruitman by any chance? 

  8. 1 hour ago, tokachinter said:

    IIRC, the second Race of Champions was a late cancellation after promises about the unfinished stadium were broken. The FIA won't be keen for F1, their showpiece, to visit here anytime soon.    

    Incorrect.  The stadium has been there for years and had hosted the event previously.  It was cancelled due to the political unrest / street violence which was quite extreme at the time.

  9. Never used the long term one, and I don't think many people do.


    The car park that's connected to the terminal is 250 baht per day.  So 3,000 baht for 12 days.


    Long term is 140 baht per day but I have no idea how you get to the terminal at that time of night.  For the extra 1,500 baht or so I would just pay for the knowledge and security of knowing you can walk to the terminal and avoiding the hassle.

  10. On 2/13/2019 at 5:14 PM, BLACKJACK2 said:

    Hi, did you find out the answer to this, I will be travelling with my parents, both in there 80's, and was wondering if we could go through as a family. If you can't I think they would rather queue normally than get split up.

    Not sure if they will or won't let you go through together (but think they probably would).  But you wouldn't get split up.  Try the Fast Track lane first, if they say no you all go together to the normal lane.

  11. 10 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    Incredible amount of yelling and shouting in a traumatic situation. Quite typical though.

    Jeez, is that all you have got to say?  That was a difficult place to extract her from and if you can understand what they are saying there are not just yelling and shouting, they were coordinating in difficult circumstances - lots of volunteers.  But easy for you to look down on things - you would have rescued her silently, no doubt.


    Well done rescuers.  Shame on you for a pathetic comment.

    • Like 1
  12. There's a shop in the mall connecting to Ramkhamhaeng ARL station that rents winter clothing.  It's a weird little shop in a weird location but I pass it every day and it is stocked full of winter jackets, hats, gloves etc.  No idea what their prices are like but may be worth checking out.


    I can confirm next time I get on or off the train there, but I think it's called "rent a coat shop".


    As yes, found it:  http://www.rentacoatshop.com/


  13. I've never been to a Taco Bell.  But I am intrigued after so many people rave about it on here.


    Does anyone know if there are still long queues or has it died down?  I am tempted to try it but not if it means queueing up for it.

  14. 11 hours ago, samsensam said:


    registered mine today, they have this scanner thing; type in passport details and (fake) mobile number then put the rabbit card on the scanner, all done in under two minutes. interestingly the guy doing it seemed to be training the other staff in the office - which shows some fore thought.


    That's reassuring to hear - thanks for posting.

  15. 14 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    Flight from DMK (Don Meung) so I presume you mean the normal train that comes from Hua Lampong and stops at Don Meung station, right? That's the only "train" and it's a true train that goes there. Not sure of the timing as trains go all hours of the day and night but best would be to call the train hotline number and ask: http://www.railway.co.th/main/index_en.html. You just need to get to the train station from Asoke.


    Don't know why other posters are saying there's no trains at those hours. Some people have no idea and they post nonsense things like that.

    Oh yeah, total nonsense advice from everyone.


    He is in Asoke and he was asking if there are any trains from there that take him somewhere he can get a bus from to the airport to avoid paying tolls.  It is obvious he was referring to BTS/MRT/ARL.  And as we all said they don't run at that time and a taxi would be easy and cheap - no need for the tollway.  In fact no trains at all run at that time, no electric trains, no "true" trains.  So our advice was correct.


    But then Mr Smug trots along and denigrates everyone who offered advice.  So let's look at your advice as you know what you're talking about and you don't post nonsense.  So how do you suggest he get from Asoke to a train station to catch one of these imaginary all night trains to the airport?  Take a taxi to Hua Lamphong?  How much will that cost?  The first train leaves Hua Lamphong at 4.20am and arrives at DMK station at 4.59am, one minute before his plane is airborne  - and luckily these "true" trains are always super punctual.  So, if I'm not wrong (but I only post nonsense so I'm probably incorrect), your advice means he takes a taxi in the wrong direction (remember he wanted to avoid cost) then catches a train that takes 40 minutes to trundle to an airport and arrives after his plane has already left.  So, a journey of more than an hour, significant cost, inconvenience and smelliness, and he misses his flight.  Or he could just get a taxi, as suggested, take the non toll route, not waste money, have an easy and quick journey and not miss his flight.


    Oh, but maybe you meant he could get the last train at night, around 11pm, do the same inconvenient journey, and spend 5 hours sitting on his arse at DMK?  Would love you to explain what other imaginary train he could take, how we are all posting nonsense, and enlighten us.


    Can't stand people who insult others and post utterly incorrect advice which could potentially ruin someone's day.


    Run along genius and play somewhere else.







    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  16. 6 hours ago, impulse said:


    Great that you came back, thanked him and provided more info for anyone else reading in.  Kudos for that.


    And thank your lucky stars you didn't get 5 pages of guys with nothing better to do than diss you for a) even driving in BKK, b) contributing to global warming, c) not knowing everything they do about Thailand, d) well, you get the idea. 


    Sometimes, less is better.  Then the good info doesn't get lost in the noise.


    You missed one.  e) telling you the ARL is the worst thing in the world and only a fool would consider using it - especially at that time in the morning.  Take a cab or drive etc etc.

  17. 6 hours ago, thejcb said:

    Hi Joseph,  Got there a 7:30 and still quite a few places available.


    When I arrived back in late afternoon, the cars had been double parked, hand brake off stuff.  Thanks for your input, this saved me a lot of concerns and time.  


    Nb. Nobody else responded, only you, but your single response was enough ! 


    Thanks for the update.  Like Impulse said, it's always nice when someone comes back to say thanks and give updated info that might be useful for others - usually people don't bother.


    And the other stuff he said is true too.  ????

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